
作者&投稿:务宣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 问题一:你的酒量应该很好吧?用英语怎么说?谢谢 英语翻译为:Your drink should be good?

问题二:“酒量”英文怎么说 酒量:
1. capacity for liquor
2. capacity for wine
I know you can hold your liquor.
You must toy-the consumption of alcohol within bounds.
I hate wimpy drinker.
Drink under
The manager is a heavy drinker. It's going to be hard to keep up with him.
You pride yourselves on your capacity, but he can drink you all under the table.
I do not think the wimpy drinker is going to last long in this club.
With that amount of liquor in him he felt fit to take on the whole pany.
Sure. But don't try to drink me under the table again. You can drink a lot more than I can.
Mr Adams can't hold his liquor as he used to, so tell them not to keep filling his glass.

问题三:”酒量好“用英语怎么说? 可以用strong head或者Many people can drink a lot.

问题四:“你酒量太大了!”用英语怎么翻译? You are really a big drinker.

四:amazing dringking quantity, great&cool! cheers!

问题三:”酒量好“用英语怎么说? 可以用strong head或者Many people can drink a lot.问题四:“你酒量太大了!”用英语怎么翻译? You are really a big drinker.

"Mass"例句 全部magnanimitygreat capacity for liquor 对不住的地方,望您海量包涵。I hope you will be magnanimous enough to excuse any incorrect behaviour on my part.

在英语环境下,我们说一个人酒量不好可以表达为I am a cheap drunk.这个表达十分地道。或者可以说not good at drinking 而英国人比较谦虚,一般不会直说自己酒量好,在美式英文里我们用 I can drink all you guys under the table.来表达自己酒量好。直译过来就是我们把你们都喝趴下,比较热情的文...

酒量:capacity for liquor 酒量大的 three-bottle

英语形容一个人酒量大,会说这个人是“he has\/gets a hollow leg”,字面意思是“他有一条中空的腿”,那当然是千杯不醉了,喝多少漏多少,纯粹是段誉的六脉神剑。

你的酒量应该很好吧?Your drink should be good?英语(English),属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,是由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、荷兰及周边移民至不列颠群岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到了世界各地。由于在历史上曾和多种...

You are really a big drinker.

1. Hope you eat well, drink well.2. You knew my English very inferior, please do not mind 3. My this test definitely cannot pass, is very sad oh 4. Therefore asks you to help me, certainly must let my ~ PASS, PASS~ha-ha 5. Must help me in any event 6. Respects ...

i can drink as much as 10 people do.(drink在口语一般就是指喝酒的意思)

昭阳区15356631347: “你酒量太大了!”用英语怎么翻译?
阳连奥罗: You are really a big drinker.

昭阳区15356631347: 很会喝酒的英文 -
阳连奥罗: 1.He has a fancy for wine.他喜欢喝酒 . 2.A bibulous fellow.爱喝酒的家伙.3. he lifts the little finger so much.他太爱喝酒了.

昭阳区15356631347: 英文怎么形容,这个人的酒量怎么样?英文怎么形容 酒量好不好呢? -
阳连奥罗:[答案] 酒量大..Drinking capacity is big酒量差..Drinking capacity is bad形容人酒量大..Drink like a fish他酒量很大,没有丝毫醉意.He carries his liquor like a gentleman.他没有酒量,喝点儿色酒就会醉倒.He has no ca...

昭阳区15356631347: 我的酒量顶10个人,翻译成英语 -
阳连奥罗: i can drink as much as 10 people do.(drink在口语一般就是指喝酒的意思)

昭阳区15356631347: “把我灌醉”翻译成英文怎么说? -
阳连奥罗: Sure. But don't try to drink me under the table again. You can drink a lot more than I can.当然,不过别再想把我灌醉.你的酒量比我好太多了.I drank him down.我把他灌醉了.He intoxicated them with wine.他用酒把他们灌醉了.Last night we got...

昭阳区15356631347: 【我的酒量不行】用英语怎么说 -
阳连奥罗: 【我的酒量不行】 How much can you drink?你的酒量怎么样?I get drunk easily 我的酒量不行(酒量小)

昭阳区15356631347: 别人说你酒量好该怎么回复 -
阳连奥罗: 当别人说你酒量好时,你的回复取决于你的实际情况和与对方的关系.以下是一些可能的回复:1. 如果你确实酒量不错,并且你与对方的关系较好,可以轻松地回答:“谢谢,我还可以.今晚喝得开心吗?”2. 如果你并不希望别人认为你的酒量很好,但也不想直接否认,可以回答:“还可以,谢谢.今晚的酒确实很好喝,我们一起享受这个晚上吧.”3. 如果你与对方并不熟悉,或者你觉得自己不胜酒力,可以回答:“谢谢夸奖,不过我的酒量其实一般.今晚的酒确实很好喝,我们一起享受这个晚上吧.”无论你选择哪种回答,都要保持礼貌和谦虚.同时,也要注意自己的言行举止,不要因酒而做出不适宜的行为.

昭阳区15356631347: '酒量'的英文字母 -
阳连奥罗: '酒量'的英文 hangovers

昭阳区15356631347: 英语翻译1 少喝点酒 除了 Don't drink too much.外,再写个同义表达2 你今天可以多喝点酒,因为明天休息3 晚上睡觉的时候不要再吃东西了,尤其是甜食4 他... -
阳连奥罗:[答案] 楼主您好: 第一个 Take it easy with the booze. 第二个 You can drink wine today, because tomorrow to rest. 第三个 When sleeping in the evening, don't take any food, especially sweets. 第四个 His good drinker / poor. 祝楼主学习进步

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