
作者&投稿:茹傅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Are you going to transfer to another school after the Christmas holiday?

Yes, I want to cherish the these best days





The poet is trying to explain the root of human being's misery. He believes that the reason why the paradise is lost is that human lacks reason and will power. They can't fight the temptation and seduction from the outside world so they make wrong choice out of emotion. Eva's mistake is from her ignorance for knowledge and becoming god. While Adam's fall is because of that he spoils his wife. Satan's fall is from his ambition and pride. From these misfortune, the poet indicates that the evolution of the capitalist class failed because of the similar reasons--the loss of morality, wallowing in luxury and pleasure.

This is the indelible history of the evolution of the British capitalist class as well as an extraordinary accomplishment in art/literature. But the God in the poem seems rather cold and lifeless.
Milton also harshly criticizes the dissolute way of life of the feudal lords.

翻的好辛苦,看来我水平有限啊。。。。: (

1. Hope you eat well, drink well.
2. You knew my English very inferior, please do not mind
3. My this test definitely cannot pass, is very sad oh
4. Therefore asks you to help me, certainly must let my ~ PASS, PASS~ha-ha
5. Must help me in any event
6. Respects your glass of liquors, my alcohol capacity is notgood, did not mind

1.I hope that everything goes well with you.
2.You know my English is so poor.Please excuse me.
3.I'm sure I won't pass the exam.So heartbroken.
4.So,please do help me,let me pass.
5.Please try your best to help me.
6.Cheers for you.I'm not good at drinking.please don't mind.

1,I hope you can help yourself.

2, You know my English is very poor, so don't mind.

3, I must fail this exam, I am so sad.

4, so please help me to pass the exam.

5, anyway, give me your hand.

6, toast for you. I am not good at drinking. don't mind.

english language 英文;英语语言学 chinese language 汉语 language learning 语言学习 second language 第二语言 近义词:n. [语]语言;语言文字;表达能力 tongue , parole 词语辨析:lexicon, term, vocabulary, word, language 这组词都有“文字,词,语言”的意思,其区别是:lexicon 指某种语言、某人...

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1.八岁男孩 a eight-year-old boy 2.一个小男孩 a little boy 3.乐于帮你 glad to help you 4.坐这个座位 take this seat 5.在医院工作 work in hospital 6.在校学校 at school 7.沙发上的那个人 the person on the sofa 8.跟妈妈生活 live with mum 9.找到工作 find a job 10.想...

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邛崃市17817632782: 英语口语用英语翻译 -
许怡阿莫: oral English; spoken English ; conversational English 英语口语

邛崃市17817632782: 英语口语翻译
许怡阿莫: this afternoon our school will have an award ceremony.

邛崃市17817632782: 英语口语翻译
许怡阿莫: 您好,可翻译为:Our school will hold an award ceremony this afternoon.满意速速采纳,谢谢!

邛崃市17817632782: 英语口语翻译 -
许怡阿莫: I am xx of xx company. Our company is the partner of xx company in the Chinese mainland. We can provide local-rization serice, such as: pre-sales consulting and training about product use. The e-mail we received from xx company today, sees the ...

邛崃市17817632782: 把“口语英语”翻译成英文
许怡阿莫: “口语英语”oral English

邛崃市17817632782: 英语翻译翻译成英语口语:1.为什么会遇上他!2.那我只好坑你一顿(饭)了~3.(点菜时)真麻烦,把好吃的都拿上来吧~ -
许怡阿莫:[答案] 1.为什么会遇上他!! Why did I meet him? 2.那我只好坑你一顿(饭)了 So you must invite me to a dinner(请人吃饭一般是晚餐). 3.(点菜时)真麻烦,把好吃的都拿上来吧~ Forget those steps,just bring us the delicacies! 自己翻译的,不过楼主...

邛崃市17817632782: 英语口语对话翻译
许怡阿莫: Do you have any plan for the summer? Probably, I will do some part-time job. We are going to India for travelling. Wow, that's a mysterious place. But it will cost you a lot. I don't think that's a good idea. I don't think so. Even though it will cost some ...

邛崃市17817632782: 英语口语翻译
许怡阿莫: 1 Please accept appointment to the window test. 2 look at the big screen, if license information on your name, please go to window for XX license 3 id original and photocopy

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