
作者&投稿:镡话 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1, They just put money into a charging box
2, We can use public transportation card to pay for buses.

  1. Watching movies is much more interesting than reading.

  2. Lily is taller than her elder sister.

  3. My (younger male) counsin does better than me in study.

  4. My elder sister is a little thinner than me.

  5. Cindy is shier than other girls.

1. Watching movies is much more interesting than reading books.
2. Lili is taller than her sister.
3. My cousin's academic results are better than mine.
4. My sister is a bit thinner than me.
5..Cindy is much shier than other girls.

Watching movies is more interesting than reading books.
Lili is taller than her sister.
My cousin’s marks is better than mine.
My sister is thinner than i
Sindy is shyer than the other girls.


路曼曼其修远兮,吾将上下而求索这是离骚中很经典的句子在追寻真理方面,前方的道路还很漫长,但我将百折不挠,不遗余力地去追求和探索。 原句:众女嫉余之蛾眉兮,谣诼谓余以善淫。翻译:众女(诸臣)嫉妒我的美貌(才德),造谣诬蔑说我放荡不羁。 原句:鸷鸟之不群兮,自前世而固然。翻译:雄鹰不与燕雀同群, 自古...

1.在下午四点 Four in the afternoon 2.讲点汉语 Speaks some Chinese 3.想学数学 Want to learn mathematics 4.去游泳 Go swimming 5.对我们的爷爷奶奶好 For our grandparents 6.在唱歌方面帮助他们 In singing to help them 7.帮我学历史 Help me learn history 8.学习...

1.我还没来得及记下车牌号码,汽车就要开走了 I have no time to write down the license plate number, vehicle will be gone 2.我一到飞机场,飞机就起飞了。2.as soon as I got to the airport, the plane took off.3.一旦你理解了这一点,理解别的内容就没有困难了。3.once you ...

34. --对不起,我把我的作业忘在家里了。 --没事,不要忘记下午把它带到学校来。(I'm sorry that I left my homework at home.---Nothing serious(或It's OK),don't forget to bring it this afternoon.)35. 奶奶要求李锋帮她买些东西。(Grandma asked Li Feng to buy aomething for ...

2.While she was waiting,her phone rang 2。她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了。3.We've become good friends since last summer 3。自从去年夏天,我们已经成为好朋友了。4.Your neihbour says your flat was burgled this afternoon 4。你的邻居说今天下午你的公寓遭偷窃了。(这句英文neihbour你...

These trees must be planted in spring.These photos might be taken in 2001.These books mustn't be lent to others.The animals is regarded as our friends.Your homework should be finished by yourself.

1Do you dare toeat it? Maybe it is delicious.2It turned out tobe what I used to suppose it to be.3If the screen ofyour iPhone cracks, you can utilize this wallpaper.4What the hell isit? A chick or a duck?5Is the maledressed like this?6Poor boy, do notever slide ...

1.我爱的人在海的那边 내가 사랑하는 사람은 바다 저쪽에 있다(있어요\/있습니다)2.在你身后这样看着你就是幸福 ...

翻译英语短语 句子
1.本应该 should have done 2.经历,通过,检查 get through 3.遭受孤独的痛苦 suffer from the pain of loneliness 4.拉窗帘 pull a curtain 5.因...感激某人 thank somebody for...6.欺骗某人做某事 take in somebody to do something 7.讲得通 reasonable 8.说英语的国家 The ...

这一类字眼是不能翻译也是译不好的。 ②有些词语在一定语境中往往具有特殊含义,如“归”指女子出嫁,但在“男有分,女有归”这句话中就有了“及时婚配”的意思;“亲”有亲近义,但“亲其亲”跟“子其子”是对文,前一个“亲”就有了“奉养”义,后一个“亲”就专指父母了。文中凡能直译的语句一概用...

奉化市15851638319: 英语翻译句子 -
道卸潇然: 1, what happened to you last week?2, she is so lazy that you can't get her up.3, you can't imagine what he was doing at this time yesterday.4, i will keep a cat as a pet.

奉化市15851638319: 英语翻译句子 -
道卸潇然: 1.My favourite sport is swimming.2.Do you finish your writing?3.I'm sorry I came late.4.He came in without voices.5.He came in and did not be seen.

奉化市15851638319: 英语翻译句子
道卸潇然: if you perisist in reading books every day, you will learn a lot from it. therefore it acquires a lot of knowledge. so let's read togethter.

奉化市15851638319: 英语翻译句子
道卸潇然: 我会找到属于我的黑暗的.Surely I'll find darkness belonging to me 它肯定是无比美丽的. It must be splendid 让人安心的. and it can surely set my heart at rest

奉化市15851638319: 翻译英语句子 -
道卸潇然: 1.Can't you finish the work this way?2.An insect fell into his cup.3.I watched him go into the teachers' office.4.I encountered my old friend in the park.5.I don't like the tas...

奉化市15851638319: 英文翻译句子 -
道卸潇然: 1.When I go out when I see them play football2.EMMA playing guitar every day, but today she did not bomb3.Yesterday in the evening they play very happy

奉化市15851638319: 用英语翻译句子 -
道卸潇然: ⒈ 他很淘气,从不听他父母的话. he is very naughty and never listen to his parents⒉ 我妈妈喜欢询问我的学校生活. my mom likes to ask me sonthing about my school life⒊ 我来自韩国,亚洲的一...

奉化市15851638319: (英语)翻译句子. -
道卸潇然: I am learning English and I've learnt a lot.I am so happy that I'm visiting some of my old friends.How was your summer holiday?Now it's winter in Haerbin.A man is taking...

奉化市15851638319: 英语翻译 翻译句子 -
道卸潇然: 你好:翻译如下:Fashion show is only for a few, because very few people have standard figureExcessive pursuit of famous brand, many women can even go for a month to buy designer bags...

奉化市15851638319: 英语翻译句子
道卸潇然: Everyone can't stand being laughted at无法容忍被嘲笑 In order to earn more money ,),He get up very early every day. 为了挣更多的钱 By the beginning of his 20 ... 到 他20岁之时This is the company which famous for its 3G tecnology以3G著称 前面是个完整的句子了 所以后面只能用定语从句

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