翻译英语短语 句子

作者&投稿:岛荷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 从做什么事情中抽出(身/时间);2.发现...有意思; 3.你去...的旅行怎么样?;4.非常棒(过去时);5.leave sb doing sth 让某人做某些事;6. 帮助某人做些事;7.花费...在什么事情上,一般指花费时间或金钱;8. 加工...变成... 9.知道你读者的意见很重要;10. 形成大圈 11. 有读书的习惯;12. 不承认偷窃;13.对事物含义有了更深一步的理解;14.有了把计算机连在一起的主意;15.东西太大了以至于他们拿不了/搬不动(根据具体东西来理解);16. 用绳子把它拽到城里;17.对上帝表现尊重;18. 从...移除... 19. A和B之间分开... 20. 很有幽默感; 21. 在...上有经验;22. 所有的宇航员应该具备沉稳工作的能力和作为团队的一员善于工作; 23. 只要她喜欢,别人的想法并没有关系。


2.However, the children get along with him through this period of time, and gradually have feelings, and eventually persuaded her mother, and he became a pair of loving couple.

1.本应该 should have done
2.经历,通过,检查 get through
3.遭受孤独的痛苦 suffer from the pain of loneliness
4.拉窗帘 pull a curtain
5.因...感激某人 thank somebody for...
6.欺骗某人做某事 take in somebody to do something
7.讲得通 reasonable
8.说英语的国家 The English-speaking country
9.好好掌握,精通 master
10.后者 The latter
11.不久我们就会适应新的学校生活 before long we can adapt to the new school life
12.当他回家时,他发现他的房子被闯入过。 When he came home, he found that his house had been broken into
13.我一看见她就认出她了 I recognized her as soon as I saw her
14.将军命令那个士兵站直。 The general ordered the soldier stood straight.

1、it should be
2、go through
3、suffer from loneliness
4、draw the curtain
5、be grateful to somebody for something
6、cheat somebody into doing something
7、something makes sense
8、English-speaking country
9、master 或者 handle something
10、the latter
11、We will soon get adapt to the life in the new school.
12、He found his house had been broken into when he went back home.
13、I recognized her as soon as I saw her.
14、The general commanded that soldier to stand straight.

1.本应该 be supposed to
2.经历,通过,检查 exposed to
3.遭受孤独的痛苦 suffer the loneliness
4.拉窗帘 draw curtain
5.因...感激某人 be grateful to sb. for sth
6.欺骗某人做某事 cheat sb. into doing sth
7.讲得通make sense
8.说英语的国家 english speaking country
9.好好掌握,精通 make a good knowledge of...
10.后者the latter
11.不久我们就会适应新的学校生活。Soon we will adapt to the new school life
12.当他回家时,他发现他的房子被闯入过。When he returned home, he found his house was broke into .
13.我一看见她就认出她了。(as soon as)i recognized her as soon as i saw her.
14.将军命令那个士兵站直。 General Command soldier stretches

1.本应该 should have done
2.经历,通过,检查 go through
3.遭受孤独的痛苦 suffer from lonliness
4.拉窗帘 draw curtains
5.因...感激某人 be greatful to sb for sth
6.欺骗某人做某事 cheat sb into doing sth
7.讲得通 make sense
8.说英语的国家 English-speaking countries
9.好好掌握,精通 have a good command of
10.后者 the latter
12.当他回家时,他发现他的房子被闯入过。 He found his house had been broken into before when he returned home.
13.我一看见她就认出她了。(as soon as)I recognized her as soon as i saw her.
14.将军命令那个士兵站直。General requested the soldier stand straughtly.[虚拟语气]

1.it ought to/should be
2.go through
3.suffer from loneliness
4.pull the curtains
6.deceive sb into doing sth
7.make sense
8.English speaking countries
9.have a good command of
11.We will adapt to the new school life before long.
12.When he got home,he found his house has been invaded.
13.I recognized her as soon as I saw her.
14.The General ordered him to stand up straight.

牟定县13620171626: 翻译英语短句 -
关慧八正: The rain had cleaned in air.-下雨过后,空气非常清新.Don`t air your trouble too often.- 不要老是唠叨你的烦恼.The play ran long night.- 这场戏很长,播了整晚.My watch has run down.- 我的表停了.Water is runing short.- 水资源越来越少.My school runs a factory.- 学校经营了一家工厂.

牟定县13620171626: 英语翻译短语句子
关慧八正: 1.lent sth. to sb. 2.borrow sth. from sb. 3.tell sb. to do sth 4.tell sb not to do sth 5.get along well with sb 6.return sth to sb 7.see sb doing sth 8.You can borrow some books from your older brother.

牟定县13620171626: 英语翻译句子和短语
关慧八正: 1.Our school located in the South of city, surrounded by green trees. 2.My hometown is a place which has mountains and rivers,like a beautiful gardern. 1.以做...为生;2大量的;3与...达成一致

牟定县13620171626: 翻译英语短句
关慧八正: i will take care of it well 2 please allow me to take a puppy for fostering 3 i want t opet a lovely odg

牟定县13620171626: 英语短句翻译
关慧八正: 1.使我们能跟上时代的步伐Let us keep up with the pace of the times. 2.更能体会到世界的不断变化 Better experience the continual change in the world3.给家庭带来负担Bring burdens to the family 4.对此,我深表惋惜I'm deeply sorry about that. 5自主招生资格自主招生资格 Autonomous enrolment qualification 6.这的却是一种诱惑 This really is a temptation.

牟定县13620171626: 英语短句翻译
关慧八正: 1. 我小的时候,我和母亲总是畅谈. 2. 现在我和母亲每周只有一天见面的时间. 3. 又一次,她带我和我最好的朋友一起出去吃晚饭. 4. She seems to be my friend. 或者 She looks like my friend. 5. That is why she was so sad when I met my friend at that time. 望采纳~~~

牟定县13620171626: 翻译英文短句 -
关慧八正: 比孤单更多的是 对你的思念

牟定县13620171626: 英语翻译短句 -
关慧八正: 81.She is never late for school.82.I promise that I woudn't pollute the air amymore.83.She never goes out at night.84.The friend of the earth helps to keep the enviroment clean and tidy.85.I have never been to the aquarium.

牟定县13620171626: 翻译英语短句
关慧八正: 天开始下雨了.很不幸地,我在最后一分钟被淋湿.谁都不知道,你已经离开了.

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