请高手把以下句子翻译成英文 急求有分!

作者&投稿:赧净 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.am surprised at
2.amazed amazing
4.how to draw
5.show to you

Dear guests,

Thank you for booking rooms of xxx Hotel.

To appreciate you choosing xxx Hotel, from now on we promise you a can of cold beer FOR FREE as long as you rate us favorably on the booking website. Please go to lobby to collect and enjoy your cold beer. Booking xxx Hotel by other means, please help to click "Like" and share it in the comments on our Twitter or FB. Then please go to service desk for your FREE cold beer. (One free beer for a person only. Anyone under 18-year-old is prohibited from drinking).

To ensure improved services, if you have any problems during your stay, please contact us, and we will do our best to get it solved as quickly and efficiently as possible. Thanks a lot! Hoping you will have a nice trip.

1 I will like to be a flat surface designer in the future
2 I think flat surface a designer better seek a work, because the domestic lacks the talented person of this aspect, the opportunity is very big
3 In the holidays, I usually call on with family in the relatives of the other parts of country or get to the Internet with get more concerning design of information
4 I like winter vacation most , because the Chinese all liked Chinese New Year
5 I think very important is the medium of[with] communication in the modern English
6 I think the friend am very important, be me a friend and can help me in the trouble, there is friend would more happy, we can share joy together
7 I like a day to anticipate, because the day anticipates very delicacy,category to have another,the manufacture is fine, for example sushi
8 I am on the BIT learn for three years, I thought the BIT am a better school in China, there are a lot of good teachers and profession, will also have more opportunities
9 Give me impression within this three years deeper is some academic chair concerning designs and compete, very interesting, also saw some well-known personses that design boundary
10 Do preparation for this examination in the home before I come, for example see some dialogues
11 I want Be graduate hereafter go abroad to learn to more concerning the knowledge for design, wait until the graduate student graduation to return to country to seek again a work.My plan goes to Korea.
12 My soil in Peking livings soil long, father is a Peking Man, mother is not, all of them are public officials.

我觉得这三点同样重要: 高薪保证了高的生活质素, 良好的工作环境使人身心愉悦, 工作的得心应手使人获得精神上的满足。我现在从事的职位压力并不大, 是比较机械化的工作, 正因为如此所以薪金也不高.作为一个出色的秘书, 我想有几方面很重要:工作细心,有耐性: 能独当一面, 因为很多时候要为你的...

找英语高手翻译以下句子。 不要工具翻译的 。。。
8. 不管你把什么落在教室了,我们都要帮你找到。However you lost anything in the classroom, we all help you to find.9.我很幸运在那里进行了十个月的法语课程学习。I am very lucky for have ten months of French learning there.10. 那个渔夫使我想起了我的爷爷。The fisherman reminds me...

1.或许我会失败,但我不会放弃 1. Maybe I will fail, but I will never give up 2.我会坚持我的梦想,永不后悔 2. I will insist on my dream, never regret 3.我会一直为我的理想努力,因为我相信,总有一天我会成功 3.I will work hard for my dream, because I believe that I ...

If you are three students li hua, you want to challenge a world guinness world record, but first need to fill in a form, please complete the table according to the following tips.Record name: inside the shortest time memorizing 100 irregular Numbers Challenge location: Beijing Time...

我也来 1.就要期末考试了,我不喜欢期末考试 1,The final examination is coming,but I do not like it。2.学校的生活太辛苦了,假期生活比较轻松 The school life is so boring.I will have a nice and easy life during the vacation.3.我期待着假期的到来 I am looking forward to this ...


collar and tie to go to work.不过在下面这句话里面reffered为后置定语 There is no real boundary to the part of the ocean reffered to as a “deep” because of changing water levels and movement in the sea floor.(由于水面的改变和海底的运动,海洋的深度是没有一个真正的边界。)...

1。全套清洁已装船提单账单签字盖章承运人\/授权代理证明“途中”,注明“运费预付”发出订单\/日期不得晚于...也不迟于信用证日期,标明上述申请人为通知方。2。全套清洁已装船海运账单签署转让提单3 \/3正本和副本,注明“运费预付”证明装运的顺序的…银行通知申请人和我们自己…。3。它是由海关办事处...

1.He often plays computr games.考察的是经常发生的动作,要用一般现在时态。2.He played computer games in the morning.考察时一般过去时态。3.He is playing computer games.进行时态 4.He was playing computer games at this time yesterday.过去进行时 5.He is playing computer games after ...

请高手帮忙把以下翻译成英语。 用翻译软件自动翻译的就不要来凑热闹了...
of the high and new technology industry and has a great influence on its cost and gains.We should reduce the risks to promote the development of high and new technology industry and boost the transition from scientific results to realistic productivity.完全手工翻译,请参考 ...

苍梧县15262581875: 把下列句子翻译成英语,求英语高手解答~在线等~~急求!悬赏!1、大多数人怕蛇(be afraid of)2、我父亲对我的成功感到很激动(be excited about)3、我... -
蒋卞沙美:[答案] 1.Most people is afraid of snakes. 2.My father is excited about my success. 3.Our teacher said that he would be proud of us.

苍梧县15262581875: 请高手将下列句子翻译成英语:你有钢笔吗?我有钢笔吗?你是谁?我是谁? -
蒋卞沙美:[答案] Do you have a pen? Do I have a pen? Who are you? Who am

苍梧县15262581875: 急!求高手翻译几句英文!有赏!将以下几句话翻译一下!谢谢!1 为了理想努力就一定会成功2 学会在平凡的生活中挑战并享受3 美好的梦境令人向往4 不... -
蒋卞沙美:[答案] 1.Make great efforts to be sure to succeed right away for the ideal2.Learn to challenge and enjoy in ordinary life3.Fine dreamworld is alluring4.Not being controlled and seduced by desire5.Ought to be...

苍梧县15262581875: 快来英语翻译啊!求高手解答谢谢!急急!给以下句子翻译成英语: 1.我叔叔搬进了新家.新房子装修的很漂亮. 2.新房子比老房子更大,很暖和和很明亮.... -
蒋卞沙美:[答案] 1、My uncle has moved into a new house. The new house is beautifully decorated.2、The new house is bigger than the old one, and it is very warm and bright.3、The new house has three bedrooms,one kitchen,one big living room,one small dinning hall...

苍梧县15262581875: 英语翻译求高手将如下句子翻译成英文:抱歉!我的英文已经还给老师了,网盘不能理解您刚才所说的,能否用中文复述一遍吗?或者我私下再请教您! -
蒋卞沙美:[答案] Sorry! My English teacher has returned, network disk that you just said does not understand, can use Chinese repeat again? Or I ask again that you privately!

苍梧县15262581875: 麻烦各位英文高手帮我一个忙啊.把一下句子翻译成英文!拜托了!急求! -
蒋卞沙美: Magic valve pavilion Fate for you, why not. Dear, you don't go, I really love you. Sweat and tears, the chemical composition of the similar, but the former can have brilliant, the latter can only bo to sympathy.

苍梧县15262581875: 急!!求英语高手帮忙翻译以下几个句子 -
蒋卞沙美: 个人觉得基本无误.The news that earthquake hit Sichuan shocked us.Though he cannot speak, he can make himself understood by means of gesture.Keep up your courage and you are certainly to be successful.

苍梧县15262581875: 请高手帮忙把下面一句翻译成英文,谢谢!
蒋卞沙美: If I have a chance,I hope to go everywhere with you.

苍梧县15262581875: 求英语高手!谁能帮我把下面句子翻译成英文
蒋卞沙美: Received your gift, and I was very happy. I like English, this dictionary is...

苍梧县15262581875: 请一个英文高手帮忙翻译成英语句子!很急!今天,是我最糟糕的一天.因为,我没有见到我最想见的人.买给他的礼物,还在我手上,没有送出去.糟糕的一天.... -
蒋卞沙美:[答案] today was the worst day.because i didn't see the person i mostly wanted to see.The gift bought him is still in my hand.

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