
作者&投稿:历眉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

基于会计信息财富分配用途的考虑,会计主体的确立是传统会计系统的一个重要前提,而工来时代企业组织垂直控制的特征也为这一前提的确立提供了它所必须的外部环境。随着知识经济时代的到来,企业组织的垂直控制结构正在发生网络化的、扁平化的改变。这种改变使得会计主体假设开始失去其既有的合理性。除此之外,技术资产的合理计量在客观上也需要突破传统会计主体的范围,因为技术的先进性需要与其他企业的同类技术相比较,才可以进行合理的衡量。这些改变在客观上要求会计信息的揭示突破传统的空间范围。因此 ,如何恰当地提供主体及其相关方的信息,代表着未来会计的一个发展方向。

Based on accounting information consideration of the use of the distribution of wealth, the main accounting is the establishment of traditional accounting systems are an important prerequisite for, and the era of enterprise organizations to control the vertical characteristics of this premise for the establishment of which it must provide the external environment. With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, business organizations control the vertical structure of the network are taking place, flattening the change. This change makes the main accounting assumptions started to lose its existing reasonable. In addition, the technology assets of a reasonable measure objectively the need to break through the main scope of traditional accounting, because the advanced technology needs with other similar technology companies, compared to before we can conduct a reasonable measure. These changes in the objective requirements of the accounting information reveals the scope of traditional space. Therefore, how to provide appropriate and relevant to the main message, represent the future development direction of an accounting.

Real estate intermediary management system management system designand realization
Today network world already was no comparison between them, itslet between the person and person's relation more unobstructed andfrequent, even if was links up with the stranger is all unrestrained,the information transmission already presented the magnanimous growth,this already has actually overcome the solid platform for theinformation commerce, now the information technology application moreand more popularizes, not only promoted society's high speeddevelopment, also was changing people's work, the study, the life andthe entertainment way as well as the thought idea. Along with computerdaily popularization, computer software there is no place not in.Software is very important in the computer development and theapplication, enters the information society when the humanity becomesthe emerging information industry the prop, the computer technologyswift and violent development, specially symbolized along with thenetwork technology appearance the information time already approached.The information tide, the network revolution while brings the impactto the society, also caused the real estate service to be under theintense impact, the real estate industry tradition management and theservice way has not been able to adapt the reader to the literatureinformation demand which grew day by day. Along with the non-nativepopulation unceasing increase, the house intermediary inquirydifficulty also correspondingly increases, the manual way alreadycould not answer the purpose, how utilized the advanced informationtechnology, enhanced the science the management and the service level,was a new challenge which we faced.
This system main minute service operation, information inquiry, systemmaintenance, system report form, system and so on five aspects. Thesystem may complete to each kind of function and so on informationbrowsing, inquiry, increase, deletion, revision, namely has the singlecondition inquiry and the multi- conditions inquiry in the system,also has the precise inquiry and the fuzzy inquiry, its goal all isfor the convenient user use. The system has the integrity the user toincrease, the deletion and the password revision function.

Key word management system management system, inquiry, window,territory

Financial reports on the future development trend of the concept
Financial reporting financial information exchange is the main way, it's subject to three main factors of each other: the exchange of information, and time. Information exchange, refers to the exchange of information by relying on the transmission medium and its transmission. In such major media as traditional paper, pen and ink and calculations, while the main transmission format for some of the statements. Information exchange, is the de facto deadline for the exchange of information and send a specific time. In traditional accounting, the deadline for sending information field is usually the balance sheet date, and send a specific time normally is the date of the accounting statements. Information exchange, the exchange of information is expressed by its own meaning. In traditional accounting, financial statements for the transmission of information is often considered to be the true financial condition and operating results.
With the advent of the knowledge, the above three factors for each area are being or have already changed. Machine technology is rewriting the paper, ink and calculations, and other traditional information technology; modern communication technologies are changing the traditional methods of information exchange and the exchange of time; new technological revolution and modern high-speed development, are updating the meaning of traditional accounting information. Based on these changes, the next financial report will be the framework in the following 10 aspects of the limitations of traditional framework to guide the future structure of the accounting system changes accordingly.

(A) the financial statements pluralistic framework of the concept of system

Accounting statements are the main accounting system output, comprehensive information provided by the variety, quantity and quality and structure of the traditional accounting system has a close relationship between the. System in the financial statements in the development of the past 100 years although After changes, but such changes are only in the traditional system of refining and improving, and not to fundamentally change the system of accounting statements and information provided by the single attribute. If the modern electronic computer provided by the random storage properties to re-design and construction of a new accounting system, then the system should be able to complete the multiple information-processing functions, so that the accounting statements and its system of the information provided by a wide range of properties特征. If we can provide to users if they choose TV programs like the convenience, allowing them to choose their own arbitrary manner the information needed by the variety, quantity and quality, then the future of the accounting system will certainly be a system full of vitality. If based on the different uses of accounting information users can access their own arbitrary required by accounting information, rather than by the accountants to decide what they need information, do not need any information, then the accounting of the living space will be expanded. 21 accounting, and its role will be more extensive and brilliant.

(B) weigh the reliability of accounting information and the relevance of the concept.

The reliability of accounting information and the relevance of accounting information from the different uses by the decision. For the traditional distribution of wealth accounting information requirements of high reliability, and for the investment decision-making requirements of the accounting information is a strong correlation. Therefore, to provide reliable information related to satisfy two different uses of information needs, constitute the accounting profession's an important factor. As is traditional accounting system of accounting information on the distribution of wealth and the use of established and developed, fundamentally speaking, it emphasized that the reliability of accounting information. Despite the norms of accounting information production and exchange of authority is also trying to enhance the reliability on the basis of relevance, but for a single attribute of information, the reliability and relevance is a pair of irreconcilable contradictions. The reliability of the information that would damage the relevance of the information, and stressed the relevance of the information, what will the expense of reliability. If the information revealed a single set aside the basic ideas and information revealed by way of multi-channel, reliability and relevance of the contradictions can be resolved. For example, to the historical cost basis of accounting information more reliability, and to assess the value-based accounting information more relevant, two different attributes of accounting information provided at the same time, will satisfy the information requirements of different uses. Modern information technology makes this a highly developed multi-information reveals a pattern not just a vision.

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
1、同这个案件相比,最近几个月的盗窃事件不值得一提。The thefts in recent month paled compared with this case.2、那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是摆脱不了负疚感。He still can not shake away the guilty feeling even many years have passed since the traffic accident.3.尽管我...

When I lost faith 当我失去信心的时候 You believed in me 你总是相信我;When I stumbled 当我跌倒的时候 You were right there 你总是在我身旁;For every act of love you've done 你对我所有的爱护,I owe you one 我要感激你。There were hard times 每当困难的时候,I know I surviv...

很快的[翻译]- Soon \/ quickly 来了吗?[翻译]- are they coming?不一起吗[翻译]- come whit us 不打扰您了[翻译]- Do not bother you 蓝色装备[翻译]- Blue equipment 紫色装备[翻译]- Purple equipment 不是这个啊[翻译]- is not this one 我朋友都没有在线[翻译]- my friend doesn`...

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll n...

请求英文高手帮我翻译 谢谢了 很着急 很重要
自己翻译的 略微作了适当的修改 以避免中文直译的不恰当和尴尬 希望能帮上你 谢谢你们把我带到这个繁华的世界,Thank you for bringing me into such a flourishing world,给了我良好的成长环境,giving me a piece of fertile land for growth,默默忍受我的无理取闹将我抚养成人,nurturing me and...

帮你翻译如下:1. If Jim isn’t able to answer the question, chances are that no other student in the class can, either.如果Jim不能回答这个问题的话,那就更不用说班上其他同学了。2. They decided to sit on the bad news as long as possible.他们决定对此(坏)消息置若罔闻。3...

I entered the Japanese-owned store,all shop assistants bowed to me in unsion.当我进入日本营业的商店,售货员一齐向我鞠躬问好。14.You quit that respectable,well-paid job for this unpromising one?What has come over you?你辞了那个体面而高薪的工作换了到这个没前途的?你怎么了?

跨接器、交接箱;遥控器、remote controller 电源线、power line 边框、 frame 声表面波器件;木塑粒子、塑木板、环氧板板、环氧树脂板;锂电池、Li battery?液晶屏、Lcd 硒鼓、电子线路板;electronic curcuit board?散热片、换向阀、充气瓶、内存、 memory 显卡、 display card 机箱, computer ...

i can find as long as written in English.5.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一定被完全炸毁了。i can confirm that building had been blown down in air attack.6.她被这突如其来的打击吓得好几分钟讲不出一句话来。She was scared and speechless for several minutes by this sudden shock....

求高手帮我翻译成英文~~~谢谢~~~(直接用翻译器的就不用麻烦了)_百度知 ...
1 degree or above, marketing, advertising planning, real estate, economic, professional Chinese Language and Literature;2, more than one year experience in real estate marketing planning, creative master copy.3, proficient knowledge of marketing, market research expertise, marketing tools ...

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庾雨贺斯: 基于会计信息财富分配用途的考虑,会计主体的确立是传统会计系统的一个重要前提,而工来时代企业组织垂直控制的特征也为这一前提的确立提供了它所必须的外部环境.随着知识经济时代的到来,企业组织的垂直控制结构正在发生网络化的...

长宁县13383262678: 求英语高手翻译一篇英文摘要,是把汉语翻译成英文,会的帮我翻译下啊,高手们,...
庾雨贺斯: Administered by the professional ethics education is a top priority for major colleges and universities, continue to strengthen students administered by the professional ethics education is very necessary. Colleges and universities as the most ...

长宁县13383262678: 跪求专业翻译,翻译一篇铁路专业文章,帮我翻译成英语,谢谢!!!急急急····最少五百字 -
庾雨贺斯: Consideration of transportation safetyPick to: analysis of railway container transport in the presence of the empty container back way off, container cargo, container loading concealed designation of overload and unbalanced load and stress and ...

长宁县13383262678: 请英语高手替我把一篇中文文章翻译成英文,谢谢! -
庾雨贺斯: University of Edinburgh Edinburgh University is a privately established institute of higher education, the coeducation, one of for nowad...

长宁县13383262678: 急求英语高手翻译一段文章!
庾雨贺斯: Life consists of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yesterday is too misty, and tomorrow is too mysterious. Today is the only one that is real. Yesterday is the background of the stage. It is the blue colour that decorates your memory. Yesterday is ...

长宁县13383262678: 急!求英语高手帮我翻译一篇3000字的英文,关于绩效管理的求英语
庾雨贺斯: 有效的表现managementlook喜欢什么? 有效性能管理依靠系统和人保证正确的事发生.坚硬系统、过程和数据与软的方面是不能分离的,例如文化,领导和学会.你不简...

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庾雨贺斯: Ask English to translate the master to help me to translate a paragraph !! Adopt Bonus !! Plus QQ .100824547

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庾雨贺斯: It is good at smelling,and it is human's loyalest friend. Do you know it? Yes, it is dog! And my favorite animal is dog. I was afraid of dog at first,because my friend used to have a dog, which was not friendly to me.But after my uncle kept a dog,I stared ...

长宁县13383262678: 跪求英文高手帮我翻译下面一个小短篇~!拜托..急需啊. -
庾雨贺斯: 想要翻译得很有文采不太容易,尽力而为了.翻译如下:灯的含义要比其基础的照明功能丰富的多.我们热爱灯饰行业,是因为灯对我们的家庭的贡献.无论是坐落在您心爱的读书椅旁的地灯,或是优雅的嵌在壁炉架上洒满一屋温柔的餐厅饰灯...

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