
作者&投稿:壤迫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1C mistake A for B 把A错当成B
2B 中国人在国家的北部建起了一座新的绿色长城
3A 几年之后
4D 我们不能以貌取人
5B in rush hours是在高峰时段
6A the 100-meter race是固定搭配,百米赛跑
7B one and a half hour 一个半小时
8A shoe shop是鞋店,有两家,shops变复数
9B people单复数同形;lives是因为后面有were是复数谓语
10D 裤子是复数
11C.two glasses of milk,因为前面是are
12C a little sheep一只小羊,单数
13B 不定代词,同类不同个的复数形式是those,单数是that
14D 他累得哪儿都不想去了
15B that作代词,代指前面那句话。
16B 和13题一样,不过这是同类不同个的单数形式,weather不可数
17B what引导的是宾语从句
18B each other's彼此的
19A 因为knows是三单,所以是没有人知道问题的答案
20A 和16题一样


21B 因为后面是is,所以应该是每一本,就是every,each只用于两者之中。
22C larger修饰population;that还是代词,代指其他国家的人口
23B heavily是沉重的
24C as a beautiful girl as she像他一样漂亮的女孩儿
25A two-hundred-word 有连字符了,就不要用复数了。
26B the Room 608 类似于the Class 2
34B 明天会是个下雨天吗?
35B It作形式主语;it is no good doing sth.做某事没有好处
36C two and a half hours' 两个半小时
37C 祈使句用will也就是将来时反问
38C hardly是几乎不,所以反问要用肯定形式也就是could


2.The center of gravity of the human body ______ behind his joint.
A. located B. locating C. to locate D. is located
(D) 只有D是完整的谓语表达。

5.“When did you go to work?”
“As soon as they came, we ______ to work.”
A.went B. were going C. had gone D. go
(A) as soon as 前后时态一致,一⋯⋯就⋯⋯

7.Perhaps it will be A long time ______ from abroad.
A. when Tom comes back B. when Tom will come back
C.before Tom comes back D. that Tom comes back
(C)只有C是表达一段时间,“在汤姆从国外回来之前”,对应前面的“a long time“

8.Tom ______ mathematics throughout his college life.
A. bored B. bored with C. was bored D. was bored with
(D) be bored with 对某人某事感到厌烦。

12.My English teacher ______ my test.
A.has not yet graded B. has not yet been graded
C.is not yet to be graded D. is not yet graded
(A)我的英语老师还没有给我打分。现在完成时的否定式not 后面加yet。老师打分,主动态。B是被动态,C时态语态都错

13.We ______ on it for many hours, but we have not yet reached any conclusion.
A.are being worked B.are working C.have been working D.have been worked
(C)现在完成进行时,主语+助动词(have/has)+been+动词的现在分词+其他成分。此处表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作。我们已经“研究(work on)”这个很久了,但还没有任何结论。

16.“______ your best? It’s not satisfactory. I’m afraid you will have to do it again.”
A.Do you try B. Have you tried C. Are you trying D. Have you been trying

18.My uncle, Sam,______ manager of the firm.
A.has just made B.is just being made C.has just been made D.is just made

19.This is the first time the students ______ to Hyde Park.
A. have gone B. have been gone C. have been going D. are being gone
(A)这是学生们第一次去海德公园。This is the first time (that) the students have gone to Hyde Park. 此处,用现在完成时。B被动态,错。C此动作没有一直持续到现在,所以不能用现在完成“进行”时,D古怪的被动态。

20.She ______ her mother’s work since she was admitted into hospital.
A. is doing B. has been doing C. has done D. has been done

( A )If you are worried about the problem,you should do something _____ it.
A.about B.for C.against D.with
( C ) Does John know any other foreign languages_______French?
A.except B.but C.besides
( A )Five ______ the students made donations to charities last term.
A.hundred of B.hundred

1 D with 带有这个问题 某事/ 物
2 C 这是包含的 除。。。外 也就是 约翰 已经会法语
3 A 这是部分与整体的关系 那些学生中的五百
与hundreds of 不是 一回事。
选B 应去掉 句子中的the

1.PREP帮助;为了If someone does something for you, they do it so that you do not have to do it
C是把那个也包括进去。。。A是不包括的 B但是,不通
hundred of 前不可以加具体数字

for 表示为了
hundred后不加冠词,所以应选hundred of

答案:D.with 与某事有关

C.besides except(but)与besides的区别:前者表示"除了……之外(不再有……)",表示的是一种排除的关系;后者表示"除了……之外(还有……)",

B.hundred hundred是一个确数,表示一百;hundreds of是一个概数,表示“数以百计”。

A worry about是关心的意思,关心自然做关于的事A other是其他的意思,except是除了后面的FRANCH A 固定搭配

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宇章盘得:[答案] 1\isn't,doesn't (并列句前后意思不应该相左) 2\don't,aren't (come from动词,否定借助于do)(come from=be from) 3\Do,are 4\am not,am 5\does ,is

陕县15135952396: 几道初中英语题,急 -
宇章盘得: 1.been2.A3.everywhere(99%的把握)

陕县15135952396: 初中的几道英语题(高手帮忙呀~~~) -
宇章盘得: 1、look the same2、Have you got the dictionary at the moment?3、No matter how4、Unless work 5、had nothing to do with6、was interested in7、It is said

陕县15135952396: 几道简单的初中英语题 -
宇章盘得: 1.If you are late for school,don't try to make any excuse____.2.It's not reasonable_______to expect a child to understand such a difficult question.3.We must start protecting the environment_______now,if we want a better future.4.After the argument,...

陕县15135952396: 几道初中英语题
宇章盘得: 1. on the tree 2. in the tree I live at No.78 Nanjing Street. He saw many hills and rivers beneath the plane. A plane is flying above the clouds. People eat mooncakes on the Mid-autumn Festival.

陕县15135952396: 急急急急!!几道初中英语题!!! -
宇章盘得: 1. B. 交际题2.B 这条鱼很美味3.D. 主语是COOKING,是动作而不是人

陕县15135952396: 几道初中英语题 -
宇章盘得: 1、last week 2、on the playground 3、sports meeting 4、Olmpic games

陕县15135952396: 几道初中英语的题目?
宇章盘得: B , 感官动词hear,see, watch,等有固定的句式,如 see sb do/doing sth,用do 还是doing 取决于看的状态,如果是看见某人正在做某事用doing,如果是一般的看,看整个过程就用do C

陕县15135952396: 有几道初中英语题 -
宇章盘得:老板3. carnival,食肉动物 (我想了很久,只有这个词了)41. Fingers, 手指2. owner. to save5. it'

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