
作者&投稿:翠健 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Ladies, gentlemen
- welcome to the "Miss Rose" movie of this event
- after many days, the audience of the long-awaited "Miss Rose" is finally met today and everyone formally
- it is, we all have to succumb to the excitement of the heart
- don't worry, slowly to, first of all let's enjoy the sith
- the hero holding roses standing in the library, the warm sun outside the window come in, give a person the feeling of heartache
- a look is a warm heart and different love story
- hey, girl, you talked about love
- well, not
- that's a pity, 18 years old before never talk about love life is incomplete
- you know, I also very regret, oh, no, how to me
- good, good, anyway, go ahead
- due to various reasons, the hero XXX and XXX actress didn't came to the scene
- I'm sorry, but fortunately, we please to film director li mou mr.___
- welcome lee, lee's speech, please below

- lee it was, as usual, handsome
- believe lee elegant hair style will cause a new round of agitation
- the following to introduce the movie producer:
- and responsible for the early stage of the translation work
- yes, yes, it is both of us, XXX, XXX
- and special thanks to our foreign teacher: Amber, thank her to correct guidance
- well, I believe everyone can't wait to want to see the film, then let us...
- and so on, wait a moment, if we missed something
- oh, no, there is a heavyweight figure forget is introduced
- XXX!!!Oh god, forgive me, please movie audience sitting XXX say hello to everybody

Miss Rose - the film, please enjoy!

Stopwacth is a everyday used tool which is usually applied widely in sports .So it is necessity for us to choose a number stopwatch which is more exact and convinent .The development of numberial is very fast so that some technics of stopwatch can't not reach in time now,and can't satisfy the mission that using it convient and exactly.

For all the people who are not familiar with it ,it is just a very small city in China.Especially,the charater “亳”(the prounciation is ”薄“rather than“毫”)was coined for this paritcular place specially. It can be illustrated in many ways,in general it is a curtilage on a hignland.In other words, this character is composed of the higher part fo "高" and the lower part of "宅".See,just one small character can contain so much culture .Of course, its reputation comes more from its numerious places of historic figures and cultural heritage and 3700 rich history.It is these that makes it so thick and brilliant.

我给大家节选了包含这句话的一段原文,大家可以参考一下: 披绣闼,俯雕甍,山原旷其盈视,川泽纡其骇瞩。闾阎扑地,钟鸣鼎食之家;舸舰弥津,青雀黄龙之舳。云销雨霁,彩彻区明。落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。渔舟唱晚,响穷彭蠡之滨,雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦。 这篇文章翻译成白话文是这样的: 推开雕花精美的...

招致八州的列国诸侯来朝拜自己,已有一百多年历史;然后将天下作为一家私产,用崤山、函谷关作为宫墙;一个戍卒发难就毁掉了天子七庙,皇子皇孙都死在人家手里,被天下人耻笑,是什么原因呢?就因为不施行仁义而使攻守的形势发生了变化啊。这是过秦论上篇,最后一段的翻译,请笑纳 ...




il y a longtemps que je t'ai vu 与你的相见,在很久以前。C'est trop long 实在是太久了 C'est incroyable que je puisse vivre comme ça 难以置信,我竟然可以这样地活着 阿桑这首歌的前几句,根据法语原文唱了大致意思。也许因为要押韵的缘故,所以有所改动,不是100%相符。


reluctant指的是之前美国国会是“不同意7000亿美元投入金融市场”这件事;reverse指的是180度的大转弯,完全改变了自己的态度;course,原义是线路,这里指的是原来“不同意7000亿美元投入金融市场”的态度,或者方针路线;the battered financial industry:备受打击的金融市场 battered是一个形容词,“备受...

我最近又认真看了一下你系提供的研究生课程, Msc in Mathematics with Modern Application 的课程设置也很好,我认为我也满足该课程的录取要求,且雅思成绩要求6.0 (我有信心短期内雅思考到6.0),如果我现在申请转到该专业Msc in Mathematics with Modern Application 学习 ,可以吗?然后我再申请8周...

的意思是:逝去的一切像河水一样流去,日夜不停。这句话是孔子对于时间流逝,生命短暂的感叹。告诫人们要珍惜时光。 这句话出自于哪里呢?——先秦·孔子《论语十二章》 我给大家节选了包含这句话的一段原文,大家可以参考一下: 子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。”《子罕》 我给大家把翻译也放出来了,便于...

普洱市15610394428: 请英语口语好的朋友进来帮我翻译下这段对话 考试要用 谢谢~! -
无柏糜蛋: 我觉得我的比一楼的朋友好点,呵呵,不是炫耀,我是英语专业的.1.Hello. Can we have a talk?2.Sure.1.Where are you from?2.Xin Jiang. What about you?1.I'm from Fujian.2.Oh, that's really far away.1.yeah...How old are you?2.I'm 19, and you?1....

普洱市15610394428: 翻译一段英语小对话,谢谢 -
无柏糜蛋: 晕.你怎么翻译成这样啊.语句都不通顺么.我翻译的再次也比你强.你是不是用翻译软件了?答复怎么这么不负责那? 2.Well,a warp meal will be OK. 1.Don't be too polite to me,select other things to eat. 2.That's enough,really. 1.OK,I choose the ...

普洱市15610394428: 请问如何用口语一点的语气翻译这段话?不要用机器译的,最好添加语音的,非常感谢! 请 -
无柏糜蛋: Please don't talk to me like I am a criminal. I shouldn't be the one to blame, we just happen to love the same...

普洱市15610394428: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
无柏糜蛋: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

普洱市15610394428: 急!!谁能帮我翻译这段文字,译成英文,要口语化一点!!做演讲!!谢谢 -
无柏糜蛋: This is the second time I am on this topic. However, there is a slight difference. I have included some pictures. In the first year of my Junior Secondary, my form teacher (班主任) said, in the course of ones studies (读书生涯), perhaps the most ...

普洱市15610394428: 麻烦英语达人帮我翻译一下这一小段话,谢谢 -
无柏糜蛋: The reason why I choose the accounting major is because I am steady and delicated person with strong-minded persistence.Meanwhile, I am optimistic and easy going to get along well with person as well as the sense of responsibility and could be endured pressure.希望对你有帮助.

普洱市15610394428: 求用英语翻译一段话,谢谢 -
无柏糜蛋: 不管你相不相信这个世界上有没有圣诞老人并不重要,重要的是你要相信世界是充满爱的,我希望你能成为一个有勇敢,有自信,有责任心的好女孩. It is unimportant that whether you believe there is real Santa Claus in the world or not, while ...

普洱市15610394428: (高分急)请英语口语好的朋友帮忙,帮我翻译一小段对话,谢谢! -
无柏糜蛋: 1.I like pop and jazz.When I hear your song,I find your voice very beautiful,and the performance is perfect. 2.I met your music teacher before,and she said that you are excellent when she talked about you.3.I want to know what subbjects do you have ...

普洱市15610394428: 翻译一段话,最好口头翻译,谢谢!! -
无柏糜蛋: 许多的豪华住房都在Plon地区被发现.那里曾经是贵族宫廷生活的中心

普洱市15610394428: 帮忙翻译一段话 谢谢~ -
无柏糜蛋: In the boundless universe, each person has a chance of survival, he is unmatched and irreversible. As says Rousseau, god put you created after the belong to your specific mold broke.Fame and wealth knowledge just traps and everybody can ask. ...

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