
作者&投稿:尚泻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Milanoza Leather Fashion 米兰诺莎皮革时尚
This garment has been made from real leather using craft techniques.
Leather is a genuine natural product and therefore some of the animal’s characteristic marks such as veins, creases and scars still remain visible and should be appreciated as an original mark.
These imperfections on the skins, together with slight colour changes, reveal their origin and confirm their authenticity.
No two skins are alike, just as no two animals are alike.
Suggestions for the care of your garment
- If it gets wet, leave to dry at room temperature.
- 若皮衣被弄湿,在室温下自然晾干。
- Do not expose to direct sunlight.
- 避免阳光直射。
- For a clean surface, polish with suitable creams.
- 使用适合的保养品擦拭您的皮衣,以保皮衣表面清洁。
- To iron you garment, use minimal heat and no damping, place clean dry cloth between the iron and the leather garment.
- 熨烫皮衣时,在皮衣与熨斗衬以一块干净的布,使用最低温度,不用加湿。


There are three reasons why I am applying for this University:
1. I love the law profession, and I hope I could accomplish something in the legal field.
2. The Law school curricula of xx University is the best among all universities in the country. I can enjoy the best quality of educational resources here.
3. The political cultural atmosphere is very good in XX (city). In XX (city), especially in a wonderful learning environment like the XX university, It would be more advantageous for my learning of the legal knowledges.

Logistics is the physical process of goods flowing from the supplying location to the receiving destination. According to actual requirements, logistics may combine basic functions as shipping, loading/unloading, moving, packing, processing, distribution and information handling.
Based on service, logistics industry plays an indispensable role in today's world.

1、that shown ever since 2、won't be until 3、前面三个空……后面是to 4、depends on instead of 5、your time to 6、to go 7、worse

怎样又快又好的背英语单词?各位大师帮帮忙!!!3个回答 #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了?792744649 2011-07-22 知道答主 回答量:14 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 单词这样背 第一条,就是:一定要每次都大量地背。因为自己不比别人聪明,所以背完单词,别人忘掉...

第一题 选a 分析 b 选项不符合hear someone do sth. hear 是结果动词 也就是这种听是 带结果的 叫听到 所以c 选项不对 不能加ing ing 表示事情在过去 现在将来的某个时间内正在执行 d是不对的 因为这里是介词短语作简介宾语,原本应该是有to的 这里的to 是小品词 在短语hear ...

① What ( ) lovely weather it is!A.an B.a C.\/ D.the 答案选C weather为不可数名词,也没有特指 ② What ( ) beautiful flowers!A.a B.an C.some D.\/ 答案选 C.some 从后面flowers可以判断出只有C.some 正确 ③ ( ) sweet milk it is!A.How ...

相当于“be + 该抽象名词相对应的形容词”。其中 of 表示“具备;具有”, of 不可以省略。例如:They are of great help \/ very helpful to learners of English.他们对英语学习者来说是很有帮助的。The press conference seems of great importance \/ very important.这个新闻发布会看来很重要。

而使用这两种情况时要注意句子的前后对应,英语中很注重这些主谓一致,人称的单复数前后对应等问题,就好像Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. 那样,前后要结构一致。这里开头是a horse,那么后面也要用单数 is a +n. 来对应, A horse is a useful animal. 如果是复数形式那就是 ...

I'd like to do 是我想做。。。向图书馆借书,用borrow from keep it 可以借多长时间,表示时间的持续

第一个 city with 此处with是带有,附有的意思 第二个 去掉down 此处go along是固定搭配 第三个has改为with 此处with也是带有,附有的意思

1. "Your ___ at the meeting will be a great support to our cause,"says the cable.D. presence 2. When the sound of a gunshot ___ nearby, the crowd ran for safety.D. cracking 3. The child ran along, trying to ___the adults.D. keep pace with 4. The child stumbled...

A,首先这里有than,那么就是比较级,quickly是多音节词,其比较级形式是在其前+more 其次,quickly是副词,修饰run Jack跑得比Ben快很多

沁县15838141409: 英语翻译各位英语很棒的大师帮帮忙,翻译以下一下句子:(中文翻译成英语)1.今天我之所以穿了一件红色的衣服,就是想提醒一下人们:请珍惜水源!2.... -
咎别雅皓:[答案] 1.I wore red cloth today to remind people :please save water supply.2.I hope my speech will inspire everyone.3.Please lower your voices and listen,I will use my best speech to present this report.

沁县15838141409: 请各位英语大师帮忙翻译一下我的爱好 我的爱好是听音乐,因为我喜爱音乐.每当我心情烦躁的时候,我总能在优美的音乐中忘记一切令我烦恼的事,使我心... -
咎别雅皓:[答案] My hobby is listening to music because I love music.Whenever I feel annoyed when I can always beautiful in the music made me forget all the trouble,I feel very comfortable.

沁县15838141409: 急急急~!!!各位英语高手~请帮帮忙,帮我翻译下面的句子~ -
咎别雅皓: 1、我向他许诺说我一到北京就给他写信.I promised that I would wrote to him once I arrived in Beijing.2、他经常问我这个问题,那就是这个工作是否值得做. He often asks me the question "Is the job worth doing?".3、他什么也不说,这一事实...

沁县15838141409: 求各位英语大师帮我翻译一下,我英语文盲.
咎别雅皓: 1,他问我住哪个房间-He asked for my room number. 2我在网上低价买了这本求- I bought this book at low price through web purchase. 3,你最好再考虑一下- You better think twice. 4,我们的老师很关心我们的学习- Teacher is very concern on our learning. 5,出门在外要照顾好自己- Take good care of yourself when you are away from home.

沁县15838141409: 各位英语高手帮帮忙啊,“生机勃勃”和“充满生机”翻译一下啊,翻译成英文!谢谢! -
咎别雅皓:[答案] full of vigor:..生机勃勃 full of vitality 充满生机

沁县15838141409: 各位大师帮我用英语翻译一下这句话
咎别雅皓: Face setbacks, I often think of the father of those years, patient.

沁县15838141409: 各位英语达人们,帮帮忙啊!帮忙翻译一下,哈!急用! -
咎别雅皓: June each year, heard their farewell song, there is always an impulse to cry. We are rendered vulnerable to feelings of people in June when we come, we do not know how to express, wine, song, tears and smiles, will not work! June sunshine like ...

沁县15838141409: 麻烦各位英语高手帮帮忙,帮我把英语翻译成中文,谢谢啦.机器翻译的请勿回答. -
咎别雅皓: ...英国威尔士加迪夫大学语言与传播中心.她研究各种语言与社会身份领域,包括健康与老年问题的话语分析研究、媒体再现/表征以及身体的话语.她的著述包括《杂谈》、《传播与老年研究手册》(与约翰 努斯鲍姆合著)以及《语言、社会及老年人》(与尼克 库普兰和霍华德 吉尔斯合著).作者希望感谢朱恩 切奇对以早前草稿的评论,也感谢朱迪丝 戴维斯提供的数据.

沁县15838141409: 请各位外贸英语高手帮帮忙,帮我翻译一封邮件.谢谢大家啦!!! -
咎别雅皓: 请注意,随着7天的评审时期现在已经过去,你的审计 A000000083327 在你的 Sedex 账户上现已经发布了.去看所有的你公司的Sedex 账户上的所有审计,点...

沁县15838141409: 各位英语高手帮帮忙!急啊!!请将以下一段英文翻译成中文...要求只有一个!句子通顺并且无语法错误. -
咎别雅皓: Westerners stand treat using long tables. The host and the hostess sit on the two ends respectively. Then, guests are arranged to take a seat according to their positions, whether they are the guests of hono(u)r or just general guests. Which means, ...

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