
作者&投稿:盈刚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Every year, when Teachers’ Day comes, the students will organize some activities for the teachers and show their respect. Sending flowers and cards are the most popular way. Since I came to middle school, I would always think of my former teachers who taught me in primary school. I would never forget them for the things they passed to me. When Teachers’ Day comes, I will send the messages to them and show my gratitude and they would reply. When I back to my hometown and sometimes met them, they would speak highly of me because I impressed them so much. Every small act will be remembered by others and decides what kind of person we are.

My father
what is the kind of people about father? Every man has varied anwserS.For me, father is the great man in the world who gives me life and courage to live better; father is the one who struggles for family but never say no; father is the example to teach me how to bear pressure from others. Although my father is a normal people as yours.He is 50 year old and looks old.In the eyes of others, he is an ordinary farmer,but for me, he paid a lot for my family and he creats better condition for our lives these years. Moreover, all I want to do for my father is my thanks.

Before the holiday, I usually feel excited and even don't sleep at night at the beginning. But sveral days later, I may feel bored. Because I watch TV every day at home without friends beside me. I like to talk with friends. And I begin to miss the days that I learn at school. When I come back to school, I am very happy to see my teachers and classmates. We talk ,laugh, sing and dance. But the only unhappy thing is I can't put my heart into my lessons. So I feel sad. With the teacher's help, I learn in many different ways. Besides, I do many activities with classmates. I am happy to come back class.

There is my new school covering an area of 1000 mu with a river which runs around the building.It's so beautiful that you almost forget to do what you are going to.If you walk on further,you will find a big flower bed which is full of all kinds of flowers,
and a tall building filled with hi-tech facilities to make our study easier and more convenient.Along the left bushes stands our canteen,where cooks provide delicious food every day to keep us healthy.If you are lucky,you will see birds which students and teachers raise together,and they always fly in the sky freely.
Ok,that's all.That is my new beautiful school!

1. 以重返 为题材写一篇作文 重返校园 一个暑假很快就过去了,我们又重新回到了校园里。 校园里的一草一木又再一次出现在了我的眼前。我们都有两个月不见了吧,这两个月里你们都过的好吗? 那棵挺立在校园中央的石榴树,是我要拜访的第一个老朋友。 啊,石榴树,两个月不见了你依然那样高大、挺拔。每天早上,你...


I may feel bored. Because I watch TV every day at home without friends beside me. I like to talk with friends. And I begin to miss the days that I learn at school. When I come back to school,




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1. 二十年后的学校写一篇作文 现在已经是2025年了,我是一名著名的发明家。 这二十年来,社会在不断地发展,科技也在不断进步,学校一定会焕然一新。我想起了我的小学生活,是那样无忧无虑,而现在,爽朗的笑声在何处呢?我为什么不去看看我的母校呢?对,立即起程!我驾起刚研制成功的超光速能量车,按一下蓝色按钮,...


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