
作者&投稿:娄蚁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 What other words did you learn by yourself?
What words else did you learn by yourself?
2 Write the sentences you like best.
Write your favourite sentences.
3 We have lots of shopping malls in our city.
There's a lot of shopping malls in our city.
4 You can ride on the ferry.
You can go by ferry.
5 You can leave by bus, plane or train.
You can take a bus, a plane of a train to leave.
6 There are plenty of persons.
There are enough people.
7 The city is very different from 100 years ago.
The city changed a lot in 100 years.
8 A woman bought the shoes for a lot of money.
A woman cost a lot to by the shoes.
9 You mustn't forget to bring your books here tomorrow.
You must bring your books here tomorrow.
10 We must cross a road at traffic lights.
We should cross a road at traffic lights.
11 We can ride the subway to the harbour.
We can go the the harbour by subway.
12 The weather is great.
The weather is very nice.
13 Please give the leaves to me.
Please give me the leaves.
14 Rex works with people who are ill.
Rex works with sick people.
15 This book belongs to Mary.
This book is Mary's.

1 There is a pen and two books on it.
2 We mustn't walk fast in the street.
3 Don't cross the road.
4 Mary, don't go there again.
5 You mustn't take your dog there.
6 He has no brothers or sisters.
7 Don't forget to bring the book here.
8 What would you like on you pizza?
9 I have a good friend from Shenzhen, too.
10 We'd like to buy some bread and eggs.

1 Go to the park or walk near your home.
2 Press the leaves
3 Pick them up
4 Carry them home
5 Use papers
6 Carefully put a leaf between some pieces of paper.
7 Do this with every leaf.
8 Find the leaves
9 Put lots of books on the paper.

Go to the park or walk near your home.Find the leaves.Pick them up.Carry them home.Use papers.Carefully put a leaf between some pieces of paper.Press the leaves.Put lots of books on the paper.Do this with every leaf.

1.wait for the ferry ____等渡轮_____
2.hold out a bag ____带着袋子_____
3.stare at ___盯着______
4.get onto the ferry __上渡轮_______
5.begin arguing __开始吵架________
6.run away ____逃跑_______
7.hurry aboard _____急匆匆上船______
8.take the next ferry ___乘下一班渡轮______
9.steal a purse from a tourist ___从一位游客那里偷钱包_______
10.on the other side of the river _____在河对岸__________

Write down the proper forms according to the clues in brackets.
1. woman tourist 复数 ___women tourists________
2. thief 复数___thieves__________
3. leave 过去式 _______left_________
4. argue 名词 ______argument________
5. steal 过去式 ________stole__________
6. suddenly 形容词 _____sudden____________
7. cross 介词 ______across___
8. run 过去式 ______ran_________
9. behind 反义词 ____beofre_____
10. take 过去式 _____took________________
11. get off 反义词组 ____get on________________
12. hurry 现在分词 ______hurrying___

1、自学 learn by yourself 2、 你最喜爱的 your favourate 3、困难的 difficult 4、乘坐 take
5、一片树叶 a leaf 6、 二片树叶 two leaves 7、 一张纸 a piece of paper 8、两张纸 two pieces of paper 9、把他们带回家 take them home 10、 把他们带到学校来 take them to school 11、乘地铁去某地 go to somewhere by subway 12、 乘坐渡船 ride a ferry 13、 几座小桥 some bridges 14、 几尾鱼 some fishes 15、五年前 five years ago 16、很久以前 a long time ago 17、参观某地 visit somewhere
18、 大声讲 speak loudly 19、慢慢移动 move slowly 20、细心放风筝 fly a kite carefully 21、不仅、、、而且、、、not only...but... 22、 救援狗 save dog 23、导盲犬 guide-dog 24、和他的主人一起工作 work with his owner 25、迷路 lost one's way 26、有一次 once 27、在街上 in the street 28、他的鞋子之一 one of his shoes 29、十年前 ten years ago 30、放风筝 fly a kite

1 policemen 2 polices 3 women doctor
4 firemen 5 fish fishes 6 leaves 7 wolves
8 photos 9 Chineses 10 Germans

1.teach oneself 2.your favorite 3.difficult
4.take (这个表述不够清楚) 5.a leaf 6.two leavs
7.a piece of paper 8.two pieces of paper
9.take them home 10.bring them to the school
11.go to somewhere by subway
12.by boat 13.some small bridges
14.some fish 15.five years ago 16.once upon a time 17.visit somewhere 18.speak loudly
19.move slowly 20.fly kites carefully
21.not only....but also
22.?(succoring dogs)
23.seeing eye dogs
24.work with his master
25.get lost
26.once 27.in the street
28.one of his shoes
29.ten years ago 30.fly kites

1.policemen 2.police 3.women doctors
4.firemen 5.fish 6.leaves 7.wolves
8.photos 9.Chinese 10.Germen

初中一年级的英语作业,求所有答案,求标注题目,谢谢!!  我来答 1个回答 #话题# 居家防疫自救手册 人生若只如初见欧 2015-11-11 · 知道合伙人教育行家 人生若只如初见欧 知道合伙人教育行家 采纳数:27571 获赞数:96617 人力资源管理师三级 保险从业资格证 英语六级 计算机二级 会计证 向TA提问 私信...


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景洪市18343093636: 初一英语作业
出狮路得: 1 are 2 an 3 legs 4 this 5 feet 1 moring 2 what 3 many 4 there 5 is

景洪市18343093636: 初一英语作业
出狮路得: 1. Wednesday 我们周三有音乐课 2. Saturday... Sunday 周六周日是周末 3. Monday 皮特喜欢周一,因为那天有体育课 4. Friday 我妈妈这周五不工作 5. Tuesday 每周第三天是周二(美国人认为周日是第一天) 6. Thursday 我生日晚会是周四 选择题 B make sb. tired 使某人很累

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出狮路得:[答案] 笔试: 四.C B C A A A B B C C 五.A.1.notebook eraser 2.parents cousin 3.volleyball soccer 4.red black 5.broccoli carrots B.is On pencil books color map isn't his Do 六.A.F G C H E D A B B.E B C D A 七.A.F F T T F B.C B B B B 八.作文略

景洪市18343093636: 初一英语作业(简单型)
出狮路得: BOAFTERNOON after afternoon noon no on AGPIHHELLOV hell MORNINGQRZA or in COKEMTHANKJ ok an WDLEVENINGU in 这作业的确开发人的智力.就找出这么点..大开眼界

景洪市18343093636: 英语作业(初一)
出狮路得: 1.How often does go 2.What 3.Where are have 4.one time a week

景洪市18343093636: 初一英语作业
出狮路得: 1 Sometimes I play the basketball on the playground. 2 My mother often take the bus to work. 3 I like drawing pictures. 4 They are cleaning the classroom now. 5 We having dinner at the moment.

景洪市18343093636: 初一英语作业?
出狮路得: 1、—What (is) this?—This is (an) arm. 2、—What is (this)?—It's (a) hand. 3、—What (are) these?— (These) are feet? 4、— (What)is this?— (It's) hair.

景洪市18343093636: 初一英语作业
出狮路得: 您好!1.last 或 family2.first3.England4.thirteen5.five、one 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

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出狮路得:[答案] 1.onr hundred and one 2.one hundred and eight 3.two hundred 4.two hundred and one

景洪市18343093636: 英语作业(初一) -
出狮路得: 1.He usually has dinner at home.2.What do you usually have for breakfast?3.Let's go out to drink coffee.1.healthy2.to eat3.runner4.apple1.My grandparents like oranges.2.When does your father have lunch?3.Does Sally like vegetables and fruit ?4.What do you like for breakfast?5.Bill does't have healthy food every day.

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