
作者&投稿:羿胃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


China is the most serious natural disasters in the world, one of the few countries. But China has a long history of natural disaster not only harm, scope, and has high rate of outbreaks of seasonal, stage, sustainability, periodic and alternant sex and the outbreak of features. Therefore the country needs the system of natural disaster relief system, but also because of natural disaster relief commonweal characteristic of the public, and makes the national financial expenditure in natural disaster relief is foundational status. Therefore the fiscal expenditure on science is China's economy mechanism and mode of harmonious development of society and the major issue.
Therefore, the author first theoretically discussed natural disaster relief and the relationship between financial expenditure, and explained the mechanism of fiscal expenditure on natural disaster relief, why is the key reason, then from the perspective of fiscal expenditure in China in recent years, the natural disaster relief situation of fiscal expenditure of data analysis results, sums up our natural disasters in aid of fiscal expenditure of the problems exposed shortcomings, and compared with the United States, Japan and Turkey's natural disaster relief, summarized the situation of fiscal expenditure in western countries in the aspect of successful experiences and inspiration, aims to put forward based on actual financial support of natural disaster relief, and relief system beneficial measures in the government responsibility on how to achieve fiscal expenditure.


The manufacturer provisions must be month wages seizure 20 days later to extend, in this period by a factory worker if dismiss, they will lose last month and all this month salary, such as a armour on February 19 fired, he/she will lose on January 1, February 19, all the salary. In fact workers wanted to quit his job is not easy, but factory was freely to fire workers, they also with all sorts of multifarious reason to punish the worker's wages, including:
6S not done (collective fines); Find adverse product (collective fines); Product delay (collective fines); An error occurred while product handover, Work record errors or fails to pay due; Late, leaving early, absenteeism, Refuse to work overtime during the weekend, refused to go to work, Work to sleep; Work not carry labels, Not wear clothing work; regulation When going to work incentive for non-work tasks, such as chat, cell phone use, smoking, Leave jobs without management personnel, and is usually a shift approval allows only one worker leave; Product will fall to the ground, Error of garbage.
Description: according to manufacturer is specified, all the work record on the date shall not contain exactly on Sunday, such as 2010 January 3 is on Sunday, must be changed to 2010 January 2 or January 4, in accordance with the manufacturer, because that is rest on Sunday, factory, so don't work without any work record.
They didn't work hard day and night, just for the unknown tomorrow.

The Japanese Kobe, Hiroko Watanabe falls into once again on the fiance cane well tree's third anniversary gala to sorrowful and missing during.The abundant child in the record has found him in cane well tree's middle school schoolmate when the otaru city studies the address.Because cannot suppress to spouse's fondly remembering, the abundant child pressed this address for to send one in the heaven cane well tree to fill the regards and the missing correspondence far.
What is inconceivable, soon was abundant the child to receive the signature was “the cane well tree” the reply unexpectedly.After further understood that this cane well tree is a young female, moreover she also once was the masculine cane well tree's classmate, originally was the abundant child in the record has copied her address by mistake from schoolmate.To understand that some boyfriends in the middle school time's situation, the abundant child continue with the feminine cane well tree maintain the correspondence communications.But the cane well tree in the unceasing recollection, discovered unexpectedly gradually the middle school time that and same surname's young man of the same name had had section of sincere sentiments to oneself ......

Japan Kobe, the Du side Bo son is in the fiance rattan well tree of three the anniversary festa another top sink into painfully sad and remember fondly.The Bo son is in the rattan well the high school register of alumni of the tree found out him when the small Zun City study of address.Because repress don't live to think of towards love of, the Bo son presses this address to give far to send in the rattan well tree of Kingdom of Heaven to a letter which is full of salute and remembers fondly.
Unimaginable BE, soon the Bo son unexpectedly received to sign signature for the letter in reply of "rattan well tree".Through further understanding, this rattan well tree is a young woman, and she is even an ever male rattan well the classmate of the tree, is the address that the Bo son's mistake copied her from the register of alumni.For understanding the circumstance in ages of some male friends at high school more, the Bo son continues to keep letter friendly intercourse with female rattan well tree.But rattan well the tree unexpectedly discovers gradually in the continuous recollection high school for ages that and oneself together the little male of the same surname ever once produced an earnestness to oneself of affection ……

The Kobe, Watanabe Bo-in fiance, Fujiidera tree on the third anniversary of Etiquette and again fell into grief and yearning of. Bo-Tree in Fujiidera, the secondary Tong Xuelu find him in Otaru City, studying at the address. As the wife of inhibition could not miss, Bo-按着far in this address to the paradise tree Fujiidera, sent a letter full of greetings and a letter missing.
Inconceivable that the near-Bo has received a signed "Fujiidera tree" of the letter. After further understand that this Fujiidera tree is a young woman, but she also was once a male classmate, Fujiidera tree, originally from Tongxue Lu Bo of errors in the copy of her address. In order to have a better understanding of some of her boyfriend in middle school, and women continue to Bo-tree Fujiidera maintain correspondence. And Fujiidera tree in the memories of secondary school age has gradually discovered that the same name and his boys have produced a period of their sincere feelings……

机器翻译只能作为参考工具来使用,具体的语法及表达方式还是要靠自己的。Traditionally,marriage has always been a union in wedlock between a male and a female. Nowadays, with the advancement of people’s values and moral standards, more and more same-sex couples are hoping to be allowed...


The research what is using the class observation method on Teacher-student interaction in some of individual classes of No.3 High school, Anshun City. The figure shows, that Teachers and students can not be separated in that relationships. and in order to get the best result need ...

接着分析了WinCE操作系统的特点,并介绍了WinCE操作系统的一些相关知识,并在基于ARM9的嵌入式系统上对WinCE操作系统进行了移植工作。Then we analyzed the features of the WinCE operating system, introduced some correlation knowledge of the WinCE operating system, and transplanted the WinCE ...


还是你一直在和我玩一场游戏呢 私は解いたことに取り合いません 我不能判断 これは私が要ったのではありません 这不是我要的 このは休むのについてかどうか 还是让我们休息一下 いいでしょうこうしましょう 就这样吧 很多语法不对。语句也有些不通(倒数第二句)。不过大致应该是这个...

译文如下:=== 不好意思(请允许我做一下补充说明)在大陆被称为「酥」的点心,其实,在台湾也有类似的点心,比如「凤梨酥」,还有在日本的 冲绳也有一种类似的点心,叫做「琉球酥」。「酥」原本指的是“将牛乳或羊乳煮至浓稠后的食物”。 正如前面博客里面写的那样,「酥」原本指的是类似于现在...

“usefulness" = 有用的, 或者 “helpfulness”= 有帮助的。正确的翻法: "of positive effect" 太长了。)2. As we increase efficiency and output, our quality must also be maintained. As we meet our quota, increase the quality of work.quota = 在一段时间内需要完成的工作 ...


“动、动这里”她红着脸,稍稍抬 起娇臀,小手抚摸着露出一小截的粗 茎,“求你了,姐夫……”那水多得一下就 将她的手染得湿透,她害羞,可欲望当 头,无法再忍受下去 他似笑非笑的看着她渴望的小 脸,“哦?那往后我要你过来你就会过 来?”她胡乱点头答应他的条件 “底下要插东西的”他微笑道...

株洲县15190317514: 英语翻译(1/3)求英语达人把下面一段话翻译成英语,同学们,老师们,很高兴能在毕业前为大家做一次演讲.我想这会成为我最难忘的一次 -
东郭项欣美:[答案] Hello,everyone!It's my pleasure to give you a speech before graduated. I wish this could be the most unforgettable speech. 祝演讲顺利

株洲县15190317514: 求教各位英文达人,帮忙翻译一下以下的一段话,汉译英!请把此话译成英文“你好,我是中国人,我英语不怎么好 我看不懂你在说什么,你直接做就好了.” -
东郭项欣美:[答案] Hi!I am Chinese.My English is limited.I don't know what you are saying.Please just do it.

株洲县15190317514: 请位英语达人帮我将以下句子翻译成英文!
东郭项欣美: 您好,可翻译为:Today is Nov,25th,it`s our trip of autumn,we all classmates go to the Country Park to barbcue with the exciting moods!And it`s warm,the sun shines beautifully and it makes us spend this day happily.满意速速采纳,谢谢!

株洲县15190317514: 请高手帮忙将以下一段中文译成英文,谢谢 -
东郭项欣美: We have prepared the products. They are all made according to your required models. And there are you Logos on the products. Cardboard boxes are also made as your expectations. Therefore, we can not sell there products to the other customers. ...

株洲县15190317514: 求英语达人翻译一下以下这段话~ -
东郭项欣美: First of all, question time, who can tell me what the map is? (Map of the world) then this one? (Map)and here? Map of Xiamen City, well, here is what we call hometown .(Xiamen City, beautiful scenery Figure) beautiful! Okay, now let us return to the ...

株洲县15190317514: 求英语达人帮我把下面段话翻译成英语
东郭项欣美:I'm so so sorry,It's me who's done everything stupidly, I do anything that can fix our relationship,I know exactly that I'm a mess this time ,please ,forgive me ,just give me one last chance,I'll be good,I'll try my best...Again,I'm terriblly sorry.

株洲县15190317514: 英语翻译请将以下一段话翻译成英文,请大家都过来,我有事要和你们说.我从中国带给你一些礼物,希望大家能喜欢,这是给你的*4(这句话重复四次),... -
东郭项欣美:[答案] Hello everybody come over.(说这句的时候,你可以拍手吸引大家的主意)I have something to say.I have brought you some gifts from China and wish you would like it.Yours.(给礼品的时候这样说就可以了,重复4次.当然人家在你分礼品的时候肯定会...

株洲县15190317514: 求达人,帮我把下面一句话翻译成英文~~~~! -
东郭项欣美: 郭杰,Guo Jie 我喜欢你,I love you 无论有多久,No matter how long it will be 都不算久…… it seems not long...

株洲县15190317514: 请英语达人帮忙把一小段句子翻译成英文...
东郭项欣美: 你不知道我在想你,是因为你不爱我,我明知道你不想我,却还爱着你,是因为我太傻?也许有时候,逃避不是因为害怕面对什么,而是在等待什么. Do not you think you know what I am because you do not love me, I know you do not want me, still love you, because I was too stupid? May sometimes not escape for fear of what the face, but wait what.

株洲县15190317514: 请将以下一段话翻译成英文:《飞鸟集》是印度诗人泰戈尔的代表作之一,也是世界上最杰出的诗集之一.《飞 -
东郭项欣美: "Stray birds" is one of the representative work of Indian poet rabindranath tagore, is also one of the most outstanding poetry in the world. "Stray birds" is a full of philosophic theory of English poetry, including 325 qing li no title little poem, ...

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