
作者&投稿:老妹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初一 英语 英语改错题,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,急啊!!!!!!! 请详细解答,谢谢! (13 19:18:29)~

He is kind to his students. 2. Amy is helpful girl, and everyone likes her. 3.She would like to recommen Mr.li for the award. 4.The other members all like him. 5.Amy saved the old man ,and he was grated for her help.

其中第九题是不是抄错了啊,但是根据意思应该是降低物价的bring down 有这个意思

1、I borrowed Eric a pen yesterday, but he didn't return it to me.

2、I wish I had 5 millions yuan.

3、There is else nothing left to drink.
解释:改为nothing else,else要放在不定代词之后。

4、He is very friendly and easy get along.

5、I am looking for a house, I'd like it with a garden.
解释:with改为to have,would like sb to do,想要某人做。

6、Mary's parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool.It can be very expensive .

7、--What's the sound upstairs? --Maybe someone fell a cup on the ground.

8、Do you know whom the ID card belongs?

9、I didn't graduate from school because my illness.
解释:because of,因为某事。要加上介词of。

10、We all thinks she is in America,but she is in China.

第一句错在borrowed 应该是lent 第二句million不加s 第三句else放在noting后面 第四句easy后加to 第五句it改one 第六句can换成must 第七句what's改what was 第八句belongs后面加to 第九句because后面加of 第十句think不加s

1 正确
2 million
3 去掉else(或者可以改为nothing else,但这样好像不符合改错题目规定)
5 with改为have
6 can改为must
7 fell改为 falling
8 belongs后加to
9 because后加of
10 thinks改为think

  1. borrowed改为lent

  2. 去掉s

  3. 改为nothing else

  4. easy to

  5. it which

  6. bought改为keep



1.2.(As) is known to all that millions of graduates (crowded) into the job market each year. 改为It和crowd 3.the situation of the emplayment has (because) very serious. 改成becomed 4.But because of the financial crisis, the situation of the employment has become very...

我找到了十处,不知道对不对,但我把理由说出来吧,这样我错了你也可以帮我纠正哈 1,after 改为when,连词误用,这是根据句意判断的,当我在回家的路上,而且when i was doing\/was about to ,sth v-ed.是个常用的句型,意思是,当我正做什么的时候什么事发生了。2,were删去,语态误用,这里...

much改为many,因为students是可数名词,不用much,much修饰不可数名词。in改成on,spend in后面加动词ing形式;spend on后面加名词或者代词。thief改为thieves,记住这个小偷的复数形式,经常考也很多人容易错;sheeps改为sheep,sheep的单复数形式都是原型,死记硬背。largely改为large,large是形容词,...

英语改错题~~!! 求助, ~!
1.没看出来错在哪里……2.sometimes→often 3.on去掉next Sunday,this Morning这样的不加介词 4.asked后面加about 5. same前加上the。出现same前面一定要有the,similar前面则没有

六年级下册英语 改错!(每一题都有错)
1 is-> Can 2don't -> doesn't 3 do -> doing 4fishs-> fishes 5 your-> yours 6 Chinese-> China 7 I-> me 8 去掉最后的 book .9 knows-> know 10 having -> to have 11 on -> in 12 buys-> buy 13 it is -> They are 14 这句没有错。 意思是:有两瓶水( ...

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英语短文改错 一行一错 朋友帮我吧
5. made 后面加it。 (it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的to do不定式。it 一般作形式主语或形式宾语,此处做make的宾语,“使的。。。怎么样。。。”)6. 正确。(短文改错一般有一个是正确的,不排除都错误的情况,有一年有个省市的高考题就是全错。但百分之九十多的情况是有一个正确的。全...

①I have the same idea as [his] .这里需要把his改成he,为什么呢?想法难道不是用[他的]吗?AS前后要一致。。as he (has省略了这个词)②The discovery she's made in medicine is great [of] importance to science.为什么这里需要用[of]?great已经是一个形容词了,后面加个[of]怎么也说...

楼上的挺厉害的,我都快忘了这些了,不过,有几道题跟我想的不太一样,提出来,共楼主参考一下:4.well-->good .这句话中的sound(听起来)后面应该用形容词,而well作为形容词时是指身体好,不符合句意。11.Tom is sleeping on bed.-->Tom is sleeping in bed.在被窝里睡觉应该是用in ...

悬赏10分!! 英语改错题,帮我看一下怎么改,顺便说一下原因,谢谢
1、importance 后加to attach……to……固定搭配 2、help sb do sth 3、as 变while,as不能引导状语从句 4、chickens去掉s,它本身就是负数 5、has变had,发生在过去的动作之前,过去完成时 6、bad前加a 7、that去掉 8、a去掉,students 对应前面的they 9、on变in 10、a wrong information...

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柯点胆石:[答案] 一看题目就知道你是在忙中考,因为这些都是中考模拟题里的单句改错.我刚给我亲戚的孩子补习了这部分.前几天几个初中的英语老师也来问过我几道里面的问题. 下面直接给你改好的答案.分数就给我吧~ 1 I had hardly set out when it began to rain 2 ...

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柯点胆石: 为你解答.1、I borrowed Eric a pen yesterday, but he didn't return it to me.解释:borrow改为lend,借出东西给某人.2、I wish I had 5 millions yuan.解释:million改为单数,具体的数目不加s.3、There is else nothing left to drink.解释:改为...

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柯点胆石:[答案] have to 改成 had to (过去式 in the past ) keeping in touch 改成 keep in touch (in order to 不定式加动词原形) writing emails(by + 动词分词形式) easy 改成 easily(副词修饰动词) but 去掉(though 和 but 不能同时用) his 改成 their (对应前面的...

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柯点胆石: 1, doesn't 改为didn't 2, milks 改为 milk 3, taking 改为 take 4, others 改为 else 5, is 改为 are

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柯点胆石: 1.holiday,holidays 2.did a lot of housework ,do a lot of housework 3.clean the house ,cleaning the house 4.what to do ,how to do 5.but,去掉 6.learned a lot of ,learned a lot7.hard works ,hard work 8.the smile ,the smiles 9.exhausting,exhausted10.much meaningful, very meaningful.

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柯点胆石: 第一行hashonoured加been变为hasbeenhonoured第二行sparetimetodo去掉do 因为devoteto中to为介词,后跟n./doing第三行whichshow show加s 变为 shows第三行hedoesgood good改为well 因为 dowellin固定词组第四行muchschoolactivities ...

宜川县15949977148: 求高手做一道高中英语改错题一共有十处错误Last summer I went to London for a holiday.I spend just a week there.While I was staying there,I visited much ... -
柯点胆石:[答案] spend-spent much places-many places but-and interested thing -interesting thing Chinese friend-Chinese friends has told-had told doesn't like- don't like where can -that can easy-easily little money-a littlet money

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