一道英语改错题,下面是文章,总共有10处错误,每一处错误只能换一个词 ,添一个词或删一个词

作者&投稿:弭武 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

小题1:difficulty-difficulties小题2:listen-listening小题3:studying-study 小题4:well-good小题5:easy后加to小题6:are try 删除are小题7:say- says 小题8:That-What小题9:such like-as小题10:Remembering- Remember 试题分析:文章介绍在美国学习的外国学生记笔记的困难,给了一些建议怎么把笔记记好。小题1:在美国学习的外国学生的困难之一是记笔记。One of后面接名词复数: difficulty-difficulties小题2:while 后面接现在分词listening,省略了they are小题3:这些笔记后来被用来学习考试用,be used to do sth被用来做…,studying-study 小题4:修饰名词notes用形容词good小题5:记好的笔记不容易。使用了句型:It is+adj+to do sth…,easy后加to小题6:如果你想把教授写的每个字都记下。Try to do试图做…,前面不加be动词小题7:主语是单数:the professor谓语用第三人称单数:says 小题8:你要学的是怎么把重要的记下。What引导的是主从句,在主语从句中what做宾语小题9:such as例如小题10:记得你需要信息不是句子。这是祈使句用动词原形Remember

小题1:hardly →hard小题2:well∧ all→in 小题3:attend in→ 去掉in小题4:preferred→prefers小题5:It→What小题6:the most students→去掉the小题7:we →they小题8:by∧taught→being小题9:received→receiving小题10:and they feel→去掉and 试题分析:本文叙述了李明和李军两个人学习很刻苦,他们都想上大学,他们与别人不同的是,他们自从幼儿园就没有去过学校,但是他们没有间断学习,他们是在家一直学习,他们像许多人一样,上的是成都家庭学校。小题1:考查副词。hardly几乎不;hard努力,study hard努力学习。小题2:考查固定短语。do well in sth在某方面做的好;是固定短语。小题3:考查动词。attend Sichuan University上四川大学。小题4:考查动词时态。根据decides to attend 可知前后时态一致,故用一般现在时prefers.小题5:考查连词。这里what引导的是主语从句,它在从句中作主语,并起连接的作用,it不能起连接的作用。小题6:考查冠词。这里并不表示特指所以把定冠词去掉。小题7:考查代词。根据上下文可知这里应该用they指Li Ming and Li Juan.小题8:考查非谓语动词词。因为by是介词,介词的宾语应该用动名词,并且them与teach之间是被动关系,所以用being taught.小题9:考查非谓语动词词。因为逗号前不是句子,like是介词,介词后应该用动名词receiving.小题10:考查连词。因为逗号前不是句子,所以就不缺少连词and.点评:文中考查了固定短语,连词、副词、代词及动词等的用法及意义,需要考生有扎实的基础知识。需要会分析复杂的句子结构进而判断用该词的什么形式。

1.2.(As) is known to all that millions of graduates (crowded) into the job market each year. 改为It和crowd
3.the situation of the emplayment has (because) very serious. 改成becomed
4.But because of the financial crisis, the situation of the employment has become very
serious. (Consider)this. 改成Considering
5.I ( )in favor of this idea. 加上am
6.7.the competition is not as fierce there, (but)graduates can (easy) get a job. but改成so,easy改成easily
8.Secondly, the lower position may offer( graduate )more space. graduates加s
9.All in all, going to the west (maybe) bring more benefits. 改成may
10.for it is both good for (our) personal development and for our country at present. 改成your

1. 第二行emplayment改成employment
2. 第二行because改成become
3. 第二行Consider 改成considering
4. 第四行.I in favour of 在I后面加一个am
5. 第五行fierce后面加一个as
6. 第五行easy改成easily
7. 第五行最后一个单词graduate改成graduates
8. 第六行maybe改成may
9 .第六行 Devote改成Devoting
10 .最后一行后面那个for去掉

This is a( teacher) family. 1.___teachers'___The father's name is John Smith 2.___The mother's name is Diana Smith 3.___The Smith has a son ,(Jim) and 4.___Jim,___a daughter,Ann . 5.___The (sun) looks like his mother, 6.___...

1、The young are busier than the old.(the + adj. 后面加复数动词)2、The climate in Shanghai is better than that in Beijing.(than后面要填上 the climate in Beijing= that in Beijing)3、Your bedroom is larger than mine.(I 为主语 句中larger than 后应塡I的所有格 mine=my...

英语 改错题 1.I missed to see this film yesterday. 2You'd better...
1.I missed seeing this film yesterday.2You'd better go out now.3.The school is next door to a factory.4.A train left (for) london two hours ago.5.The case got a label 6.Is this pen yours?\/Is this your pen?7.He left his book in the classroom yesterday 8.I missed...

Every one of us was excited at the news.17. Both his hands were badly injured 18. Swimming is my favorite sport.19. The little girl ran out of the tree.20. Please tell me how long she has been married.如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

1 When I got back my hotel room at 7:30 yesterday 1. ___evening, there was a notice for me which said 2. ___that a Mr. Frank Smith had been telephoned at 3 o’ clock 3. ___in the afternoon and that Mr. Smith would appreciate ...

1.I was reading a book when he came in.2.The train has arrived just .\/ The train has just arrived.3.He has been a League member for two years.\/ He joined the League two years ago.It is two years since he joined the League.4.Sorry,I didn't see you.5.He has ...

1. His telephone number is three ,four ,nine ;zero nine ,two ,eight .2. Don ’t read under the sun .It is bad for your eyes .under改成in,在阳光下的固定表达 3. Tom feels very tired that he can’t move any more .very改成so,构成结构so……that……。如此……以致…...

【答案】:把appear改为disappear 【解析】“当你住在摩天大厦的三十层里”,可以推测这里要表达的是归属感的消失,而不是产生归属感。

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驹阳五水:[答案] 1.2.(As) is known to all that millions of graduates (crowded) into the job market each year.改为It和crowd 3.the situation of the emplayment has (because) very serious.改成becomed 4.But because of the financial crisis,the situation of the employment has ...

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驹阳五水:[答案] 改正已经在括号处标明!刚好十处! Tom and Dick are next door (neighbours) who both work in (加入the) same office.... home together (when) it suddenly started to rain.Tom quickly opened his umbrella and said (proudly),"My wife really has great ...

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驹阳五水:[答案] where->which by air,去掉the exciting->excited happily->happy haven't->hadn't his->him they->we or->and a visit,visit前加a feel->felt

吴旗县17291189927: 高一英语短文改错,文中共有十处错误,A dog is showing its thanks to its new master by collecting empty bottle for him in Dalian,Liaoning Prov - ince.Wang Lin... -
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吴旗县17291189927: 英语短文改错共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除,修改.I think there is no easy way to succeed in teaching a new ... -
驹阳五水:[答案] I think there is no easy way to succeed in teaching(改为learning) a new language.A good memory is a great help.However,it is not (添加of)much use learning by heart long lists of words and its(改为their) meanings.We must learn by using ...

吴旗县17291189927: 一道英语改错题,总共有10处错误,每一处错误只能换一个词 ,添一个词或删一个词,一般都是这个套路嘛? -
驹阳五水: 一般英语改错题, 错误的情况有那么几种: 介词、名词、连词、形容词、副词等的错误, 时态错误, 多了介词, 或者像你说的多了一个词或者少了一个词; 还有名词单复数的问题.短文改错解题四原则1. 改动以最少为原则;2. 虚词以添加或删除为原则;3. 实词以改变词形为原则 4. 以保持句子原意为原则. 短文改错解题步骤1. 通读全文,掌握大意;2. 整句分析,逐行推敲;3. 反复通读,复查验证.

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驹阳五水:[答案] If you want to learn English well,you must use it every day so (so- as/because)the best way of learning English is to use it as much (加上as)reading English aloud.You can listen to English in(in- on) ...

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驹阳五水:[答案] Good afternoon , everyone! I'm pleased to share my experience of learning English with you . It is known to all THAT vocabulary is an important part of language learning . I usually memorize 20 new words a day and put THEM to use whenever possible. ...

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驹阳五水:[答案] Lonely--> aloneso anxious-->too anxiousto avoid too nervous--> too avoid being too nervousbetter not take grade--> better not to take gradeIf you had a proper--> If you have a properserious-->seriousl...

吴旗县17291189927: 英语短文改错每个短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词.... -
驹阳五水:[答案] 去掉be runner-runners by-at began-begins 正确 there-where will去掉 crossing-cross finish-finishing much-more many-much that去掉 make-making sometime-sometimes that-those outside-beside interested-interests record-records 正确 home^and listen

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