
作者&投稿:那所 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

stop and smell the flowers




online presentation


testing online is a new testing electronic technology, printed circuit boards in the commissioning and maintenance, often require measurement of the printing plate capacitor components. This is a design in 8051 under the control of SCM, data collection, A / D converter, the range control, display and alarm functions, to facilitate the flexibility to achieve the capacitance of the online test.
The reference design research and testing various ways to test various methods of analysis, printed circuit board capacitance of the test programme. The proposed smart online capacitance test the core of the Cx / V converters using a simple active RC circuit, the method is measured capacitance signal frequency has nothing to do with incentives, and converted the measured voltage capacitor and a linear relationship.
The system consists of SCM control system, capacitance / voltage converter module, A / D converter module, rectifier filter module, the LED digital display module and the alarm module. Have a high accuracy test, and can solder a component in the absence of circumstances can be measured directly printed circuit board capacitance components parameters. Not only ensure the printed circuit boards and components intact, but also greatly increasing the capacitance test the speed and accuracy. Online testing system and electronic products have become indispensable to the maintenance process, which in large measure to ensure and improve product quality and production efficiency.
Based on SCM's smart online capacitor circuit test system is simple, wide range, high accuracy and simple operation, visual display characteristics and therefore in the electronics industry in the use of a wide range of prospects.

Chinese translation as follows:

Online testing is testing a new electronic technology, printed circuit boards in the commissioning and maintenance, often require measurement of the printing plate capacitor components. This is a design in 8051 under the control of SCM, data collection, A / D converter, the range control, display and alarm functions, to facilitate the flexibility to achieve the capacitance of the online test.
The reference design research and testing various ways to test various methods of analysis, printed circuit board capacitance of the test programme. The proposed smart online capacitance test the core of the Cx / V converters using a simple active RC circuit, the method is measured capacitance signal frequency has nothing to do with incentives, and converted the measured voltage capacitor and a linear relationship.
The system consists of SCM control system, capacitance / voltage converter module, A / D converter module, rectifier filter module, the LED digital display module and the alarm module. Have a high accuracy test, and can solder a component in the absence of circumstances can be measured directly printed circuit board capacitance components parameters. Not only ensure the printed circuit boards and components intact, but also greatly increasing the capacitance test the speed and accuracy. Online testing system and electronic products have become indispensable to the maintenance process, which in large measure to ensure and improve product quality and production efficiency.
Based on SCM's smart online capacitor circuit test system is simple, wide range, high accuracy and simple operation, visual display characteristics and therefore in the electronics industry in the use of a wide range of prospects.

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恩施土家族苗族自治州15228126314: 英语翻译 英语好的请进 -
艾肩独一: In the same piece of sky,searching for the people who is the same as me. 应该加个the

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艾肩独一: 理雅各James Legge的经典翻译: For life or for death, however separated, To our wives we pleadged our word. We held their hands;--- We are to grow old together with them. Bernhard Karlgren的翻译: In death or life (we are) separated and far ...

恩施土家族苗族自治州15228126314: 英语好的请进!请问 我们永远是好朋友哦 用英语怎么说?把写法发给我!We will always be friends 回答者:Spring - ivy - 探花 十级 12 - 13 20:43We are good ... -
艾肩独一:[答案] We will always be friends

恩施土家族苗族自治州15228126314: 问大家几个英语单词的翻译哦,英语好的请进
艾肩独一: 分别:章鱼:octopus,鱼翅:fim,鸡翅:chicken wings,鸡腿:drumstick,芦笋:asparagus,竹笋:Bamboo shoots,花生:Peanut.

恩施土家族苗族自治州15228126314: 英语好的请进!!!!!
艾肩独一: I will (am going to) fight in my classroom.

恩施土家族苗族自治州15228126314: 英语好的人请进.中译英句子 -
艾肩独一: 1, It's certain that they will win this game.2, Whoever wants to achieve success must work hard.3, The gym of our school can contain 5,000 people.4, We're so apprecia...

恩施土家族苗族自治州15228126314: 英语好的请进.请给我翻译一下两句英文句子.
艾肩独一: 当我们参观它时,有许多旅游者在那儿;他收到了许多当地善心人士送给他的卡片.

恩施土家族苗族自治州15228126314: 英语口语好的请进 翻译成英语句子 -
艾肩独一: (本人口译)Excuse me,I just donot know how to start our talk.But I'm just a general staff,and I hardly cannot feel my existence.That's because John who makes me unormal at all. You know,people's treatment of me all depend on John,I donot blame ...

恩施土家族苗族自治州15228126314: 英语好的请进、翻译一下短句.
艾肩独一: 你的句子哪copy的呀?好像读不通啊 ... The money he earned , the words he said, those he past ,today what we do, things we didn't understand ,what happens in the future,I told you,what did you mean,I worried about this....

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