请英语好的大大帮帮忙 翻译一下 谢谢

作者&投稿:雷行 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



In early childhood,girls' and boys' clothes are often identical in cut and fabric,as if in recognition of the fact that their bodies are much alike.But the T-shirts,pull-on slacks and zip jackets intended for boys are usually made in darker colors (especially forest green,navy,red and brown) and printed with designs involving sports, transportation and cute wild animals.在幼儿期,女孩和男孩的衣服一样常常在裁剪及面料,仿佛在认识到自己的身体都很alike.but的T恤,拉拉链外套拟就疏于与男生通常在黑暗色彩(尤其森林绿、海军、红棕色)和印刷与设计涉及体育交通、可爱的野生动物. Firls' clothes are made in paler colors (especially pink, yellow and green) and decorated with folowers and cute domestic animalsl.firls的衣服都在淡红色(尤其粉红、黄色和绿色)和缀有folowers和国内animalsl可爱. The suggestion is that the boy will play vigorously and travel over long distances; the girl will stay home and nurture plants and small mammals.男童的建议是,将发挥积极而长途旅行;女孩子在家培育植物和小型哺乳动物. Alternatively, these designs may symbolize their wearers: the boy is a lovely bear or a smiling tiger, the girl a folwer or a kitten.另外,这些图案,寓意其一身:男孩是一个可爱的微笑或承担老虎少女还是一个容积小猫. There is also a tendency for boys' clothes to be fullest at the shoulders and girls' at the hips,anticipating their adult figures.还有一种倾向男生的衣服在肩膀上,可充分女孩在臀部,期待他们成人人物. Boys' and men's garments also emphasize the shoulders with horizontal stripes.男童及男装成衣肩上还强调横向条纹. Girls' and women's garments emphasize the hips and rear through the strategic placement of gathers and trimmings.女童和妇女的服装强调臀部和后方的战略位置,通过收集碱法.

Even for children dress-up clothing tends to be sex-typed in shape as well as in color and decoration.即使孩子穿了衣服往往是性行为型形状、颜色以及装饰. By adolescence most of what we wear incorporates traditional male or female indicators: among them, for men ,the garment that fastens to the right and the classic jacket, shirt and tie; for women the garment that fastens to the left,fuffles and bows, high-heeled shoes and the skirt in all its forms.我们的青少年大多穿着传统男性或女性囊括指标:当中男人的服装,以加快我国的权利和经典外套,衬衫,打领带;妇女服装为加快我国左边fuffles、鞠躬、高跟鞋和裙子所有形式.
问题补充: Male colthing has always been designed to suggest physical and/or social dominance.性别比补充:男服装设计一向认为体力和/或社会主导权.

Traditionally, the qualities that make a man attractive are size and muscular strength.传统上,这使一个人的素质和吸引力的大小肌力. In在

the past this preference was practical: most men were farmers, hunters or warriors, and the这是过去的实际偏好:大多数男性农民,猎人或勇士、

woman who attached herself to a big, strong man had a better chance of survival.附上自己一个大女人,有强人瘾头生存. Men's男装

garments therefore tended to enlarge the body through the use of strong colors and bulky因此趋于成衣扩大身体借助于色彩、笨重

materials , and to emphasize angularity with rectangular shapes and sharp points.材料、形状和长方形,与强调生硬尖锐点. They他们

suggested or called attention to well-developed leg, shoulder and arm muscles by means of建议或要求注意相当发达腿部、肩膀和手臂肌肉方式

tight hose, trousers and jackets; and they increased the width of shoulders and chest with紧软管、长裤及外套;他们增加宽度与肩、胸部





请英语好的大大帮帮忙 翻译一下 谢谢
In early childhood,girls' and boys' clothes are often identical in cut and fabric,as if in recognition of the fact that their bodies are much alike.But the T-shirts,pull-on slacks and zip jackets intended for boys are usually made in darker colors (especially forest green,navy,...

请哪位英文很好的大大帮帮忙 告诉我这句话的意思
意思是(意译): 这世界使我柔弱无骨,在这复杂的社会中生存太艰难了,明天也许会更好,更接近完美。(这句话表达对现状的不满和无奈,对未来的憧憬。直译不太符合中文表达,意译更好。)重点和难点:I thought I could survive:我原本以为我能生存。(暗含的意思是,现在的生存情况不好。)the ni...

我就给自己制定了这样一条座右铭:"拳不离手,曲不离口",持之以恒.学好英语,兴趣很重要.正如爱因斯坦所说"兴趣是最好的老师".学习英语的兴趣大大激发了我的求知欲.有人说,英语水平高是将来找到理想的工作甚至出国的资本. 这固然不错,但除此之外,我更觉得,英语是一扇窗口,他向我们展示的是一片广...

the piers casting of SFRC four-pile caps will backfilling. Then will need to turn the piers observation label. Test This paper mainly introduces the process and bridge settlement observation in observation of the need for attention to some problems ....

我需要的东西有以下几个大点:⑴英语的基本句式和骨架⑵英语中主语,谓语(非谓语),宾语,状语,表语,补语,补语。在句子中的作用,请举例说明!⑶英语中的现在分词,过去分词,不... 我需要的东西有以下几个大点: ⑴ 英语的基本句式和骨架 ⑵英语中主语,谓语(非谓语),宾语,状语,表语,补语,补语。在句子中的作用,请...

1, 新鲜空气对她健康的影响大大不同 2,这让她的分数大大不同,而且让她学习得更好!3,他收看电视节目来进行阅读 pick up 是收看电视、电台的意思,没什么疑问,但跟to read搭配起来确实优点别扭。一般是I borrow the book to read.如果参照这句的话,to read应该翻译成“进行阅读”(表目的)...

学习语言是慢慢积累的过程。今天背明天忘这个很正常,你要在忘掉之前在看一遍,不就忘不掉了。就是说,今天的单词背会了,回家路上想想今天学哪几个单词,睡觉前拿书在挨个读一遍,早上起来 在看一篇。记第一遍的时候可能花的时间长,以后温习的时候用的时间就少了,也许就是你上课等老师来的那一...

and better 这句话有语法错误!everyday不做宾语 wish you be better everyday 符合语法 是欧美常用的习语方式 Wishing a better day everyday!! 也可以 Hoped every one day is all happier Hope that every day more beautiful Hoped that each day is happier 用wish 更好,有虚拟语气的意思 ...

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Currently the world altogether has 11 billion, smokers die each year from smoking related diseases up to 400 million per second, there is a people die from smoking related diseases. An estimated the life of American adults smoking reduced on average by 14 years. In die from smoking...

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宿豫县15953857703: 请英语高手帮帮忙翻译下!!感谢!! -
辉胞日夜: What,is,around,me,is,sadness,and,desperation.这里用了主语从句或者,Sadness,and,desperation,is,around,me.这里是正常的语序另外,绝望,desperation还能用hopelessness来代...

宿豫县15953857703: 英语好的请帮帮忙,把它翻译成英语.谢谢.
辉胞日夜: “怎麽会生病啊?你注意身体啊,好好休息,期待开学与你见面.我现在住在男友家,他家人挺喜欢我的,只是这俩天我们有矛盾.总而言之,还是很开心的,等我开学,他就去广东工作了.”"How did you get sick? Remember to take care ...

宿豫县15953857703: 请求英语高手帮忙翻译一下 谢谢咯
辉胞日夜: Today is wendnsday, Nov. 9th, thw weather is cold. I want to the book store. The book store is close to my home. I spent a long time for reading the book in the store. I read the "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer " 几个词打错了,修改以下... Today ...

宿豫县15953857703: 请英语高手翻译个句子.帮帮忙,谢了.汉译英
辉胞日夜: No matter the ending is perfect or not, but I won't let you in my heart

宿豫县15953857703: 求下翻译,英语好的帮帮忙,谢谢.~ -
辉胞日夜: GuoJing, another name GuoBoYu, English name, Claire, is now branched f record companies (Linfair was polylink.) of a pop singer. The region, before she is a member of...

宿豫县15953857703: 请英语好的朋友帮帮忙
辉胞日夜: 1would you please wait a moment? Very sorry for the inconvenience! 2other guests to share the table with you! 3because you do not follow the predetermined time, so we will seat arranged for another guest! 4wait a moment please, I will serve you as soon as possible! 5may you be happy and prosperous!望采纳

宿豫县15953857703: 来个英语好的大大翻译一下..尽量把格式对整齐..谢谢 -
辉胞日夜: 航行 质量 固定 一般 浮动 很好 极好瞄准 血自动 红色手动 绿色

宿豫县15953857703: 兄弟姐妹们,帮帮忙,哪位英语好的麻烦帮我翻译一下,急!...
辉胞日夜: Thank you,however,l want to study hard at school now.谢谢采纳

宿豫县15953857703: 请英语好的帮帮忙.把段话翻译成英文!谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢
辉胞日夜: I have gone, maybe we together is wrong. With the care for so long that you have been me? Needless to say everything, and hope you can learn how to love a human being. Better. Take care of your own bar!

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