
作者&投稿:史净 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Move forward with economic globalization course ceaselessness, medium-sized and small enterprises of our country if bamboo shoots after a spring rain as be developing vigorously , already having be becoming important our country economic growth strength , be playing the more and more important role among them especially small and medium clothing enterprise in our country economic activity. More and more many small and medium clothing enterprise has jumped into a to overseas with sight , has opened up overseas market actively because the market competition gradually is fierce,fresh activists who becomes our country foreign trade gradually. But we have also seen their defects in being trading with foreign countries , have been having a lot of problem, be threatening development of enterprise. The article passes the analysis being in progress to small and medium clothing enterprise current situation , have problem and cause in being carrying out foreign trade process , resolves and a scheme specifically for these problem brings forward small advantages's.

Keywords: Small and medium clothing enterprise; Foreign trade; Problem; Solve


The street landscape is an important part of urban landscape in daily life, it is important for all kinds of activities. The street landscape of ascension to improve the urban environment, improve citizens live in comfort and enhance the public's cohesive force and the identity. Therefore, the study of urban street landscape has the extremely vital significance.
From the current research of nanchang street landscape, adhering to the domestic research, the landscape of street landscape elements of the analysis of the street space composition and processing technique, find out problems of nanchang street landscape, according to the traffic sex life, streets, the streets of commercial street, characteristic street four types, and put forward the corresponding countermeasure to some conclusions: at present, the city street landscape features exist distinct, street space, furniture design is not perfect, afforest construction problems, Nanchang street landscape construction should be put up the whole design concept, Explicit landscape style localization, Meet different types of street function requirement, Grasp the individuality characteristic, nanchang, Diversity, countermeasures such as compared to mediate. Thus for nanchang resident building harmonious and comfortable street landscape.

Keywords: city street landscape status

Abstract: The advertisement language is in the enterprise vivid strategy the important component, is the commodity enters one of international market bridges, after specially joins World Trade Organization, the international marketing activity increases day by day, the international advertisement enterprise vigorous development, the international advertisement is the transnational Trans-Culture marketing propaganda form, not merely it faces is the language transformed question, is difference questions and so on language laws and regulations religion financial circumstance, to cause advertisement translator already to conform to the advertisement language characteristic, to express one's ideas accurately, the nature faithful accurate transmission culture information, lets the customer be glad receives this product the information, to obtain the ideal benefit, very much has the necessity to find out some international cultural difference and the advertisement language translation translationSkill, with the aim of being better the propaganda commodity. this article first introduced the advertisement language's concept and the characteristic, the advertisement language usual use quite brief slogan sentence, transmits one long-term invariable idea to the consumer, in the language the persuasive power very strong rhetoric method utilization also very much has a distinctive style lightly obviously novel. In the advertisement language's function type, the author lets everybody with the example method have a more direct-viewing understanding. the next author first introduced the related advertisement language translation to everybody the skill: Since the advertisement language translation is important, then which translator the good piece of good advertisement language does change from obtains? The author first gave us to introduce the most essential requirements were; Correct understanding advertisement content. Because the understanding is the expression premise, the correct understanding has not been far from the correct expression. Next is must use transliterates the means which the transliteration unifies, the advertisement language translation is a language art, good translator gives the people by the esthetic sense, also immediate influence to advertisement effect. Is in once more translation time sometimes must add the word, reduce the word and the explanation. Finally what also wants the idea is must consider the English to Chinese two cultures fully the difference, because the different country's cultural context manners and customs to the translation the understanding are also differently different. And each skill explains with examples lets the reader be clearer the clear understanding and absorbs the author also to mention once more only depends on the skill is insufficient. Also wants the idea advertisement language translation the standard, causes its translation arrives. Also has several points in here is must understand: Advertisement language translator must according to need, be accommodating nimbly. Generally divides into four standards namely; Promotion strength: Namely must be able the powerful promotion product sale; Creativity: Must be rich in the creativity to attract populace's attention to promote populace's consumer behavior; Esthetic sense: Must the magnificent in artistic conception and popular, easy to understand helps in the enterprise image sets up with the maintenance brand image; With cultural suitabilities and so on. the author in introduced finally to the reader the very successful advertisement language translation's example as well as analyzes its successful reason, lets the reader better understanding advertisement language the translation. that the example which knows widely besides these person, some quite classical advertisement language translates the author to display appreciates for everybody.

提问者: 03jessie - 助理 三级 最佳答案
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保靖县19658927861: 摘要翻译我在写毕业论文,现在想请好心人帮忙翻译一下摘要,谢谢希望
闫天排毒: Study on reasons and strategies of the unbalanced distribution of urban and rural ... 另外,最后那句“我相信”太过主观,不应该出现在论文里,建议改成“作者认为”....

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保靖县19658927861: 实在头疼啊~请好心人帮我翻译一下毕业论文的摘要,谢谢! o(∩ - ∩)o... -
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保靖县19658927861: 求助翻译本人毕业论文的摘要.先谢谢各位了多在下英语白痴,对于翻译
闫天排毒: Today flown to develop soon in the Internet, the Internet becomes people to obtain, release and deliver the important outlet of[with] information quickly, it is political at people, ...

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闫天排毒: Abstract:Along with the fast development of our economy, a variety of industrial accidents become more and more, has become a social problem that can not be ignored. Because of the present of industrial injury insurance system has gradually ...

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