
作者&投稿:竹石 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Car parts
The engine is a power plant, which provides power to drive the automobile.
In most automobile engines,the explosive power of the mixture of air and gasoline drives the pistons.The pistons turn a crankshaft to which they are attached The rotating force of the crankshaft makes the automobile’s wheels turn.
Some automobiles are powered by another kind of engine,known as the rotary valve,rotating combustion engine or Wankel engine The rotary valve engine also draws in a mixture of air and fuel, which is then compressed and burnt.A motor revolving in an elliptical chamber is connected to a shaft,Which finally drives the rear wheels.In most automobiles.the engine is mounted at the front end of the car,with the clutch and gearbox immediately behind it;the engine, clutch and gearbox are assembled into a single unit

Suspension System
The function of the suspension system is to absorb vibrations due to the up and down motion of wheels.caused by the irregularities in the road surface . The springs, connecting linkages.and shock absorber comprise the suspension system of a vehicle.The suspension system is of two types:
(1)Rigid system
(2)Independent system
In the rigid system, the road springs are attached to a rigid beam axle. It is mostly used in the front axle of commercial vehicles and in the car axle of all types of vehicles.
The independent system does not have a rigid axle. Each wheel is free to move vertically without any reaction on its mating wheel. The independent system is mostly used in small cars
Power Train
The power train carries the power that the engine produces to the car wheels. It consists of the clutch (on cars with a manual transmission), transmission (a system of gears that increases the turning effort of the engine to move the automobile ),drive shaft, differential and rear axle.
A clutch is required with the manual transmission system to temporarily disconnect the engine from wheels. Such disengagement of the power train from the engine is essential while changing the gear ratio or while stopping the vehicle.
The main function of the transmission is to provide the necessary variation to the torque applied by the engine to the wheels. This is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine output shaft and the drive shaft.
Drive Shaft
The drive shaft or propeller connects the gearbox and the differential unit. The drive shaft has universal joints at its ends.
The function of the differential is to split the power received from the propeller shaft to the rear axle shaft. It allows the rear wheels to be driven at different speeds when the vehicle takes a bend or falls into a ditch.
Axles are the shafts on which road wheels are mounted. The road wheels are provided with the required drive through these axles.
The automobile wheels take the load of the vehicle and also produce tractive force to move the vehicle. The wheels are also used for retardation and for stopping the vehicle.
Steering System
The steering system is used for changing the direction of the vehicle .The major requirements in any steering mechanism are that it should be precise and easy to handle, and that the front wheels should have a tendency to return to the straight-ahead position after a turn. A gear mechanism, which is known as steering gear, is used in this system to increase the steering effort provided by the driver. This system makes the vehicle steering very easy as the driver does not have to put in much effort.Vehicle steering is not only required on a curved road but also while maneuvering on the busy traffic roads.The steering system allows the vehicle to be guided i.e.to be turned left or right.
Braking System
Brakes are required for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.The braking system may be operated mechanically or hydraulically. 95 percent of the braking systems in use today are of the hydraulic type.
All brake consist of two members.one rotating and the other stationary.There are various means by which the two member call be brought in contact,thus reducing the speed of the vehicle.
The major components of the braking system are:brake pedal, master cylinder, wheel Cylinder, brake pipe,brake shoes.brake packing plant and linkages.As the load on the vehicle and the vehicle speed has increased according to recent trends.in modem days, the importance of the braking system has also increased and power brakes are now being preferred.Power brakes utilize vacuum and air pressure to provide most of the brake————applying effort.


Car parts
The engine is a power plant, which provides power to drive the automobile.
In most automobile engines,the explosive power of the mixture of air and gasoline drives the pistons.The pistons turn a crankshaft to which they are attached The rotating force of the crankshaft makes the automobile’s wheels turn.
Some automobiles are powered by another kind of engine,known as the rotary valve,rotating combustion engine or Wankel engine The rotary valve engine also draws in a mixture of air and fuel, which is then compressed and burnt.A motor revolving in an elliptical chamber is connected to a shaft,Which finally drives the rear wheels.In most automobiles.the engine is mounted at the front end of the car,with the clutch and gearbox immediately behind it;the engine, clutch and gearbox are assembled into a single unit
A number of systems are necessary to make an engine work . A lubrication system is needed
to reduce friction and prevent engine wear. A cooling system is required to keep the engine’s temperature within safe limits .The engine must be provided with the correct amount of air and fuel by a fuel system.
The mixture of air and fuel must be ignited inside the cylinder at just the right time by an ignition system.Finally, an electrical system is required to operate the cranking motor that starts the engine and to provide electrical energy to power engine accessories
Lubrication System
An engine has many moving parts which eventually develop wear,as they move against each other.The engine circulates oil between these moving parts to prevent the metal-to-metal contact that results in wear. Parts that are oiled can move more easily with less friction and hence power loss due to friction is minimized.The secondary function of lubricant is to act as a coolant and also as a sealing medium to prevent leakages.Finally,a film of lubricant on the cylinder walls helps the tings in sealing and thus improves the engine’s compressions.
Cooling System
Due to the combustion of fuel with air inside the cylinder,the temperature of the engine parts increases.This increase of temperature directly affects the engine performance and the life of the engine parts.The cooling system keeps the engine operating at the efficient temperature.Whatever the driving conditions, the system is designed to prevent both overheating and overcooling.
Fuel System
The main function of the fuel supply system is to provide fuel to the carburetor or injection system at a rate and pressure sufficient to meet engine demands under all conditions of load,speed and gradients encountered by the vehicle.The fuel system must also have enough reserve fuel for several miles of vehicle operation.
Ignition System
The purpose of the ignition system is to provide assistance for the combustion of fuel either by a high voltage spark or self-ignition in each of the engine’s cylinder at the right time so that the air-fuel mixture can burn completely.
The fuel supplied to the combustion chamber must be ignited to deliver power.In a spark—ignition engine an electric spark is used for this purpose.The compression—ignition engine does not require a separate ignition system because the ignition is affected by compression of the mixture to a high pressure.
Electrical System
The engine’s electrical system provides energy to operate a starting motor and to power all the accessories.The main components of the electrical system are a battery,an alternator, a starting motor, ignition coil and heater.
The frame provides a foundation for the engine and the body of the vehicle . The flame is constructed from square or box-shaped steel members strong enough to support the weight of the body and other components.
The automobile frame is usually made up of a number of members welded or riveted together to give the final shape.The engine is mounted on the frame with rubber pads which absorb vibrations and also provide damping of these vibrations.Absorption and damping of vibrations protects passengers from discomfort caused by shocks.
The frame is supported on wheel axles by means of springs.This whole assembly is called
the chassis.
Suspension System
The function of the suspension system is to absorb vibrations due to the up and down motion of wheels.caused by the irregularities in the road surface . The springs, connecting linkages.and shock absorber comprise the suspension system of a vehicle.The suspension system is of two types:
(1)Rigid system
(2)Independent system
In the rigid system, the road springs are attached to a rigid beam axle. It is mostly used in the front axle of commercial vehicles and in the car axle of all types of vehicles.
The independent system does not have a rigid axle. Each wheel is free to move vertically without any reaction on its mating wheel. The independent system is mostly used in small cars
Power Train
The power train carries the power that the engine produces to the car wheels. It consists of the clutch (on cars with a manual transmission), transmission (a system of gears that increases the turning effort of the engine to move the automobile ),drive shaft, differential and rear axle.
A clutch is required with the manual transmission system to temporarily disconnect the engine from wheels. Such disengagement of the power train from the engine is essential while changing the gear ratio or while stopping the vehicle.
The main function of the transmission is to provide the necessary variation to the torque applied by the engine to the wheels. This is achieved by changing the gearing ratio between the engine output shaft and the drive shaft.
Drive Shaft
The drive shaft or propeller connects the gearbox and the differential unit. The drive shaft has universal joints at its ends.
The function of the differential is to split the power received from the propeller shaft to the rear axle shaft. It allows the rear wheels to be driven at different speeds when the vehicle takes a bend or falls into a ditch.
Axles are the shafts on which road wheels are mounted. The road wheels are provided with the required drive through these axles.
The automobile wheels take the load of the vehicle and also produce tractive force to move the vehicle. The wheels are also used for retardation and for stopping the vehicle.
Steering System
The steering system is used for changing the direction of the vehicle .The major requirements in any steering mechanism are that it should be precise and easy to handle, and that the front wheels should have a tendency to return to the straight-ahead position after a turn. A gear mechanism, which is known as steering gear, is used in this system to increase the steering effort provided by the driver. This system makes the vehicle steering very easy as the driver does not have to put in much effort.Vehicle steering is not only required on a curved road but also while maneuvering on the busy traffic roads.The steering system allows the vehicle to be guided i.e.to be turned left or right.
Braking System
Brakes are required for slowing down or stopping a moving vehicle.The braking system may be operated mechanically or hydraulically. 95 percent of the braking systems in use today are of the hydraulic type.
All brake consist of two members.one rotating and the other stationary.There are various means by which the two member call be brought in contact,thus reducing the speed of the vehicle.
The major components of the braking system are:brake pedal, master cylinder, wheel Cylinder, brake pipe,brake shoes.brake packing plant and linkages.As the load on the vehicle and the vehicle speed has increased according to recent trends.in modem days, the importance of the braking system has also increased and power brakes are now being preferred.Power brakes utilize vacuum and air pressure to provide most of the brake————applying effort.




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智俊欣立: Development of PLC-based Tension Control System REN Sheng-le*, LU Hua, WANG Yong-zhang, FU Hong-ya Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China Received 22 May 2006; accepted 22 ...

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智俊欣立: 毕业设计主要包括:1、前言(中、英文),2、目录.3、正文.4、引言文献(有学校要求附文献内容).5、感谢(在论文写作时指导的老师)

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智俊欣立: 外文文献翻译我们公司做过很多,你的问题不是很清楚,1.毕业论文是“翻译外文文献”;2. 毕业论文中引入“外文文献译文”,前者肯定要完整翻译了,后者就看你论文中到底需不需要了.如果需要帮忙,可以联系言必达翻译公司.

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