
作者&投稿:繁善 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  In addition, a frameworkwill be established along with the formulation of required rules in order to enable transmission/distribution companies, which conduct the load-dispatching instructions, to respond to disasters and adjust supply-demand and frequency of electricity in cooperation with electricity generation companies after the implementation of legal unbundling.


  It is possible toreconsider the functional unbundling that only transfer functions regarding planning and operation of the transmission/distribution system of GEU to the ONCT, in cases where insurmountable problems emerge in the process of discussion on the implementation of the framework, making it extremely difficult to implement.


In short, it is not difficult to see that the cultural idiom is a mirror, reflecting the culture and subject to the influence of the culture and constraints. Through cultural meaning of English Idioms, to see the English nation with distinct cultural identity of ethnic Han. It is this culture features restrict the meaning and connotation of English Idioms have differences. Therefore, the only English-depth understanding of the different characteristics of the two cultures can deeply understand the meaning of English Idioms. and the correct use. West of the Chinese culture misleading nonsense traditional abound. Chinese people have the responsibility to clear misinformation. Let the West face it, not an easy task. China's understanding of Western culture is floating on the surface. Through painstaking not equal dialogue, the cultural differences between the East and West is difficult to eliminate the common development of world culture. sentence prosperity will be empty talk. Therefore, China should strengthen the teaching cultural awareness. Teaching in English, should establish a sense of culture and language should be taught simultaneously at the same time imparting cultural knowledge. Enhance cultural awareness of the principles and methods of teaching, mainly in the following points : "(1) English teachers must continually improve their own cultural accomplishment. (2) should be teaching cultural awareness and language teaching and move closer integration. (3) Random lectures. According to materials related to what is and what is in addition to clarifying some of its concepts, it also includes clarifying the cultural background knowledge, and sometimes appropriate to expand their knowledge, I would like to mention some of the relevant foreign customs and Communication etc. (4) Differences between. (5) recreation. Education learning process, teachers should do everything possible to create a conducive environment for students, and take the form of recreation. mobilize the enthusiasm of students. "Idioms of learning is a difficult problem. Idioms differences in learning language readers will be unable to text message with their own knowledge and experience, making it difficult to establish a coherent understanding of the meaning of words must. Readers who learn to create a vacuum or with the reader the cultural significance of psychological conflict Idioms, Not only have the skills to deal with differences in expression of the form, but the information should also be careful in dealing with their culture. it is necessary to remedy the default source language and cultural barriers in order to avoid interpretations, but also as a target language standpoint, for the purpose to serve the reader to explain the source culture. See Nida translation generated in the conversion law, "First, take a sentence back its simple structure. Semantic most clearly at the core sentence; Second, the source of these core language and phrases from the Chinese translation of the past; Thirdly, According to the translation, the core language of the old generation surface sentence. "transforming the translation of idioms for learning Bearing stress is a careful analysis of culture language, idioms find expression in the core meaning and to find the source and target language or the language of such effects, such as the concept and image. Corresponding with the goal of language and expression.

I am a high school student from China, next year I will graduate in June. I would like to apply for University of Oregon, Department of Dance undergraduate, there are some problems you to answer.
1. As an international student Can I apply for University of Oregon, Department of Dance undergraduate »
2 If possible, I need to provide in addition to Internet-based TOEFL, GPA and other achievements and that language in addition to participate in the dance of the examination or provide proof of professional dance? »
3. If necessary, I can not ask the U.S. to participate in interviews but dance works by post or transmit video discs » Please tell me specific requirements, such as specifications, such as the type of dance.
4. The need for professional dance certificate » If you need, please let me know the specific circumstances.
5. If I had the honour to be admitted, in the Department of Dance, I read the cost of undergraduate students in general are basically the same international »
6. As an international students apply for Department of Dance, Internet-based TOEFL, GPA requirements, such as how many points more »
7. Undergraduate in the Department of Dance at the same time I can I meet the requirements for the scholarships » What materials or that can increase the possibility of scholarship I received »
8. I probably in June next year, high school graduates get permits, then I can apply for the first season of which enrolment

I am a high school student from China, next year I will graduate in June. I would like to apply for University of Oregon, Department of Dance undergraduate, there are some problems you to answer.
1. As an international student Can I apply for University of Oregon, Department of Dance undergraduate »
2 If possible, I need to provide in addition to Internet-based TOEFL, GPA and other achievements and that language in addition to participate in the dance of the examination or provide proof of professional dance? «
3. If necessary, I can not ask the U.S. to participate in interviews but dance works by post or transmit video discs » Please tell me specific requirements, such as specifications, such as the type of dance.
4. The need for professional dance certificate » If you need, please let me know the specific circumstances.
5. If I had the honour to be admitted, in the Department of Dance, I read the cost of undergraduate students in general are basically the same international »
6. As an international students apply for Department of Dance, Internet-based TOEFL, GPA requirements, such as how many points more »
7. Undergraduate in the Department of Dance at the same time I can I meet the requirements for the scholarships » What materials or that can increase the possibility of scholarship I received »
8. I probably in June next year, high school graduates get permits, then I can apply for the first season of which enrolment »
Thank you for 100 of his busy schedule to answer my question 谢谢- -

1. As an international student Can I apply for University of Oregon, Department of Dance undergraduate »
2 If possible, I need to provide in addition to Internet-based TOEFL, GPA and other achievements and that language in addition to participate in the dance of the examination or provide proof of professional dance? »
3. If necessary, I can not ask the U.S. to participate in interviews but dance works by post or transmit video discs » Please tell me specific requirements, such as specifications, such as the type of dance.
4. The need for professional dance certificate » If you need, please let me know the specific circumstances.
5. If I had the honour to be admitted, in the Department of Dance, I read the cost of undergraduate students in general are basically the same international »
6. As an international students apply for Department of Dance, Internet-based TOEFL, GPA requirements, such as how many points more »
7. Undergraduate in the Department of Dance at the same time I can I meet the requirements for the scholarships » What materials or that can increase the possibility of scholarship I received »
8. I probably in June next year, high school graduates get permits, then I can apply for the first season of which enrolment »
Thank you for 100 of his busy schedule to answer my question.

I am a high school student from China, next year I will graduate in June. I would like to apply for University of Oregon, Department of Dance undergraduate, there are some problems you to answer.
1. As an international student Can I apply for University of Oregon, Department of Dance undergraduate »
2 If possible, I need to provide in addition to Internet-based TOEFL, GPA and other achievements and that language in addition to participate in the dance of the examination or provide proof of professional dance? «
3. If necessary, I can not ask the U.S. to participate in interviews but dance works by post or transmit video discs » Please tell me specific requirements, such as specifications, such as the type of dance.
4. The need for professional dance certificate » If you need, please let me know the specific circumstances.
5. If I had the honour to be admitted, in the Department of Dance, I read the cost of undergraduate students in general are basically the same international »
6. As an international students apply for Department of Dance, Internet-based TOEFL, GPA requirements, such as how many points more »
7. Undergraduate in the Department of Dance at the same time I can I meet the requirements for the scholarships » What materials or that can increase the possibility of scholarship I received »
8. I probably in June next year, high school graduates get permits, then I can apply for the first season of which enrolment »
Thank you for 100 of his busy schedule to answer my question.

我的亲爱,my dear love 以前,现在,以后,希望你都要幸福.before, now ,and future, i wish you could always happy 以后不要什么事都藏在心里 do not hide everything in your heart 不要玩游戏玩到很晚,do not play video games until min-night 难过的时候也可以打电话给我 you could call ...

据我所知,老外们对这句话,有下面这两种较常见的理解:1. 最多老外认为这是与 sex 有关。他们认为句中的 black 是指黑人,而 never come back 就是指不再愿意跟自己原来族群的人交往。所以句子的意思是:你一旦跟黑人好过,便再难满意其他人的表现。若要淡化这方面的含意,可以把它译为:你...

Take the bottom logo OFF the bag.取下包包底部的标志(牌子)This is too bad because we loss market exposure.它太糟了因为我们失去了销售方向 I needed the logo very small, its very very big and the buy has objected to any logo at all.我需要一个很小的标志,若它很大很大那就不...

Time flies fast, I should not be forever wandering inside the illusioned memories. I will forget the pain and meet you, the one I have been waiting for.

如果你不喜欢我,告诉我 但是你从来没有告诉过我你不喜欢我 而且你也没有给我一个你拒绝我的理由 为什么 我非常的疑惑 昨天 我又尝试了一次(与你沟通)你说 没希望 的确 没希望 面对着电脑屏幕 我又哭了 但是 我告诉我自己 这是我最后一次为你哭泣 迎接到来的离别 再见 我的爱 ...

制约我国农村剩余劳动力转移的因素有许多,比如:封闭的城乡二元结构、城镇化滞后于工业化、农村劳动力素质低等。there are many elements that limit tranfering of extra labour force in rural areas of China,for example: sealed binary structure of urban and the rural areas;urbanization that ...

Hallo everyone. I'm not good at singing,So I can only choose to introduce myself.Now I feel very nervous. I'm a cheerful girl.I like to laugh. I believe that as long as laugh, no big deal.My study is not very good. But I believe that as long as effort will be ...

因此人们常常认为荼靡花开是一年花季的终结。苏轼诗:“荼靡不争春,寂寞开最晚。”任拙斋诗:“一年春事到荼靡。”王琪诗:一从梅粉褪残妆,涂抹新红上海棠。开到荼靡花事了,丝丝天棘出莓墙。”这每一字句,都是这夏天最后一抹花语的诠释。《红楼梦》中也有关于荼蘼的一段。 荼蘼《红楼梦中》中《...


另外,如果有什么要求(例如酒店和食物)请尽量让我知道,别客气。 In addition, if there are any requirements (such as hotels and food) Please try to let me know, you're welcome. 行程表完成后将发送到您邮箱,在您来上海的这段时间,天气还有点凉,别忘记多带一件厚外套。 Complete iti...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 请英语高手帮忙翻译,万分感激 -
恭珊普他: 正确翻译如下:This question is very simple, the company sent me to study in UK, only two months of time. You should know my career, I'm a costume designer so I have to keep study, and work very hard. Recently, I'm very tired, because of the time ...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 请哪位帮忙翻译一下这段英语,能中文化一点,万分感谢
恭珊普他: Beautiful selection of stones and crystals with knowledgable staff who will let you know what's-what. I'm always happy to see this place with multiple customers, despite the tight quarters. I have been able to find an array of gorgeous crystals and ...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 请帮忙翻译这段话 万分感谢 -
恭珊普他: We next focus on the development of new products on the company's development. Others will not do we have to do. We call it, to create new areas of graphite products. That...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 帮忙翻译(中译英) 万分感谢“今天我要讲一篇新闻,虽然这是半个月之前的新闻,但是我觉得它很有趣,所以拿来与大家分享” 请帮忙翻译一下这句句子 ... -
恭珊普他:[答案] Today I want to speak a piece of news.Though it is the news two weeks ago,I think it is very interesting,so I take it to share with you

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 请帮忙翻译几句话,非常感谢! -
恭珊普他: Manager Wang,How have you been lately?I'm Lucy.Thanks for the cocern from the company.Would you please give me a favor?I have gone to handle society insurance and learned that it can't be transferred withou the contract of labour.Since my...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 麻烦诸位大侠帮忙翻译一下这段话,急用,万分感谢.翻译完成发到我邮箱: hitadministor@163.com For the last two years, many of the best and brightest men... -
恭珊普他:[答案] 过去两年里,我这一行里许多最优秀最聪明的人违法犯罪步入牢狱.成功的,富有的,聪明的人居然变得贪婪、咄咄逼人而且... 商业已经失去个性,由个体在各自的房间里对着电话,看着电脑屏幕,与千里之外的人进行交易.没有规则,只有利益最大化...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 请帮忙翻译一下这句话.万分感谢 -
恭珊普他: Missing looks like the endless winter

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 请大家帮我翻译一下这段话,小弟万分感谢. -
恭珊普他: 生命就象两扇通往黑暗的门之间的通道.他们都一样的真实而永恒.也许可以说我们就在黑暗中相遇,而时光的本质就在这种永无尽头的相遇中显现.

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 请帮忙用英文翻译一下这段简单的话! 比较地道的哦,要强调到重点 真心感谢! -
恭珊普他: I'm pleased and touched to see what you are now. I wish you all the best that you can continue with your wonderful life and marriage. Last but not least, we ain't kids anymore.

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县18751893595: 请帮忙翻译下这段英文,万分感谢...
恭珊普他: 夏天的飞鸟,来到我窗前,歌唱,又飞走了. 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么曲子可唱,一声叹息,飘落在地上.

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