麻烦帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英语 在线等

作者&投稿:丛狡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A: if we live in the next 50 years.
B: why do you think so?
A: because I am longing for the future, it must be very beautiful.
B: but the future is difficult to predict, perhaps it would be very bad.
A: I don't think so, I think that science and technology must be very rich.
B: maybe that you imagine the future is what?
A: I think the future must not go to school.
B: I think maybe there will be online schools, but it may not be completely replace the traditional schools.
A: okay... Rightness, there will still be intelligent robots.
B: just like the science fiction movies?
A: yes, and it can help you do A lot of things.
B: but that man will eventually produced for robot, lose labor ability.
A: no, I think people will have special forms of exercise.
B: well, if so maybe people will live longer.
A: yes, they are likely to an alien living.
B: perhaps Mars is a good choice.
A: yes.
B: well, anyway, you want to say that all of the future is to develop good for?
A: yeah, but will also have some bad,
B: good to bad in future verification

嗨 女孩 我... ... 其实 我想对你说的很多 我却不晓得从哪里说起 我的思绪一团乱麻 我只要一想到你就会紧张 短路 我总想打给你 想对你说点什么 但每次都没有勇气 我不知道该告诉你什么 我怕不小心会说错什么 因为我在乎你的感受 那个晚上过后 我总是想起你 我知道自己着迷了 着迷那个漂亮瘦弱的你 我... ... 好吧 我不晓得该怎么说了

Hi, my sweetie... there are much I'd like to say to you but I don't know where to star. My mind is in a mess and I am too nervous when I think of you. It seems my brain has been short circuited. I really want to call you and say something, but i couldn't pick up the courage. I am afraid I might have said something wrong as I care about your feeling too much. After that night, you been on my mind and I know and I am deeply immersed in the thought of you, your pretty and slim image that has taken over my mind... I really don;'t how to continue and how I wish you know my feeling for you...

Thank you for your information offered to me. It's great for me to choose such a wonderful express, whose low price I had never heard about! This is why I prefer it.
However, I don't have PayPal, so it will take me half a day to turn to my friend for help and ask him/her to pay the money for me. After that, I will contact with you as soon as possible.

Thanks for your info! So great it is available to choose different express companies. i even didnt know xx Express costs so much less!
i decided to choose xx Express,but i dont have Paypal account, so pls give me some time to contact my friend to proceed with the payment, which may take half a day. I will contact you once the payment is done!


Thank you for your information,it is so good that I can choose different fast mail services, I had never known ** fast mail service can be so cheap. I have decided to choose ** (此处最好使用快递快递公司的英文全称). But I have no PayPal ,it may costs me some time to ask my friend to pay the money, maybe half of the day, I will connect you as soon as I paid.

感谢你提供的信息,能选择不同的快 递真的太棒了,我以前都不知道xx快 递会便宜那么多!
我决定选用xx快 递。但我没Pay*Pal,所以我需要一些时间来联系我朋友帮我付 款,这可能需要半天时间,我会在付 款后马上联系你。
Thanks very much for the information you supply (to me). How wonderful is it to choose different express companies. I didn't know it could save by that much sum as for XX Express Company.
Now I decide to ask XX Express to help me. Yet I don't have any Pay*Pal, thus it requires me some time to contact with my friend for helping with the payment, and it needs around half a day. I'll contact you immediately after the payment.


Thank you for your information. It's really great that different expresses can be chosen. The xx express is so cheap that I have decided to use it. But I don't have PayPal, so I have to contact my friend to pay for me , maybe this will spend half a day. I'll contact you immediately after payment

XX Company is the color of their own pulp mill, mainly in red, yellow and black iron blue and green, red iron several yellow color, taking into account their grinding is mainly based on cost considerations, only a few individual color, producing more trouble, a small procurement ...

于是我剩下来的一个礼拜行程 就是和这个男孩在一起 一起在长城上看我们祖国的风光 我们都很陶醉 大家都好像忘了香港太平山 还有台湾阿里山的风景 语言已经不再是我们之间的隔膜 但是一个礼拜很快就过去了 他和我说了句话 我是一缕烟,而你是一团火 踏着一缕烟就是为我这一团火而生 但是我只是...

把下面这段话翻译成日语,要用敬语 早上好。我是这次刚刚结束实习被分配...

翻译:表面看来,如果你没有在一个要求正式(正装)的办公室工作,夏天穿什么很容易选择。然而,(不能认为)一个创造性地环境,就要穿着像在狂欢节(巴西里约热内卢狂欢节)休闲度日一样。以下是一些建议,诠释了这个暑假的流行,不仅能使你依然很酷,也能保全你的工作(岗位)。seeing from the ...

M:那么,那些就是作为不尊重你丈夫的理由。你是否考虑在这离婚案中给于他共同的监护权?W: No, just visitation rights.W:不,只有探访的权利。M: Why?M:为什么?W: Because the law permits me to.W:因为法律允许我这么做。M: And, what about the financial demands of this divorce?M:那...

...最好是书名什么的 很喜欢这段话 所以有种买这本书的冲动 前提是这是...

hate your father. I believe that every father is a good father! Every father is kind and great!虽然你说的蛮好听但你后面的话实在太完美的...世界上没那么简单\/完美的事. 有的父亲根本就不管孩子, 有的父亲会做很可怕的事情...恭喜你, 看起来你运气比较好, 你爸爸应该是个好人....

无论我身在何处,Regardless my body where,你都在我身边。 You at I nearby 深信你是我的守护天使落入凡间。 Believing deeply you is I guard angel to fall into secular world 我要我们在一起, I want us together,一起散步,Take a walk together,一起啃排骨, Chew sparerib together,像...



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卜媚喉舒: I am very interested in this item though I am aware that I am not the only one want it. Such that please inform me of how much you expect or others' offer when you are going to sell it. We can negotiate the price.Besides, I had been planning to buy ...

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互助土族自治县17020238886: 求英语翻译: 麻烦帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文.谢谢!急!!!! -
卜媚喉舒: 因为日本这边节假日休息,今天才开始上班.所以这么晚才给您回信,真是不好意思! Because the Japanese side holidays rest, started to work today. So to your letter so late, really sorry! 我只会说日语,英语现在正在学习中.这将给您带来诸...

互助土族自治县17020238886: 麻烦帮忙把下面一段话翻译成英文 -
卜媚喉舒: The environment that he lives in is very bad. Therefore, his mother al...

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