
作者&投稿:辟将 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您的要求是相当高的, 但你非常有自信!祝你好运!
" Ideally my expected salary is 5000 Yuan. I have several reasons for this scale.
Firstly, it is based on the current salary bracket for this sector. I understand that my position/post is entitled to earn a salary of approximately XXXX Yuan.
Secondly, it is fixed according to my previous salary scales. My last drawn salary from previous employment is XXXX Yuan, and this corresponds with my psychological amount today.
Lastly, and most importantly, the scale which I expect to be awarded in fact reflects my working capability. I also trust that the Company has a reasonable, standard salary scale which can support an employee who has three years working hands-on experience and possesses the necessary skills, to contribute whole-heartedly to the growth of the enterprise. "

With the accumulation of financial capital and international economic globalization deepens, the Chinese financial institutions beginning to external expansion of the road, but the lesson learned is also very important. This paper put forward in the context of globalization of China's financial industry the status of overseas mergers and acquisitions; followed by overseas financial institutions on mergers and acquisitions in China analyzes the current situation and analyze the resulting status of overseas mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions, the reasons; Finally, according to China's overseas mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions the status quo of some improvements. This paper focuses on how to create Chinese financial institutions overseas M & Xianzhuang this problem, empirical analysis and normative analysis method of combining, overseas mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions in China caused by reasons of status and a systematic analysis on how to put forward measures to improve overseas acquisitions . China's overseas acquisitions of financial institutions mergers and acquisitions by selecting the object, clear the acquisition integration plan, develop an international approach to the improvement of financial and human resources.

Today I was lucky enough to watch an animated film called 'Finding Nemo'. Finding Nemo is a very interesting fairy tail-film. After watching it I realised just how deep a father's love can be.
The main storyline is about a father fish who looses his son 'Nemo' and the troubles and hardship he endeavours to get to Sydney and find his son. His son also showed bravery and wit by escaping from the clutches of a human. In the end, son and father were reunited. Almost every single child has a father. Some fathers are kind and good-tempered, others are more serious and strict. However, no matter how they act, every father loves his child. Some students may say: 'My father treats me really well' and some have sadly lost their father, lost their fatherly love but he/she will have other people beside them to take care of them and protect them.
In my view, my father is like a stand-in dad. One time when I was ill my mother had gone back to her hometown to visit some family and there was no one to look after me. Upon hearing the news my father rushed back home and took care of me, just like my mother would. When my father asked 'do you feel any better?' or 'are you getting any better?' I would feel warm inside and my eye's would well up. That is the power of fatherly love.
Fathers are great, fathers are kind, even if your father hits you or shouts at you, he is doing it for your sake, you cannot hate your father. I believe that every father is a good father! Every father is kind and great!

虽然你说的蛮好听但你后面的话实在太完美的...世界上没那么简单/完美的事. 有的父亲根本就不管孩子, 有的父亲会做很可怕的事情....恭喜你, 看起来你运气比较好, 你爸爸应该是个好人.

Today I fortunately watched a movie animated cartoon - - "Seabed General mobilization".The sea "Seabed General mobilization" is an interesting movie fairy tale story.Looks at this touching story.I deep deeply felt great which the father loved.
This story mainly spoke a comedian clown fish father to lose a son “Minoan”, this father has experienced the untold hardships, arrived Sydney to seek the son, its son by resourcefully and courageously has also escaped humanity's capture, finally, the fathers and sons reunited story.
The father loves, each children all have nearly.Some fathers are gentle, kind, some is serious, the strict request.But, no matter how, each fathers all love own children.Some schoolmates probably can say that,“My daddy might be good to me.” Some schoolmates have lost daddy, lost the father to love, but his (her) side had more people to care about him, cherished him. In mine eye, my father is the good daddy who is competent for the post, some one time, I have fallen ill, mother returned to one's old home has visited relatives, nobody looked after me.The daddy hears the news hurries back, looks like mother to look after me equally carefully.When the daddy asked I “do have comfortable somewhat”, or “good somewhat do not have”.I thought had a warm current to spread my whole body, the running water which the tears probably opened the sluice gates resembles has welled up. Isn't this the strength which the father loves?
The father is great, the father is gentle, regardless of how the father does hit you, scolds you all is good for you, may not hate the father.I believed that, each fathers all are the good father! Each fathers all are gentle! Is great!


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兰山区18930469137: 帮忙把这句话翻译成英文 拜托了! -
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兰山区18930469137: 请大神帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英文 -
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银迹心得: 1.How is your steak ,older or tender ? 2.Can we have a rest on this seat ? 3.I need a seat close to the aisle. 4.I want to take photoes at the famous scenic spot . 5.Their family is impotant for whom inhabit weste of the world.

兰山区18930469137: 求日语大神帮忙翻译这段话!!拜托!! -
银迹心得: 公元710年,日本定都平城京(现在的奈良市以及近郊),迎来了律令国家的兴盛时期.但是,此时农民贫困、游民增加,由于庄园扩大而导致公地公民制的实质上的崩溃等,矛盾开始暴露出来.西暦710年、日本は平城京(今の奈良市と近郊...

兰山区18930469137: 拜托了,帮忙翻译一下这段话,要语言通顺的,好理解,急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
银迹心得: 同样,文化也可能按照不同的方式来思考正在流逝的时间.一个社会可以朝着一个特定的历史理解发展.在许多文化中,比如英国、本土美国、希腊、法国、日本,以及一些其他的亚洲文化,都把过去的历史文化和传统作为最重要的,并将它们作为指导今天决定的一个指南.一些文化中看到当下是最重要的.传统的重要性微乎其微,虽然为未来计划并不是最重要的,但现在的时间却是更有价值的,而且这些类型的生活方式是轻松的.其他的社会是未来导向型的,它们额外关注一个计划和向前的运动,当前的活动被视为连接未来目标的一座桥.在美国,这是一种非常常见的协议. 自己翻译的,语言稍作了些修改,望采纳!谢谢.

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