
作者&投稿:丹骨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


It's current demand of expansion of domestic demand and development of economics to develop rural consumer credit market. In recent years, with rural life quality improving, sense of income and consumption of rural citizens are also changing. In general, impacted by economics, culture and transportation etc. rural consumer credit market develops slowly and remains many problems. It's an important topic of construction of market economy of socialism to put rural consumer credit market into use in expansion of domestic demand and permanent increase. This article in view of current situation of rural consumer credit, analysizes reason to restrict development of it, in addition, comes up with counter advice.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~纯手工翻译 来自民间超人气专业团队 英语系 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After three years of the recovery, sichuan earthquake poor village housing reconstruction, industrial recovery and infrastructure repair work has been completed. Farmer's production and life basic restoration, the cultural life of the needs of production and life with changing the way of has taken on a new change, new features and new situation. This paper, based on the wenchuan earthquake poor village survey data, with 10 typical cases village in sichuan province as an example, analyzes the cultural reconstruction of the current situation and problems, and explore new period of the cultural construction of poor village spirit new ideas.

1.With the flourishing development of modern tourist industry, travel and rise in our country quietly in the village, travel and become people's nature of coming back, put the ease body and mind, experience naturally, experience the life in the countryside, carry on one of the amusement main ways of recreation gradually in the village. One " based on rural environment, regard experiencing oneself as, pursue, taking urban life as the essence " recreation and spending holidays way become a kind of fashion pursue. At present, the development form in which the village travels is not only becoming more active, but also reveal the good tourism development prospect.But of our country village it travels to be starting stage still, remain, study also for of various fields development, this text travel for example by city village with Wuhan, travel sustainable development, poverty alleviation with health as theoretical foundation recreation, to its tourist resources, traveller's market and travel development mode analyze, find among them question at the same time, put forward, come, promote view of development that village travel with " residential district build sport ".
2.With the constant improvement of our national economy and people's material and culture living standard, make our country have 3/4 person mouth step into well-to-do level already, recreation time show a tendency to increase spare time. Sports of our country travels and already rises quietly at this moment, and have very good prospects. Develop sports and must be combined with national tourist industry together while travelling, catch Beijing 2008 Olympic Games chance, strengthen professional personnel training, strengthens the development of resources of the sports travel, strengthen the construction of supervision mechanism, appropriate excessive development.This text apply for, succeed in, for background, pass Chinese Sports travel current situation and all previous Olympic Games to host economic analysis of influence correctly with 2008 Olympic Games, describe the characteristic of travel development of Chinese Sports and extant deficiency, and then expect the run-up of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will spur all kinds of viewing and admiring type participating in type development of culture and recreation type,etc. sports travelling products taking Olympic Games as the theme, the development travelling for Chinese Sports plays a positive role.


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荡帝脂可: 亲,你好 This is my the first members of the volunteer organization, and it is also one of the first batch ofvolunteers who receive badges. The heart-shaped poster also have my photos, but for some reasonI temporarily left the organization, so now I want to know whether the organization has welcomed meback.祝您生活愉快

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荡帝脂可:[答案] 「In the beginning Creators created the heaven and the earth.」 (起初创世者们创造天地.) 「And the earth was without form,and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.And the Spirit of Creators moved upon the face of the waters.」 (地...

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荡帝脂可: The East satellite TV promotes "Eas...

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荡帝脂可: As a designer, I will be concerned about clothing trends all the times to design the most beautiful and fashionable clothing line with public preferences. There are no borders to beauty, it is above time and space. That's why a good designer can even ...

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荡帝脂可: 大概是这样的把: 西方 HRM 练习和 HRM 为小的私人公司挑战典型地,当西方 HRM 练习被讨论的时候,叁考对前进的 HR 练习, 像是 " 高表现...

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荡帝脂可: 我都快发疯了,虽然我并不认识你,我用尽了所有的时间想你.我在等待这样一个时刻告诉你,亲爱的,我想让你知道,当你离开,从我身边经过,我独自一人在那儿注视着你.当你想做事情时我会关注你的一举一动,独自一人勾勒属于我们的...

灵川县13443567510: 翻译,不要网上直接用工具翻译的,是关于生物的专业英语的摘要,求高手翻译,急求!!! -
荡帝脂可: Objective: Using the yeast surface display system that constructed by our laboratory, to show B-glucanase on the surface of yeast EBY100, and to do research on 重组菌的酶活 and its stability. B-glucanase is a kind of 水解酶类, it is important to ...

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荡帝脂可: "Technology - a People Business" Although this slogan seemed a bit apart from the original wording, but it elaborated on Nokia's corporate culture not only vividly but incisively. In fact, from product development to human resource management, ...

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荡帝脂可: 自从工作后,几个发小很难再聚在一起,今天又见到了Amanda.她向我们展示了她几个月里面练就的高超台球技艺,但是她最后死在台球桌上了.而且她越来越风趣,总说...

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