
作者&投稿:众曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一个营养充足的饮食快乐,舒适和健康的居住,和大量的服装。它应该包括一个合理的电影和野餐休闲量,适当的医疗工作者的注意和保险等,就业和失业的危害以及老年群体的不确定性。这可能包括儿童和带薪年假游乐场。但无论是作者认为的最小量的商品和服务,这是很重要的一点,没人觉得人的主要目的是";放大神,叫";也不是说国家的适当的目标是成为世界精神的工具。L. D.白色,使人无皮疹报表,总结了常见的信念时,他说,";政府及其行政行政机关存在的服务,实现伟大的人类OB -在健康,安全和方便的条件不同,大众的。";19因为美好的生活包括在物质的享受,很大程度上,强调科学,效率和经济性的要求,和工业的高度重视。科学是解开大自然的门的钥匙,电梯设备,楼上的地形和气候变化。大自然的财富的浪费和";溶胶- diering ";对工作,减少了可供人类消费的商品和服务,因此在道德上应受谴责的。因为";文明";是毗连的大规模和普遍享受的商品和服务的发展,无论是产业化是可取的问题是必要的。

去打下面go beneath there!

取消炮击give up the cannon shot!

这里造个医疗站build an emergency center here.

就知道出坦克you only giving one tank?
就知道出一种坦克only a single kind of tank you give?

没看见迫击炮 在打我吗? don't you seeing me being attacked by the mortar?

把那个(这个) 迫击炮 (迫击炮履带车) 打烂。。get that morter (truck/tank) down!

2个人 守一个桥(路口)都 守不住? 还要我来帮忙?Why me? you 2 guys can't hold on to that bridge(path)?

别管我leave me alone

我看见了的, 别管他,、I saw it, leave him alone

炸掉这座桥destroy the bridge

远程轰炸(远程火箭)炸掉 这个桥。。use remote missle(rocket) to destroy the bridge.

你把路障撞开干什么?What's your game crashing away the road blocks?

改胜利条件winning condition changed

殊死战death battle

出来,你这个傻瓜,胆小鬼get out you stupid, chicken!

把桥修好啊, 窝在 那里(岛上,家里)干什么come on and fix that bridge, what are you doing at home/on the island?

出兵增援啊,Need cover!(或Need backup!)

布置防线啊 setting the defence

守得住,你堵了干什么, 守不住马上堵了就完了,we can hold it! Why you blocked it! we only need a block to turn the things down

随机应变啊!Let's according to circumstances!

you fool!
you dummy!
you stupid!
you pigheaded!
you nut(s)!
Are you insane?
Are you mad?
Holy shit!
What the?(表惊讶)

" Femine has always been the major difficulty of the old semi-colonial and semi-feudal China. As the agricultural development level being extremely low, 80% of the population were in the status of starvation and semi-starvation. And dead bodies were everywhere whenever there was a natural disaster. When the new China was founded in the year 1949, the food production per hectare was only 1035 kilos nationwide, and the amount of food per capita was only 210 kilos."


Hunger of semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China has always been a big problem. Old China's agricultural development level is very low, 80% of the population chronically hungry hungry, in case of natural disasters, especially resin cross the land. When new China was founded in 1949, the national grain production per hectare is 1035 kg, per capita occupancy of grain was only 210 kg.

曾经有人迷失了方向差点丢了姓名Someone lost his way to such an extent that he would have lost his life 曾经有人受野兽袭击受了重伤 Someone got attacked by the beast and got seriously wounded 但是他们没有放弃,而是怀着勇气和希望朝着目的地一步一步地往前走and yet they didn't give ...

一个夏天我努力工作,就为一个理由,我一年等待就为这一个季节,那个是我想起棕榈树的季节 2、The eternal classic 永恒的经典 3、I can make it through the rain 我能经历风雨And I live once again 重生And I live one more day And I can make it through the rain 4、Baby to let you ...

A:回去我天天煮给你喝 BACK home i will make you one every day.B:你的终点绝不是这里 here it is not your destination.

第一步,第一步 I'm barely making sense 我很难说出个所以然 For now I'm faking it 眼下我在摸索着尝试 'Til I'm psuedo making it 直到摸索出成就 From scratch, begin again 白手起家,从头开始 But this time I as I And not as we 但是这次我是为我自己,而不是为了我们 ...

1.hook up, "Dude, there is a really hot girl at your party, can you hook me up with her?"--兄弟,你的拍对上有个美女,能撮合下我跟她吗?2. did\/ do it on purpose, "She totally did that on purpose."--她完全是刻意的。3. bad public security 4.bone crack, "Did you...

4, four years of my practice can not only learned incorporated into the practice, more importantly, in analyzing and solving independent problems with communication and to communicate emergency response Shang had a much better growth and realized that 参考资料:谷歌翻译 ...

of us have done something wrong ,we should forgive each other. OK, baby? I don't hope we will break up this time , I do not want to hear the words5% from our mouth. I hope we have long future, I love you. Zhiling 愿你幸福啊 那是翻译,我也祝你幸福,开心 ...


time, I have practiced my communication skills by being a tutor, propagating work or other jobs. Therefore, I'm more capable of ovecoming hardship. If I can work in you company, I'll try my best to finish the work.自己翻译的,您看看合不合适,应该没什么错误吧,哈哈 ...

还有下面可能会用到的,也翻译一下.如下:Because there is really too little opportunity in my daily live that would require the use of English, so I'm afraid I can't master English that well now.因为在我的生活里很少会用到英语,所以现在英语掌握的不太熟练 I'm sure you know as ...

老边区13021803050: 麻烦英语达人帮我翻译一下这一小段话,谢谢 -
嵇转疏尔: The reason why I choose the accounting major is because I am steady and delicated person with strong-minded persistence.Meanwhile, I am optimistic and easy going to get along well with person as well as the sense of responsibility and could be endured pressure.希望对你有帮助.

老边区13021803050: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
嵇转疏尔: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

老边区13021803050: 英语达人帮我翻译下这一段话吧 速求!!! -
嵇转疏尔: Thirty not confused, this is the beginning of the journey when the portrayal of heart. It seems both men and women are afraid years of baptism, the same hope in this wonderful world, meet the right people to do the right thing. Probably don't want to ...

老边区13021803050: 英语达人进来,帮忙翻译一段话 -
嵇转疏尔: (我是自己翻的, 希望可以帮到你.) Now, I would like to introduce myself to you so that you can know me better. 现在我做一下自我简介 I graduated from Zhong Nan University of Finance and Law in 2004.我2004年毕业于中南财经政法大学 My ...

老边区13021803050: 急求英语达人帮我翻译一段文字,本人英文水平有限 -
嵇转疏尔: Time will dilite everything. I still want to say: Don't be so extreme, no impossibility but giving up. Don't say no to love for sudden impulsion, there are still many who will treat you well. Let all go by nature with a bright mind's eye.what's more, to be more ...

老边区13021803050: 请各位英语达人帮我翻译一段话 谢谢!! -
嵇转疏尔: To see whether a woman self-confident, after looking at her up remover. To see whether a man self-confident, to see him after falling out of love. Look at a man's taste, depends on his socks. To see whether a woman pampered, to look at her hand. ...

老边区13021803050: 求英语达人帮我翻译一小段话,英译汉!一定要翻译的很准确,最好有些高级美丽的词汇啦!跪谢!在我遇见你的那一刻,注定是我生命中最美的瞬间.只求上... -
嵇转疏尔:[答案] It was the most beautiful moment in my life when we met each other.We only wish there is no pity between us! 太文艺了..只能强翻..参考一下

老边区13021803050: (高分急)请英语口语好的朋友帮忙,帮我翻译一小段对话,谢谢! -
嵇转疏尔: 1.I like pop and jazz.When I hear your song,I find your voice very beautiful,and the performance is perfect. 2.I met your music teacher before,and she said that you are excellent when she talked about you.3.I want to know what subbjects do you have ...

老边区13021803050: 哪位英语高手能帮忙翻译下这小段句子啊.在下急用..
嵇转疏尔: In 1994 recommended for admission to school the Xi'an Jiaotong University information and the communication is goes study, in 2001 obtained the Xi'an Jiaotong University electron and the information institute master's degree, the main attack ...

老边区13021803050: 英语翻译小弟在此请求各位英语达人帮助翻译下面的一段话 .“我现在身在国外,但很关注国内雾霾的情况.每次打开浏览器的时候都会自动得到家乡雾霾的情... -
嵇转疏尔:[答案] I am now in a foreign country,but is concerned about the domestic hazesituation.Every time I open the browser will automatically get home hazesituation.Just ask God,to reach out to my family protection.

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