
作者&投稿:邓振 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Apparently have never hard once thought a future plan, have of just peacetime boring hour occasionally want a future life.Think that returning to home town is kid park teacher after graduate, then conveniently part-time family training, and want to open a parents and children's park.Seemed to brains to all be full of a profitable mind, ha ha.This may be I temporarily to future plan

A biludngsromna,in its simplest sense,is a novel about the moral and

psychological growth of a young man or a young woman.Emma,claimed as Jane
Austen's most complex and best novel,is about the herione's progress out of her
errors onto moral and emotional maturity.Some critics,represented by Jerome
Buckley,hold that Emma is not a bildungsroman for this genre has always been

associated with the theme of the journey or quest,while Emma has not.However,by

reading Emma and surveying related theories,it's found that Emma not only

matches the criteria of a bildungsroman,but also fulfills most of the

significant features of Buckley's definition of the bildungsroman,so a careful

study of the heroine's growth is quitr necessary for the female adolescent

development study.
The first chapter of the thesis explains the concept of bildungsroman in detail

.analyses the three stages of Emma's growth and explores Emma's psychological

development by means of developmental theory about adolescents .Thus Emma as a

typical female bildungsroman is proved .the second chapter focuses on author's

intentional arrangements of Emma's development from four aspects .In order to

achieve the reader's understanding of Emma's growth ,Austen herself

intentionally arranges the story to be observed through Emma's eyes,and uses

"inside view "as a tool to interpret and witness Emma's psychological process

of maturity .besides ,Austen arranges Mr.Knightley ,a reliable fatherly lover

,to correct Emma's faults ANF assess her value ,and thus to help Emma grow step

by step .In addition ,Harriet Smith ,an innocent and mindless girl ,is arranged

as a mirror to reflect Emma's thought and her final introspection .What's

more,an unobtrusive narrator is also arranged to enable the reader to know the

few part that Emma cannot tell by herself .the last part investigates the

significance and limitation of this female development .From Emma's growth ,the

upgrading of her morality is clear-cut ,which not only reflects the reality in

England at that time ,but also conforms to the moral advance in that society

.meanwhile ,the flame of Austen 's feminism can be seen from Emma's using her

known to gain and exercise power ,form the education of the hero and heroine one

another as moral equals ,and also from Emma's early independent attitude to

marriage .But at the end of the novel ,Jane Austen ignores Emma's feminist

thinking ,and transforms a dynamic self-assured lady into a conventional

subservient wife ,which is due to Austen 's inevitable limitation at her time .
The conclusion is drawn that the study of Emma as a typical female bildungsroman

provides using insight into the development of a young lady in the late 18th and

early 19th century ,whose life experience and psychology can be used as

reference to the research on present female adolescents .

Who tries to remain two money for oneself the beloved girl thing, but links three days to rest on the big street? For the beloved girl will do any matter not to regret! Be worth!

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莱山区13820388838: 那为英语高手能翻译下文!!! -
勾婵维铁: Asleep!属 She slowly fell asleep in your side! She is very beautiful, very peaceful, very quiet! In this way the quietly fell asleep! She slept really look lovely! Let that moment in time to stop! This happy to see her asleep, I am also very happy!

莱山区13820388838: 那位英语高手能给翻译下“心在哪儿,路就在那儿”用英语怎么说啊 -
勾婵维铁:[答案] The way lies in where your heart is.

莱山区13820388838: 哪为英语高手能帮我翻译一段话?谢谢~
勾婵维铁: 哪为英语高手能帮我翻译一下这段话? 开放式投资基金风险的管理,对于我们而言这是一项新的挑战,国外许多国家的开放式投资基金市场已经形成一套较为完善的风险管理体系,并且他们仍然在不停的改善他们的理论体系.他们有许多成熟的风险管理理论值得我们借鉴以提高我们的管理水平,也有许多失败的经验值得我们参考以避免重蹈覆辙.

莱山区13820388838: 那位英语高手帮我翻译下这个.
勾婵维铁: Hi, everyone. It's my turn to have the speech today. Firstly, I have a question for you. If you have a glass of water, who would you want to give to? Parents, brothers, sisters or friends? Who can answer me? Sir , can you tell me? If you have a glass of ...

莱山区13820388838: 那位英语高手帮忙翻译一下,谢了 -
勾婵维铁: Painful life firmer li slave fighting for freedom determination. Shortly after he was free to become a slave to escape an organization. Several times he secretly from Canada to the United States to help other slaves to freedom through the Underground ...

莱山区13820388838: 那位英语高手翻译一下
勾婵维铁: 这是简爱里最经典的一段台词的缩写,意思是:你以为因为我一贫如洗、长相平庸,我就没有感情吗?要是上帝赐予我一点姿色和充足的财富,我会让你离不开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样.

莱山区13820388838: 那位英语高手能帮我把中文译成英文这是一段A和B的对话,麻烦谁能帮我把它翻译成英文,感激不尽,绝对不要翻译器的,语法一定要正确,句意不非得一... -
勾婵维铁:[答案] A:I did not expect to see you here ,how`s your work going ? B: thank you ,it`s fine ,and how about you ? A:I got some trouble ... B:better ,sorry anyway.does not give you birthday wishes at the first time. A: No worries , forget it . 我翻译的比较口语化.不过我...

莱山区13820388838: 哪为高手能帮我翻译下面的英语
勾婵维铁: 作文范例: 在炎热的9月晚上在**市受到了地震强度为6.3级和是一个最强烈的地震发生在该国的这一地区的许多years.First灯开始摆动和所有的盘子和杯子了翻天覆地的桌子上,在cupboards.You可以听到噪声开裂经历地震和轰鸣下的地面,犹如...

莱山区13820388838: 红楼梦经典台词 那位英语高手能帮小弟翻译一下 -
勾婵维铁:[答案] Remain indifferent to other's opinion,leisurely,to see the flowers before the yard blossom and fall;Have no intention about leave or stay,inadvertently,to along with the clouds up above the sky roll a...

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