
作者&投稿:颜幸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

而且,这句话强调的是“住”这个状态 而不是过程

1.首先year 2015 是未来的时间,所以用will
而后面用be living 而不用have lived 是因为根据语境,后面只是说明他们在未来那个时间的状态,而不是他们的动作,也就是live这个动词产生的影响,现在完成时一般表示对未来产生影响
2.by意思是 在…时候;到…之前;不迟于
1. PREP 由;被 If something is done by a person or thing, that person or thing does it.
The feast was served by his mother and sisters...
I was amazed by their discourtesy and lack of professionalism...
The town has been under attack by rebel groups for a week now.
2. PREP (图书、音乐、绘画等)由…(创作),出自 If you say that something such as a book, a piece of music, or a painting is by a particular person, you mean that this person wrote it or created it.
...a painting by Van Gogh...
'Jacob's Ladder', the newest film by Adrian Lyne, is a post-Vietnam horror story.
3. PREP 介词 靠;用;凭 If you do something by a particular means, you do it using that thing.
We'll be travelling by car.
...dinners by candlelight.
4. PREP 通过,凭借(做某事) If you achieve one thing by doing another thing, your action enables you to achieve the first thing.
Make the sauce by boiling the cream and stock together in a pan...
The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world...
By using the air ambulance to transport patients between hospitals, they can save up to £15,000 per patient.
5. PREP (用于短语中)由于,出于(偶然或意外) You use by in phrases such as 'by chance' or 'by accident' to indicate whether or not an event was planned.
I met him by chance out walking yesterday...
He opened Ingrid's letter by mistake...
Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect.
6. PREP 就(本性、职业或出身)而言 If someone is a particular type of person by nature, by profession, or by birth, they are that type of person because of their nature, their profession, or the family they were born into.
I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature...
She's a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women...
Her parents were in fact American by birth.
7. PREP 根据,按照(法律或某种标准) If something must be done by law, it happens according to the law. If something is the case by particular standards, it is the case according to the standards.
Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor.
...evening wear that was discreet by his standards.
8. PREP 说(某词语或某一番话) If you say what someone means by a particular word or expression, you are saying what they intend the word or expression to refer to.
Stella knew what he meant by 'start again'...
'You're unbelievably lucky.' — 'What do you mean by that?'
9. PREP (用于表示抓住身体某部位或握住物体某部分) If you hold someone or something by a particular part of them, you hold that part.
He caught her by the shoulder and turned her around...
She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor...
He picked up the photocopy by one corner and put it in his wallet.
10. PREP 在…旁边;接近 Someone or something that is by something else is beside it and close to it.
Judith was sitting in a rocking-chair by the window...
Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine...
Emma was by the door.
By is also an adverb.
Large numbers of security police stood by.
11. PREP 经过;经由 If a person or vehicle goes by you, they move past you without stopping.
A few cars passed close by me...
He kept walking and passed by me on his side of the street.
By is also an adverb.
The bomb went off as a police patrol went by.
12. PREP 在(某处停留) If you stop by a place, you visit it for a short time.
We had made arrangements to stop by her house in Pacific Grove...
Daddy called and asked me to drop by his office.
By is also an adverb.
I'll stop by after dinner and we'll have that talk.
13. PREP 在…时候;到…之前;不迟于 If something happens by a particular time, it happens at or before that time.
By eight o'clock he had arrived at my hotel...
We all knew by then that the affair was practically over.
14. PREP 在(白天或夜晚) If you do something by day, you do it during the day. If you do it by night, you do it during the night.
By day a woman could safely walk the streets, but at night the pavements became dangerous...
She had no wish to hurry alone through the streets of London by night.
15. PREP (乘或除)以 In arithmetic, you use by before the second number in a multiplication or division sum.
...an apparent annual rate of 22.8 per cent (1.9 multiplied by 12)...
230cm divided by 22cm is 10.45cm.
16. PREP 乘(表示长乘宽得出的居室等的面积) You use by to talk about measurements of area. For example, if a room is twenty feet by fourteen feet, it measures twenty feet in one direction and fourteen feet in the other direction.
Three prisoners were sharing one small cell 3 metres by 2 metres.
17. PREP (表示增减的幅度) If something increases or decreases by a particular amount, that amount is gained or lost.
Violent crime has increased by 10 percent since last year...
Their pay has been cut by one-third.
18. PREP 以…计;按…计 Things that are made or sold by the million or by the dozen are made or sold in those quantities.
Parcels arrived by the dozen from America...
Liberty fabrics, both for furnishing and for dressmaking, are sold by the metre.
19. PREP (表示事物的逐渐变化) You use by in expressions such as 'minute by minute' and 'drop by drop' to talk about things that happen gradually, not all at once.
His father began to lose his memory bit by bit, becoming increasingly forgetful.
20. PHRASE 独自;单独 If you are by yourself, you are alone.
...a dark-haired man sitting by himself in a corner.
21. PHRASE 独立(完成某事) If you do something by yourself, you succeed in doing it without anyone helping you.
I didn't know if I could raise a child by myself.

3.翻译 布朗先生和他的妻子预计,到2015年,他们将在北京生活,而不是在其他城市。


但是如果真要细分的话之前的那些回答都没什么错误,因为你给的例句就是表示那段时间存在的那一段烟。 而这恰恰就是现在分词所具备的功能。。当然你要说是动名词做后置定语也没错,因为这是属于另一派别语言学家的概念。
我不知道你是哪个地方的学生。 就我学的语法是属于后者,当然看之前的回答他们和我属于一派。

在我们这类所学高中语法中 动名词复合结构是不用来当做后置定语来用的,这可能和你学的不一样
I can't imagine Sara doing the work alone.
这是动名词复合结构做复合 宾语 Sara 是这个复合宾语的逻辑主语。

所以大家都没什么错误,只是学了不同的语法教材而已。 就好像I am a boy. 一些语法学家说boy 是主补 而其他一些说是表语一样。

rising from behind the house是现在分词短语做后置定语,修饰smoke.



如: Swimming is my favourite sport . (动名词做主语)
My hobby is singing .(动名词做表语)
I like dencing .(动名词做宾语)

She watched her son playing in the park.(现在分词短语做宾补)
Lying on the grass, he looked at the stars in the sky. (现在分词短语做伴随状语)

是 “现在分词短语做后置定语”,因为它还是属于动词,表示动作正在进行。

Cleaning the house is his duty. (动名词作主语)
His duty is cleaning the house. (动名词作表语)
Playing computer games too often does harm to you. (动名词作主语)
I like reading but he hates reading. (动名词作宾语)
I saw a boy running towards me at 8:00 yesterday. (动名词作宾补)
a walking stick(动名词作定语)
a reading room(动名词作定语)

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

to do表目的,表示为了。。。,还没有发生
祝学习进步!如有帮助请尽快采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢!


原句为 ....smoke which rised from behind the house。


直接see someboy doing something 就可以判断出来是B了啊

2.a 你昨晚为什么没关灯就睡了?我忘了把他们关上了。forget是瞬间动词,不能表示连续的,所以不能用表示完成时的have\\had forgotten 3.a 我猜你一定很匆忙,你把毛衣的正反面穿错了,前面的句子是我现在猜你过去一定很匆忙,因为有wear,穿也是个动作,不能一直在穿,所以现在进行时不对,衣服...

这题就是考察花费的用法,全句的翻译应该为:掌握一门外语是需要决心和辛勤的(花费这块可以省略不翻译);这点事毫无疑问的。ABCD四个选项的用法依次为:spend花费,主语通常为人,固定的句型是sb+spend+time\/money on sth\/(in) doing sth,由此可见A不正确 cost花费,主语通常为物,指为某物或者...

几道高中英语单选题 求详细讲解
几道高中英语单选题 求详细讲解  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 鹤岗爆火背后的原因是什么?龙20974 2011-05-31 · TA获得超过140个赞 知道答主 回答量:104 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:24.6万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1.I ___ with my uncle and anut beacause my pare have gone...

高中英语 单选题。请分析句子结构谢谢!
A.by which B.in which C.that D.where 选B,还是定语从句,catch in:被……困住,绊住,,,介词提前 There is no such place___you dream of in all this world.A.that B.what C.which D.as 选A,因为前面有一个such,such……that,,固定搭配,定语从句 The schools thems...

选C。考查点:双重被动,介词to的用法。句意:这段舞蹈由于伴随乡村音乐表演而闻名。be known to be done是十分典型的双重被动结构。所谓双重被动,就是两个被动结构套在一起,语义上两个动词和主语的关系都是被动的(被知晓(出名),被表演),结构上也都是被动的(be known,be done)。至于选to...

1.___,I went to the railway station to see my friend off.A.After eating quickly my dinner B.After my quickly eating my dinner C.After eating my dinner quickly D.After eating my quickly dinner 1.C after+doing(介词+doing,不是绝对的,此题是) 副词修饰动词 2.The lesson___ov...

1The tornado,which happens a lot in American this time of year,is__violent storm with__very strong winds which move in a circle.A.a;\/ 2___by the hunter means death to the wolves,so they will try their best to hide themselves.A.Being found 3It was last year when Paul ...

B和D be satisfied with是固定搭配,对。。。满意。这句话主语为mother.前半部分省略主语和be动词,且满意在前,同意在后。A与短语不符,C表达将要的概念,D是正在被。。。regret to do 对将要做的事表示遗憾,regret doing表示后悔做了。。。(妈妈)对于我说的很满意,同意了我可以和同学去游泳...

一个高中 英语 单选题 ---高手进哦
回答:1. 是的,可以说a fourth one, a second one 等等。2. the 不是最佳答案,但是语法是说的通。如果每块蛋糕都有编号,那么你可以用the third one,是特指那块排在第三的蛋糕。但因为这句话的意思是说,蛋糕好吃,吃了第二块还不够,所以可以推断蛋糕是没有特定的排序的,哪块蛋糕都可以...

A:what could do otherwise?缺主语,没说说谁做,所以不对。B:what could I have done otherwise?要不然我还能做什么?表虚拟。说得通。C:what must I have done otherwise?首先,must在英语中很少用,因为是表示强制的义务,老外比较尊重人,不会强制你去干嘛干嘛;其次,看一下这句话的意思...

永修县15842358287: 一个很难的高中英语单选题 - --不是高手请不要回答 -
郗于复方: 从语法上来看,两个都可以,但是从语义上看,只能选择A动词envy的意思是羡慕,动词admire的意思是仰慕 我们来看宾语pleasure,意思是快乐 快乐能用来仰慕吗?当然不能原句的意思本是: 我是多么的羡慕他在假期中获得的快乐啊.如果你选了b,就变成了 我是多么的仰慕他在假期中获得的快乐啊,用脚趾头想都不对.所以只能选A这里是how在感叹句中的用法how提前表示感叹,和后面的“!”对应,意思是多么,是一个语气词. 举个例子,我是多么的热爱中国啊就是: How I love China.就是这些了,希望楼主能够搞懂.

永修县15842358287: 一个非常难的高中英语单选题-----务必高手进200、—He got his first book published.It turned out to be a bestseller.—When was - ___ - —It was in 2000 when ... -
郗于复方:[答案] it指代不明,上文是两段话,that是指代整体

永修县15842358287: 一个很难的高中英语单选题---在线等---高手进啊 —I can take you home.Would you like a ride? —Yes,I'll - ___ - very much. -
郗于复方:[选项] A. :thank you B. :appreciate you C. :appreciate it D. :enjoy it 我想知道A为什么不对?

永修县15842358287: 一个极难的高中英语选择题---务必高手进83、There is no - ___ - to the house from the main road.A:street B:access C:key D:trend1、选出答案,并解释每个选... -
郗于复方:[答案] a\街道 b、接近 c、重要的、钥匙 d、伸向 选a 没有从这座房子通往主干道的路

永修县15842358287: 一个很难的高中英语单选题----高手帮忙In my opinion,life in the twenty - first century is much easier than - ___ - .A:that used to be B:it is used to C:it was used to ... -
郗于复方:[答案] 1 翻译:在我看来,21世纪的生活要比过去的生活简单的多 2 be used to 是习惯于,放在句子中翻译不合适 排除BC used to 过去 3 区分 that 和it that指代的不是同一个东西,而it指代的是同一个东西.这里it指代life 只不过同一个life在不同的时间里. 4 it ...

永修县15842358287: 一个高中英语单选题---高手进啊3、Jack told me he was in the museum just now.He is actually at home - _____,he's upstairs doing his homework.A:Believe ... -
郗于复方:[答案] 答案:A.“He is actually at home”后面是的确应该有“句号”,杰克告诉我他现在在博物馆,实际上他正在楼上做家庭作业 Believe it or not 信不信由你!

永修县15842358287: 一个极难解释的“高中英语单选题”---高手进哦1、The local villagers, who played the - ___ - of soldiers in this piece of beijing opera, were once - ___ - of the ... -
郗于复方:[答案] part有一个意思是元素,部分,成员,在这里当讲作成员,村民用的是复数形式,part当成员讲的时候可加s. part+s是很普通的啊,怎么回头一次见到呢.举个例子,she played a lot of leading parts.这句话是说她出演过很多重要角色,a man of many ...

永修县15842358287: 一个高中英语单选题----高手帮忙Her birthday is coming.Would you like to - ___ - me - __ - a present for her?A:join;in buying B:join;to buy C:take part;in buying ... -
郗于复方:[答案] 没有join sb.to do sth.的结构, join sb.in doing sth.表示“加入某人做某事” join + 组织(机构、团体或俱乐部)表示“加入某个组织(机构、团体或俱乐部)成为其中的一员”

永修县15842358287: 一个极难的高中英语选择题---务必高手进83、There is no access to the house from the main road.请详细分析这句话的重点单词,然后翻译 -
郗于复方:[答案] access to:到某地的方法、途径.句意:没有一条路路可以从房子通向主干道

永修县15842358287: 一个高中英语单选题 - -----高手帮忙 -
郗于复方: 答案为c , 前半句表示有很多作业要做, 能做作业的只有人,只有 答案c 的主语是人, 所以正确.其他选项都没法表明主语是人, 因此错误.

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