
作者&投稿:函冉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.we have recieved your quotation on 6/6/2006,which request us to give you CIF offer of our cotton shirt.
2. According your request, I’ll give you an offer as below which is validation before Friday of this week:
Cotton shirt 6000 dozen, CIF 30 dollars per dozen to USA. Shipment date : before July , method of payment: Irrevocable Credit, payable at sight.

3.this is the lowest price that we can offer at present, due to the mass demand in current market of our products ,I think you ‘ll accept this offer at once

Thank you for sending us your Enquiry No.224. We appreciate your thinking of us whenever you plan to order new supply.
However,we regret to inform you that we are not in a position to make you an offer for the time being owing to heavy orders. We have to wait for replenishment,which is expected to arrive in some two months.
Taking this opportunity,we would like to draw your attention to our other items which are available at present.We enclose our Quotation Sheet No.990 together with four leaflets for your reference.If you are interested in any of them,please let us know immediately.Samples will be sent to you upon request .
We await your favourable news.
yours faithfully,

To whom it may concern:
Attached is the PO CHJ 770402 of beef and mutton on May 9, 2004.
Please be noted the following points:
1. The total amount for PO is USD 43,470.
2. 10% of discount of more than 100 thousand kilograms purchased is deducted from the total amount of PO.
3. Ship before Jun 10, 2004.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,


Dear Sir,
Encl. pls find P.O. No. CHJ770402 dtd May 9 2004 from my side purchasing muttons.
Kindly note the following:
1) Total PO value is US$43,470,
2) 10% discount has been deducted from the payable, as mutually agreed if order above 100k KG, 10% discount available
3) Shipment is expected to be earlier than June 10 2004
For any questions, pls feel free to let us know.

Best Rgds!


and we will be greatfuly obliged if you can send us your price list as well as quatation.we will place an large order if your price is close to the market price.hope you can give us an early reply.Yours respectively.顺便提醒楼下的,机器翻译就不要出来误事儿了。sir the sta...

楼主这个是不是考试题啊,貌似第三题偶被考过,呵呵。。以下供你参考 .for your information,our transistor radios are selling fast and there have been numerous inquiries for them,please take the necessary steps without delay.我们的半导体收音机现在非常畅销,已有多家公司对此进行了询盘,兹此...

文章如下关于我们购物确认书345号项下的5000条白兔牌毛毯,现通知你们你方,我们已经由XX银行开立了保兑的,不可撤销的信用证789号,总金额计。 The article is as follows confirmation on our Shopping 345 under the 5000 White Rabbit brand blankets, are to inform you that your side, we have...

非常感谢您6月10日按照一般交易条件给我们3000打标的物报价为35美元\/件 CFR Vancouver。很抱歉我们的终端用户发现您的价格远远高于现行市场价格。资料显示,你们产品的价格高于印度同类产品价格的20%。虽然我们清楚中国产品的质量较好,但是价格上不至于都如此悬殊的差异。鉴于这种情况,我们不可能说服我们的...

To whom may it be concerned:Stay from us office of commercial counsellor there, embassy of your country, learn you tablecloth loud to buy the family. We deal in this kind of goods for many years. Take this opportunity to write to you now, hope to enter into business relations...

帮忙翻译一篇外贸英语函电 急用 非常谢谢!
标准翻译如下 :Thank you for your company May 20 sent a single inquiry, our confirmation has been received.Based on your company's annual demand for 5,000 units, our offer is as follows:Price: CIF London £ 100 each Packaging: each packed with a plastic bag sewing machine...

1. 我司保证,如果买家未按时履行相应的信贷义务,在贵司的Lutong国际贸易公司发出书面通知或证明后,我司将退还50万美元,并按每年10%的利率支付利息。2. 该公司的经营期限为十年,自2012年3月1日起至2022年2月28日止。如果任意一方拟延长公司经营期限,则双方应先进行讨论(达成一致),再向审批...

您好,本人按原文翻译的外贸邮件如上供参考。其中,MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) 为“最小订货量”,PO (Purchase Order) 为“订单”。外贸邮件需要礼貌客气,最后加上一句套话可能会好点。建议原文可以表达得尽量再委婉些,毕竟作为卖家在谈价钱时要对买家客气礼貌,才有可能让对方觉得是诚心的。希望回答...

下次需要帮忙继续找我吧.1 我方已另另寄给你方样品和三本商品小册子 We have posted you the samples and 3 pamphlets.2 由于原材料缺乏,制造厂被迫停止接受新的订单 Because lacking of raw materials, the factory was forced to stop receiving new orders.3 你方场频作为新品牌,最大的卖点将...

implement the order.In order to avoid any subsequent modifications,please make sure the terms within the L\/C be in accord with terms listed in the contract.your prompt reply is highly appreciated!thanks and regards 朋友,我也是做外贸的。以上翻译希望对你有用.手工翻译,仅供参考!

确山县19271854868: 外贸英语函电(书) - 搜狗百科
柯刷胆维:[答案] 1. Our company is interested in the Deer Mountain Bike models as below, kindly provide Proforma Invoice in triplicate. 2. Our... 4. We would like to making efforts to cooperate with you as to improve our relationship 关于出口和信用证的相关翻译,还是多...

确山县19271854868: 外贸英语函电句子,中译英1.请注意,付款是以保兑的,不可撤销的,允许分批装运和转船,见票即付的信用证支付.2.你方的信用证与合同有出入.3.请速开L/... -
柯刷胆维:[答案] 1. Please be informed that payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable andsight L/C, allowing partial shipments and transshipment. 2. L/C arenot in agreement with thestipulations of the S/C. 3. Please open the L/C immediately 4. We were already ...

确山县19271854868: 英语翻译外贸英文函电词汇加翻译:索款通知 换货 有效日期 付款交单 经常订单 执行 振兴信 独家代理 汇票 展期 手续 最后期限 舱位 议付 适于海上运输 水渍... -
柯刷胆维:[答案] 索款通知书debit note 换货exchange goods 调解mediate 有效日期 valid date 付款交单 documents against payment (D/P) 经常订单 regulary order 执行 carry out 振兴信 ? 独家代理 exclusive agency 汇票 draft 展期 exhibition period 手续 procedure 最后...

确山县19271854868: 外贸英语 函电翻译 -
柯刷胆维: 兹致函贵部介绍我市,以期与贵组织建立商务关系,并向瑞士公司招商引资.我们市是中国辽宁省的开放城市之一.我们,外经关系贸易委员会,是专门协调与外企商业关系的政府组织.

确山县19271854868: 外贸英语函电翻译急急急!!! -
柯刷胆维: 1. I'm sorry we can not accept the goods at the port of destination, method of payment after the payment voucher 2. If you will agree to payment at sight letter of credit, we can reach a deal that is 3. In view of long-term friendly relations, this Once we ...

确山县19271854868: 英语翻译 外贸函电 谢谢 -
柯刷胆维: Thanks for your counteroffer about the green tea on Sep. 13, 2007. But we are sorry that we cannot accept your requirement for the 10% discount. Actually we have acquired a lot of orders at the price we quoted, that means our quotation is ...

确山县19271854868: 外贸英语函电 短文翻译
柯刷胆维: 亲爱的先生们: 很高兴收到你3月20号的来信,作为中国丝绸制品的出口商,你们想和我们建立直接经贸往来的愿望也正是我们所期望的.目前,我们对于Crepe Georgette很有兴趣.请告诉我们你们最新的C.I.F.C 3% Lagos 和你们付款方式,还有你们是否能够在收到订单之后一个月内实现送货. 为了能让我们更加了解你们产品的材料和工艺,希望你们能寄给我们你们的产品目录,样本册和所有我们需要知道的Crepe Georgette的情况. 如果你们的报价具有竞争性而且送货日期可以接受,我们将下实际订单. 希望能尽早收到你们的回复.

确山县19271854868: 求外贸英语函电翻译: ①如果你方订货数量大,价格还可以进一步考虑.②因为我们所报价格是很合理的,我们相信这将是你们所能接受的.③此报盘为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效.谢谢 -
柯刷胆维: ① If your order is large, the price can be further considered. ② because the price quoted is reasonable, we believe this will be acceptable to you. ③ This offer is firm, subject to your end of this month to the effective rehabilitation.

确山县19271854868: 外贸英语函电翻印we have received your letter dated 23 July requesting us to effect insurance on the captioned for your account.we are pleased to inform you ... -
柯刷胆维:[答案] we have received your letter dated 23 July requesting us to effect insurance on the captioned for your account. 我方已经收到贵方于7月23号的信件,信件中要求我方以贵方帐户,为标题中提到的货物投保. we are pleased to inform you that we have ...

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