
作者&投稿:干叙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





再次鄙视ryjily - 榜眼 十二级

The victim of the feudal ethics
------ On Aunt Xianglin in "Blessing"

Aunt Xianglin,a tragic figure in Lu Xun's work "blessing" who requests very little for life and is a capable woman.She had experienced "married and widowed," "Remarried and widowed, lost son" such kind of calamitous life. When nowhre to go, she returned to Lu town.However, in a place fulfiled with feudal ethics, people pushed Aunt Xianglin to the abyss of death.Aunt Xianglin's death is a tragedy not only in the feudal system,but also
in the whole society.
Key words: Aunt Xianglin feudal system of religious, tragedy

The victim of the feudal ethics
------ On the "blessing" of Xianglinsao

Xianglinsao Lu Xun "blessing" in portraying the tragic figures. She is a very demanding life
Low, robust capable women, has experienced "married and widowed," "Remarriage widowed, missing son," Qu
Pack大半生more difficult. Him, Lu returned to the town, but in a feudal thinking of the shadow of the religious
Xianglinsao will push people to the abyss of death. Xianglinsao's death is a tragedy when the feudal system
, Is a social tragedy.
Key words: Xianglinsao feudal system of religious tragedy

On the "blessing" of Xianglinsao

Xianglinsao Lu Xun "blessing" in portraying the tragic figures. She is a very demanding life
Low, robust capable women, has experienced "married and widowed," "Remarriage widowed, missing son," Qu
Pack life more difficult. Him, Lu returned to the town, but in a feudal thinking of the shadow of the religious
Xianglinsao will push people to the abyss of death. Xianglinsao's death is a tragedy when the feudal system
, Is a social tragedy.
Key words: Xianglinsao feudal system of religious tragedy


Southwestern Guangxi and Vietnam linked by mountains and rivers of the Northeast, Dongxing, Guangxi, Fangcheng, Ningming, Pingxiang, Lung, and Dah Sing, Jingxi, the slope of the border, such as 8 (cities, districts) and Vietnam's Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Cao Bang, Ha Giang ...

语文高手请进!帮忙回答语文问题!(陈慧瑛 梅花魂)
1.因为他现在身处异国,念到梅花,就会想起自己的故乡,会想到那里美好的会议。 .是第二自然段中外祖父读的一些古诗词。“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲”是唐代诗人王维的诗《九月九日忆山东兄弟》中的诗句,意思是:一个人独自在他乡作客,每逢过节的时候格外思念故乡的亲人。“春草明年绿,王孙归...

1, I love you, but I could do nothing about it.2, I give you the whole heart, but you did not care.3, why is my heart still pain?4, once the love has gone, was too late to regret it.5, I beg your pardon, for your love, I am addictive.6, we agreed, I will...

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1.quelle est la periodicité des bus? j'ai très froid,je ne sais pas aussi ,j'espère que le bus va arriver tout de suite 2.pourquoi c'est long ,j'ai très faim et très froid ,zut!le bus!je vais mourir de froid ,je n'aime pas la neige 3.super! le bus arrive ...

再次鄙视ryjily - 榜眼 十二级 The victim of the feudal ethics --- On Aunt Xianglin in "Blessing"Abstract:Aunt Xianglin,a tragic figure in Lu Xun's work "blessing" who requests very little for life and is a capable woman.She had experienced "married and widowed," "Remarried...


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恒山区18068274018: 各位英文高手请进~~帮一下忙啦!各位帅哥靓妹请进!因有一篇英语短文不知该怎样翻译,所以请各位英文高手帮忙,如能搞定,小妹我必当感激不尽!全文... -
仇轮硝酸:[答案] 大家好:我叫XXX,XXX是我的英文名,你可以叫我XXX,我是来自于XXX小学的.在小学里,我喜欢每一门学习的科目.我知道在初中,我会学到许多科目.我会努力学好每一科,并且我一直努力学习英语.我的爱好很广泛.我最喜欢听歌和...

恒山区18068274018: 英语高手请进!帮我翻译一下短文.要是实在不行,百度在线翻译也行.有加分噢.谢谢了. -
仇轮硝酸: Hainan is the largest special economic zone in the country, my hometown of Hainan Yangpu Economic Development Zone. I am a positive and optimistic boy, usually love to help people who need help, and perhaps because of helpfulness. My ...

恒山区18068274018: 英语高手,请进!帮忙用英语翻译下面这段话!
仇轮硝酸: Sisters, do not shed your precious tears for him. It's not worth it, really not worth it. Do not cry. Go for it! Be strong and walk along with him!

恒山区18068274018: 英语高手请进,请帮忙翻译一下 -
仇轮硝酸: 我今晚参加完朋友李江的生日宴会.在我步行回家的路上,看见一辆摩托车开得很快,并且把一个男孩撞倒了.但车子并没有停下,而是逃走了.我十分气愤,还记下车子的车号为FD-2819,然后马上报警,并把孩子送往医院. Tonight I attend ...

恒山区18068274018: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译下 -
仇轮硝酸: You don't mind 【my/others'最好加上这个】calling you Xiao Li, do you?你不会介意【我/别人】叫你小李/小丽,对吧?祝你开心如意!

恒山区18068274018: 英语高手请进请帮我翻译一下这句话:柔软的心,坚定的爱. -
仇轮硝酸:[答案] the soft heart,the strong love

恒山区18068274018: 英语高手请进.帮忙翻译一下《威尼斯商人》的一段 -
仇轮硝酸: My name is Bassanio.The story I am telling took place ten years ago. I fell in love with a clever and beautiful girl, whose name was is Portia. Asking her...

恒山区18068274018: 英语高手请进!大家好! 我想知道这个文章的意思,有哪位帮忙翻译一下!翻译好的加分.谢绝翻译机翻译!谢谢! Today, we talk about the object of his work.... -
仇轮硝酸:[答案] Today,we talk about the object of his work.The heart is a complex organ that starts beating a few weeks after conception.At this point the heart is a tube.In the coming days,it grows and bends into th...

恒山区18068274018: 英语专业人士请进!帮忙翻译一下一篇短文!急!谢谢 -
仇轮硝酸: At 14:28 P.M. May 12, Szechwan the province 汶川 Cou...

恒山区18068274018: 英语高手请进...帮忙翻译.
仇轮硝酸: Hey! Stop walking! Give me back my lollipop. I like eating lollipops.

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