
作者&投稿:攸彦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请帮忙将以下文字翻译成英文 谢谢 翻译器就不用了~

I am not good at grammer, which makes me an awful written English.

我的偶像是史蒂文。霍金 我崇拜他是因为他的不屈和对知识的探索渴望
Stephen W.Hawking is my idol. His indomitable spirit and tireless thirst for knowledge deeply attracted me. 【我用了深深吸引我~】

每周保持2小时收听英语广播 与英语为母语的外国朋友保持对话 看一些英文报刊
I keep learning English all the time. I spend about 2 hours on listening English broadcasting every week. I also keep in touch with some foreign friends whose mother tongues are English.

我希望可以结识更多的外国朋友 您可以把他们介绍给我认识吗? 另外 您的邮箱地址和MSN号码是多少呢?谢谢
I wish to get acquainted with some more foreigners. Can you introduce some of your friends for me? By the way, what is your email address and MSN account? Thanks a lot.

Reading some simple English materials and articles. 【阅读就可以了吧,为什么还要用英文阅读……后面写的够明白了】

Has oral communication with foreigners. 【我用了日常沟通~因为这就是最基本的交流了】

Has the capability of understanding most of the words in movies and broadcastings.


Afterthe rural credit cooperatives and theAgricultural Bank ofdecoupling,as a cooperativefinancialorganization,hasestablished a leading position in therural financialsystem,and play an important rolein supporting ruraleconomic development.Butthere are some problemsin its development,the potential risks ofincreasing exposure.Based on theinvestigation and study,analysis of thesolutioninthe development of rural credit cooperativesanddeal with these problems.

right is :
Check the global community West society to treat the smoking behavior particularly the manner, the Western society takes seriously to the smoking harm, British scientist Richard · Dowar to publish the memoir most early in 1950, thought that smoked is causes the lung cancer “a reason, and was a primary cause”, 4 years later, he made the report to confirm his discovery once more. The western counter-tobacco movement will start blustery from now on. Present's Western society, may not regard as in public area smoking the politeness even illegal behavior, many government issue decrees and ordinances forbid in crowd numerous public place smoking, and divides the smoking area and the no smoking section in many situations, smokes in the home may regard as violates the law, big banning smoking intensity, broad scope, is second to none in the world.

Perhaps some people will ask: “present's social intense opposition smoking, why doesn't the country stop cigarette's production and the sale?”
The first tobacco industry is not only a kind of enterprise, what is related with it is the tobacco planter, printing, the papermaking, filter tip raw material, the packing material production enterprise as well as large quantities of sellers and so on a huge industrial chain, the jobholders far many and the extant cigarette Production enterprise, once the stop sale, will cause the unemployment rate sudden growth and the output value, tax revenue sliding to inevitably, gain does not equal the loss.
And tobacco's tax revenue is our country tax revenue important source, occupied our country tax revenue proportion major part, therefore banned smoking in the present China is comprehensively not realistic. On the other hand the tobacco planter, slurps the history excels in the tobacco industry by far the history, the tobacco industry this profession production and the existence, is social demand which forms by people's smoking custom for premise.

Such being the case, whether we on this to smoking behavior laissez faire, no matter? Certainly is not good, we believed that in the people cannot give up the smoking custom completely in the situation, slurps the tar content lowly, the harmful ingredient few cigarettes, must always in any event good relatively somewhat; At the same time, the legitimate existence's tobacco profession can strengthen the profession autonomy, can do some are beneficial in the social progress matter, is a good deed in any event. Forbids is not means that the reasonable guidance is the best outlet.

Looked over the global community West society to treat the smoking behavior particularly the manner, the Western society takes seriously to the smoking harm, British scientist Richard · Dowar to publish the memoir most early in 1950, thought that smoked is causes the lung cancer “a reason, and was a primary cause”, 4 years later, he made the report to confirm his discovery once more. The western counter-tobacco movement will start blustery from now on. Present's Western society, may not regard as in public area smoking the politeness even illegal behavior, many government issue decrees and ordinances forbid in crowd numerous public place smoking, and divides the smoking area and the no smoking section in many situations, smokes in the home may regard as violates the law, big banning smoking intensity, broad scope, is second to none in the world.

Perhaps some people will ask: “present's social intense opposition smoking, why doesn't the country stop cigarette's production and the sale?”
The first tobacco industry is not only a kind of enterprise, what is related with it is the tobacco planter, printing, the papermaking, filter tip raw material, the packing material production enterprise as well as large quantities of sellers and so on a huge industrial chain, the jobholders far many and the extant cigarette Production enterprise, once the stop sale, will cause the unemployment rate sudden growth and the output value, tax revenue sliding to inevitably, gain does not equal the loss.
And tobacco's tax revenue is our country tax revenue important source, occupied our country tax revenue proportion major part, therefore banned smoking in the present China is comprehensively not realistic. On the other hand the tobacco planter, slurps the history excels in the tobacco industry by far the history, the tobacco industry this profession production and the existence, is social demand which forms by people's smoking custom for premise.

Such being the case, whether we on this to smoking behavior laissez faire, no matter? Certainly is not good, we believed that in the people cannot give up the smoking custom completely in the situation, slurps the tar content lowly, the harmful ingredient few cigarettes, must always in any event good relatively somewhat; At the same time, the legitimate existence's tobacco profession can strengthen the profession autonomy, can do some are beneficial in the social progress matter, is a good deed in any event. Forbids is not means that the reasonable guidance is the best outlet.

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right is :Check the global community West society to treat the smoking behavior particularly the manner, the Western society takes seriously to the smoking harm, British scientist Richard · Dowar to publish the memoir most early in 1950, thought that smoked is causes the lung cancer...

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Harrow School has a long history of more than 400 years, it is world-wide famous of its fine education tradition, it is also the one of the famousest private shcool

Our country has developed the recreation bouncer movement since 1998, our technical level in forward makes great strides forward unceasingly, is strives for perfection to the movement technology request, but all movement foundation all is from simple takes off the start.This article tests ...

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Li Ning urgently need for a correct market position, due to all the cast has nothing to do with the market positioning of the chores, focus on to build a new image minds of Li Ning in the students.Li Ning's biggest problem is the fuzzy brand image, the students with Nike...

Yu also said 10,000 April Fool's Day Festival, the Western United States is traditional folk festivals and festivals each year on April 1. April Fool's Day has been there for centuries, its origins opinions are widely divided. One is that the practice originated from India's "...

JinXiChe, 1983, was born on July 10th.A: ? Korean ? ?. English: Heechul Kim.Cinderella: I CengYongMing (that) he is concurrently singer, actress, host, the DJ, MC, his fans are usually called -- petals.Nickname: big, Cinderella (Cinderella)zodiac: pig constellation cancer.t...

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茆广凡慕:[答案] That being the case, whether or not we on the smoking behavior regardless of laissez-faire? » Of course not, in our view, people can not kick the smoking habits of the circumstances, the use of low tar content, less harmful components of cigarettes, in ...

庄河市17312586296: 请将下列文字翻译成英文,请务必不要用翻译软件,拜托 -
茆广凡慕: right is :Check the global community West society to treat the smoking behavior particularly the manner, the Western society takes seriously to the smoking harm, British scientist Richard · Dowar to publish the memoir most early in 1950, thought ...

庄河市17312586296: 曹冲称象英文手动翻译请将下面的话翻译成英语(不要机器翻译,务必用过去式)1.孙权送给曹操一只象.曹操想知道象的重量.2.大臣们想不出好办法.曹... -
茆广凡慕:[答案] 1. Sun Quan gave an elephant to Cao cao. Cao Caowould like to know the weight of the elephant. 2. Ministers couldn't come up with a good solution.Cao Chongsaid he had a way to solve the problem. 3. He let someone lead the elephant onto a boat ...

庄河市17312586296: 请帮忙把下面文字翻译成英文,但是别用翻译机哈,谢谢 -
茆广凡慕: From Qiqiao Cao to See the Characterization in Eileen Chang's NovelsAbstractQiqiao Cao is a rare femal character with abnormal personality in Chinese Fiction. To build this character, Eileen Chang is mainly through setting specific ...

庄河市17312586296: 将下列文字翻译成英语3 请千万别用翻译软件 -
茆广凡慕: time has different now, young people have not just those who will worship of idols beautiful singing will jump. One can give them hope, as they can do more for the example of their idol. Li ning in this respect is very necessary to Nike learning. When ...

庄河市17312586296: 把以下文字翻译成英文,意思大概对就可以,请不要用翻译器,谢谢 :“我们获得的奖励当然要时刻记得; -
茆广凡慕: 好汉不提当年勇,过去的都已过去,没必要再提;No mention was brave hero, the past has in the past, no need to mention;曾经的荣誉可以在我们失意时激励我们;Once the honor in our frustration motivate us;这会使人骄傲自大;This will ...

庄河市17312586296: 英语翻译请将以下中文翻译成英文,请不要使用翻译软件,我觉得慢慢累积人气比一夜成名好.因为在慢慢累积人气的过程会令别人对你的印象加深,并且令人... -
茆广凡慕:[答案] I feel slowly accumulated in popularity and became famous overnight. Because in the process of slowly accumulated popularity will make your impression to others to deepen,and amazing to see your strengths and weaknesses and strengths,the one who...

庄河市17312586296: 请帮我把下面的文字翻译成英文 不要用翻译工具 最好是英语专业的人帮忙翻译下 谢谢了 多用点专业词语环境信息的科学可视化能提供给环境管理人员和研... -
茆广凡慕:[答案] Scientific visualization of environmental information provides a means to present data for environment managers in a more intuitive way consistent with human cognition. It helps to explain the essenti...

庄河市17312586296: 请帮助将下边文字译成英文,谢谢. -
茆广凡慕: Your life I just borrow a ride, thank in the intersection of life, moments of bloom, you warm my heart a life; Your life I only borrow a routine, don't promise, because carrying no vows of eternal love, can pass the distant one,if the mind can go beyond ...

庄河市17312586296: 请将下面的文字翻译为英语.谢谢!(急!急!)
茆广凡慕: The factory cement 28 days anti- of the P.032.5 R cement's pressing strength chart is a glimmer of produce with two lines of the mixture of the P.032.5 R cement.But 2006 January's going to mainly is the P.032.5 R cements that a glimmer of cements...

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