
作者&投稿:揣管 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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According to the requirements of the factory can obtain electricity load of power and our actual situation, and considering the factory production, determine the position of the substation, and the type of main transformer substation capacity, the number and type, choose the wiring and substation equipment and high secondary circuit, take-off, choose the lightning protection device, determine and grounding device.
According to the theory of computation to find information and SL7-630KVA transformer, choose one, Choose 360KVA capacitance capacity for capacitors PGJ1-2 a screen type, PGJ1-3 pieces, metal workshop distribution system solutions figure 4-4 (8), Fuse box, electric wire and points to choose to see table 4-4-4-3 (page 10), Choose lv power distribution panel as table 4-15 (16), Switchgear chooses GG - 1A (F) - 03, Choose LQJ - 10 current transformer two, In relay protection against over-current protection in time, Current relay choose GL - 15/10 type, HY5W4 installation of lightning

Our country has developed the recreation bouncer movement since 1998, our technical level in forward makes great strides forward unceasingly, is strives for perfection to the movement technology request, but all movement foundation all is from simple takes off the start.This article tests the result correlation method and the onlooking records the relativity law, from takes off the technical angle to carry on the discussion, explained takes off the technology to complete the complete set movement the quality and the stable very important function, relates the complete set movement the success or failure.

Since 1998, China launched Trampoline, we have the skill level of constantly moving forward, the actions of technical requirements is better, and all movements are the basis of a simple take-off from the start. Comparative results of this trial and watch the video contrast, the take-off from the technical point of view of that technology to take off to complete a full set of actions the quality and stability plays a vital role, a full set of actions related to the success or failure.
Key words: technical stability of take-off

From 1998 the our country open an exhibition to leap a bed sport, our techniques level at constantly move forward forward, to action of technique of request is also try for the best, but all the foundations of the action all from most simple of start aside to start.This text try out result contrast method with watch record opposite ratio method, from jump technique angle to carry on study, the elucidation have already jumped a technique to completion complete set action of quality and stability have to the pass importance of function, relation success or failure that arrive complete set's action.
Keyword: Jump a technique stability

起跳技术 稳定性是两个词,你怎么翻译成一个了

Since 1998, China launched Trampoline, we have the skill level of constantly moving forward, the actions of technical requirements is better, and all movements are the basis of a simple take-off from the start. Comparative results of this trial and watch the video contrast, the take-off from the technical point of view of that technology to take off to complete a full set of actions the quality and stability plays a vital role, a full set of actions related to the success or failure.

苏小小legend Qi Qian苏小小South County are a geisha, cold bridge in the West, one day tours go苏小小Guangxi, to get to know who is reading the poor scholar鲍仁.鲍仁清俊integrity, but raise enough money赶考Beijing. Silver on the generous gifts苏小小assist Jinbang him the nomination...

With China's accession to WTO, the international retail groups in China's significantly faster. China's retail market fully open to foreign investment in the retail market trend of rapid growth and huge market potential has attracted more and more foreign capital into the retail market...

A foreign management negotiator should not only be familiar with the rules of negotiation, its related legal and commerical matters, he or she must also know some negotiating techniques, to use some wording strategies familiarly, such as expressing with words swiftly, cunning, and skil...

by studying and training and practicing. Let us do our best, use all our love to help our children study happily, grow happily.Let our children to be the one who can perceived well-being of the real.我认真翻译了的……chinav2008虽然说使用手工,但还是机器吧,很多错误 ...

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接着主要以某汽车有限公司的一款问题车型为试验对象,展开车内噪声测试、进气系统噪声识别、模态试验研究等等工作。本文的思路是针对该问题车型,通过实验的方法对其进气系统进行全面的测试,通过实验数据分析与经验的判断,找出主要问题,并且提出有效的问题解决方案。This paper introduces the characteristics and...

In the time of youth, we show their personality, flying thoughts; in the time of youth, we simply cried, laughed, has belongs to our innocence; in youthful years, has left us forever memories.Need not hide, do not need to hide, I am the master of my youth, in this ...

BA FEI is a world especially the second powerful person.He is also a well-known investment house.In 1930, he was born in the United States.13 years old, he starts invest.In 1947, he entered the guest method second university.Now, BA FEI especially of the property total ...

In a summer day, I see a monkey sitting on a tree where hang a life buoy and a rabbit is under the tree. And a boy is playing football and a girl is flying a kite on the lawn. They have a good time.

JinXiChe, 1983, was born on July 10th.A: ? Korean ? ?. English: Heechul Kim.Cinderella: I CengYongMing (that) he is concurrently singer, actress, host, the DJ, MC, his fans are usually called -- petals.Nickname: big, Cinderella (Cinderella)zodiac: pig constellation cancer.t...

he was buried alive Purges policy is undoubtedly the best political tragedy footnote. Shaped by their feudal tradition to expose the brutal cold, inhuman side of the looming development of modern civilization difficult, calling the arrival of modern civilization.《白鹿原》翻译为"White Deer...

昌黎县15142611986: 英语翻译帮忙将下面一段文字翻译成英文.许多人都向往城市的繁华,希望生活在城市中.然而,比起城市,我却更加向往乡村的生活.有得必有失.城市固然繁... -
斐政贝尔:[答案] Many people long for the city's downtown,want to live in cities.However,compared with the city,I yearn for a more rural life. Will ... in the city's heavy vehicle exhaust,where air more healthy and more people feel comfortable.I like this way of life. 雅虎在线翻译...

昌黎县15142611986: 帮我把下列一段文字译成英文..我的名字叫李华,在A中学读书.上个礼拜天我来到你们图书馆看书,不过发现了一些不太好的现象,在这里我想向您反映出来... -
斐政贝尔:[答案] Hello,my name is Li Hua,in the A secondary school.Last Sunday I read in your library,but discovered some not-so-good phenomenon,Here,I would like to ask you reflected,in the hope that you can take som...

昌黎县15142611986: 将下面一段文字翻译成英文,...
斐政贝尔: One old man said something unclearly. I didn't notice. Ater returning home. when I took off my clothes, I found my shoulder was black and blue. But I didn't feel any bad about that. So I went to the hostial to have an X-ray check. Nothing serious ...

昌黎县15142611986: 帮我翻译下面一段文字,译成英文!(急!)
斐政贝尔: Shakespeare, had been born in 1564, died in 1616, the English renowneddramatist and the poet. His representative works include: "Henry ThreeTh", "Charlie Three Th", "a Midsummer Night of Dream", "12th Night","the Venetian ...

昌黎县15142611986: 将下面一段文字翻译成英文 -
斐政贝尔: animals should live in the nature instead of in the zoo,if they live in the zoo ,it will make them lose not only their nature but also keep them stay away from the natire,what we hope is that they can have a better environment and keep their nature ,so they should return to the nature rather than live in the zoo.

昌黎县15142611986: 把下面一段文字翻译成英文.
斐政贝尔: I get up at six every day and do the preparation before school. Seven go to school on time every day, for 30 minutes in English, in ready class. In nine of my favorite class is English and physics, because the teacher is very humorous. After school I ...

昌黎县15142611986: 把下面一段文字翻译英文 -
斐政贝尔: In the spring, the weather is warm and comfortable in the summer, the weather is hot and humid in the fall, the weather is cool, the weather is cold in the winter

昌黎县15142611986: 求翻译 请将下列这段文字翻译成英文 紧急!! -
斐政贝尔: 1 it is a nature writing, get close to nature, approached the innocent child, to feel, to experience the joy of life, find that the things you know things past, in the process you will find that you have to understand how to correct their own shortcomings 2 ...

昌黎县15142611986: 将以下文字翻译成英文,要标准的急在比赛前15分钟下雨,比赛完5分?
斐政贝尔: In the first 15 minutes of the game, the game finished 5 minutes a lot of rain 是啊

昌黎县15142611986: 请将下面一段话翻译成英语,急!!! -
斐政贝尔: 故宫和万里长城是在北京的吧..... thank you for your interet in all kinds of scenic spots and historical sites in Beijing. there are lots of places of interests in Beijing, for example, the largest palace in the world: the summer palace, the world ...

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