
作者&投稿:郗姚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The company is trying to quadruple the productivity of edible oil from 0.1 million tons to 0.3 million tons in three years,with annual sales revenue reached at 3.36 billion yuan, profit exceeded 13 million yuan and taxes arrived at 16 million yuan,making itself a well-known domestic enterprise

a. An eye finds more truth than two ears.
To see with your own eyes can provide you with more evidence than what you hear. In other words, what you see is true but what you hear might be illusionary.

b. He that travels far knows much.
The man who have been to many places has a lot of knowledge. It is similar with the Chinese saysing: Read tens of thousands books and travel tens of thousand of miles.

c. Variety is the spice of life.
When you have different experiences in life, your life would be colorful. It is like to add spice to your food to make it tasty.

d. Work while you work; play while you play; this is the way to be cheerful and gay.
When you work, work hard. When you play, play hard. Don't work while playing or vice versa, because this is the way to get your happiness.

e. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

If you eat an apple a day, you will be healthy and stay away from illness.

a. An eye finds more truth than two ears.眼见为实,耳听为虚。
b. He that travels far knows much.行万里路,知天下事。
c. Variety is the spice of life.生活的乐趣在于它的不确定性。
d. Work while you work; play while you play; this is the way to be cheerful and gay. 该做则做,该玩则玩,这样你才有收获才会快乐。(寓意要合理安排时间。)
e. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.苹果有益健康。

a.Don't believe anything unless you see it.
b.Go and practise,then,you will be knowledgeable.
c.If life is all we can expect,then,it is tedious.
d.Well arrange your time and your work,you will be happy and gain much.
e.Fruits,esp.apples are good for your health.

a. What you see is much more trustable than what you hear.

b. Who experiences more knows more too.

c. Life can gives you all kinds of feelings.

d. Don't think of one thing while you are doing another.

e. If you wanna be healthy, eat one apple a day.

A. It means that when you actually seen something, that's better than just hear it coz people may tell you a lie.一只眼睛看到的事实,比两只耳朵听来的要真实.


C.sometimes, a little change can bring a whole new experience to life. Keep discovering!变化是生活的调味剂.

D.work as you don't need the money, play as there's no tomorrow, just enjoy whatever you doing coz we only have a life to live.

E.apples are good for health, so when you eat an apple everyday, you will get good balance of diet which reduce the chance to get illness.这个俚语中国话里也有的,就是:每天一个苹果,气的医生满街跑.

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