有没有高手帮忙翻译一下这句话(汉译英)?? “

作者&投稿:智齐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


We wander in the palace of music. We ramble through the gallery of songs. Although no impassioned musical master is here, nor the melodic voice from superstar singers, we are deeply indulged in the interaction between the music and our souls. We are miraculously enchanted by the outburst of sincere feelings.

Everyone of you is a talented musician. You freeze the most beautiful moments in our hearts with your singing. Ranking results are nothing important when we think of what beautiful memories this special experience leaves to us. Where there is hard work, there must be a success well deserved. Let us give our applause to the bravery of all the singers, and for their performances. We give our heartfelt thanks for bringing us this music feast! Today you are the winners for this conpetition, and tomorrow, you will be the winners for your life!


4.4 water supply
The water from the factory 2km River, abundant water quantity, water supply reliability. Now has a water intake pumping station and pretreatment facility, the DN200 water pipe laying within the plant, and is transported to the water purification station for processing. The purified water to 800 cubic meters of clean water tank, the water pump to the water plant production. The water of life from life to pump the water from the water tank, the activated carbon filter filtration and disinfection and sent to the high water tank for the life, the use of life.

In recent years,events like "poison milk powder" "lean meat powder" " illeagal cooking oil" "colorful steamed bread" happened in a run . These malignant accidents of food safety have showed that the loss of integrety ,the degradation of morality good faith is serious . A country , without high quality of people and power of morality, can never become a strong and respectable country.

In recent years have happened "poison milk powder" "lean lean fine" "edible oils" "color steamed bread" events, these malignant food safety accidents could show that, the good faith, the lack of moral landslide has come to the point of how serious. A country, if not the national quality improvement and the moral strength, will never become a really strong country, a respected countries.

Have occurred in recent years, "milk", "CL", "waste oil" "color bread," and so on, these vicious food safety incident has shown that lack of good faith, moral decline has reached the point of how serious. A country, if not to improve the quality and moral strength, not likely to become a truly strong nation, a respected country.

有没有英语高手能帮我翻译成英语~~明天要交 挺急的~~不要网上翻译的...
any desirable clothes. Then, the idea of self-designing occurred to me for the first time. Later, I found my favorite costume style in Korean and Japanese TV series. Thus, I came to Korea and chose costume design as my major.自己翻译的。。但是没有300-400字。。仅供参考。。

In our country, the small and medium-sized enterprise is the national economy important component, is playing the pivotal promoter action to the economic development and the social stability. However the floating capital causes the enterprise “the blood”, its flowing and the movement, ...

and what’s more, a new start of its ever greater success.[注]1. 汉语里面通常有很多不必要的渲染,翻译时要从简洁的角度剔除;2. 英语有很多习惯搭配,不可随意更换.例如没有dream to do sth之说;3. 汉语是意合语言,而英语是形合语言(要注意翻译结构的匀称);4. 翻译供作参考,共同进步:)...

汉译法 请高手帮忙翻一下,谢谢。
1.如果我有时间,我将去拜访我的中学老师。1. Si je dispose de suffisamment de temps, je vais je pour rendre visite aux enseignants du cycle secondaire.2.我建议你到农村去度假;我想,今年夏天海边会有不少人。2. Je vous conseille de passer votre vacances à la campagne; Je ...

我没有很想你,I miss you(英文否定义很难表达,中文所具有的语言特色是英语比不过的,所以就这样翻译,或许那么多句的I miss you也能起到打动人心的效果。)只是在高兴的时候会想起你,Just when I am happy 你是我第一个想要分享的人;you're the one I wanna go share 我没有很想你,I ...

Examples of dual type dubbed convey the enterprise of structure of high quality services, set up enterprise high quality image. In the process of translation, the translator in addition to the original retained successful dubbed structure outside, still have three the ingenious increased ...

从那之后,你就会由“不可替代的人”变成“可以替代的人”了 即便他们依旧爱着你 但有些事情有些东西已经真正的变了 我们为什么要四处游走 也许是因为某人,某事,某地吧 一旦你离开 你将不会再回来 或许 你根本就不能再回来了 是歌词吧,翻译得不到位的话请谅解哈!绝对原创,希望采纳~嘻嘻 ...


Life itself, without the assistance of colleges and universities, is becoming an advanced institution of learning.没有学院和大学的帮助,人生本身也正在变成一所高等学府.(句子出自: Thomas Alva Edision 爱迪生)

英文翻译 英语高手帮忙翻译一下 翻译软件就请不要费劲了
1、财务部门对资金使用环节的控制。以财务管理为中心的项目管理,加强财务管理,提高资金使用率,降低资金成本,财务部对资金使用过程中的管理控制尤其重要。the financial department use of funds link control. With the financial management center for project management, strengthen financial management, ...

正安县13939776249: 请高手帮忙翻译下这句话! -
枕剂艾贝: 电影《燃情岁月》的开头有一句话说“Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear.Such people become carzy or they become legends.”——有些人能清楚的听到来自心灵的声音并依其作息.这种人最后不是疯了,就是成了传奇.我想很不幸,我是那样的人.

正安县13939776249: 有没有高手帮忙翻译这句话什么意思?谢谢啦 -
枕剂艾贝: 合作伙伴确定,为了在项目执行期间无条件使用我们的办公室资源,按照1名按月付费雇员的标准支付费用.就是说:他们要你们安排一个人(实际上不一定专职)作为他们的项目联络秘书之类,为此,他们将按照聘用一个雇员的标准按月支付费用(工资).这是与老外合作项目的惯例.

正安县13939776249: 请高手帮我翻译一下这句话(翻译结果一定要准确):the wild race had a fast,slow or null allele -
枕剂艾贝:[答案] 野生物种有稳固的的衰退的或是无效的等位基因.fast 有稳固之意,slow有减速之意.个人观点,

正安县13939776249: 哪位高手帮我译一下这句话 -
枕剂艾贝: 我们有过那些远离朋友而独倚花季的日子,We had those days of appreciating flowers far away from our friends.有过年轻的豪情在现实的石壁上被撞得粉碎的失落,We had the sense of loss...

正安县13939776249: 这句话怎么翻译啊? 高手帮帮忙....谢谢
枕剂艾贝: 楼主你好: 正确的翻译是: This little cubby is the study(名词.书房) where he used to work when he was still alive. 这仅是我个人翻译, 我在澳洲上学7年, 楼主还是可以相信我的, 如果又有什么不妥,请见谅

正安县13939776249: 英语高手帮忙翻译下这句话(汉译英)

正安县13939776249: 高手帮忙翻译下这句话,要最精确德翻译
枕剂艾贝: 有天我消失了. 之后又再次出现. 我将咒语打破, 却又将它修复. 我答应你, 我会陪在你身边. 一直, 一直, 直到永远.

正安县13939776249: 哪位英语高手愿意帮忙翻译一下下面这句话,中译英的 谢谢啦 -
枕剂艾贝: Anyone who's going to have the class tonight, please help fill in the budget gap for the absents, and then get all your money back by the reimbursement of this month.(Sorry for the inconvenience that the club won't provide invoices, please help ...

正安县13939776249: 请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面这句话我在以后将每天想你,永远的祝福你,希望你不要忘记我. -
枕剂艾贝:[答案] I'll miss u everyday from now on and bless you forever. Hope you will never forget me.

正安县13939776249: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句话,不要翻译器 -
枕剂艾贝: 我只是害怕失去一个原本不属于我的东西,这也是我矛盾纠结的原因:It's just that I'm afraid of losing something that wasn't originally mine; this is the reason why I'm conflicted and at a loss. 句子翻译以后,选择用 ; 这个分成号,觉得比逗号要更恰当一点.自己认真翻译的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

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