
作者&投稿:曲宋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我想你上面有几个单词写错了吧! CAPE POWN 应该是 CAPE TOWN 开普敦港口 SOUPH AFRIC 应该是 SOUTH AFRIC 南非 !

南非开普敦米切尔平原 火车站广场 7楼DUDU时装店 FENG 先生!

人名不知道是中国人的人名还是外国的` 所以只能翻译到这里了!

In economic development of modern society, efficiency has become the most was the people's eyes, a person in a long time to create the corresponding wealth is the people are concerned about. So in this era of semi-automatic office, from management how can increase work efficiency, but also people in the study. One 6 S management as a new management system in recent years to enter China's domestic enterprises, and these enterprises played a corresponding help. 6S management is adopted from finishing, straighten out, sweeping, cleaning, training, six different aspects of the enterprise existing elements of change, and to coordinate with each other, thereby improving the working environment of existing enterprises, a good work environment And improve the quality of the individual to influence business in each and every member, thereby improving the quality of corporate office, raise work efficiency.
6S management system as has been confirmed by their predecessors a safe and reliable management methods, and is very suitable for a variety of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises, this will be 6 S management system and the application of law firms in the hope of the firm's work Play to improve, to improve the efficiency of the fundamental purpose.

POWN 是town
南非的MITCHELLA PLAINCAPE小城,车站广场(购物中心),7楼,冯嘟嘟时装店

南非 michella plaincape镇(应该是个城镇名吧?)车站商城7楼 DUDU时尚用品店 冯先生 收




君とだから --- 只因与你一起 今だから --- 因为是现在 感じられることがある --- 有着可以感知到的事物 気持ちは少しずつ変化していく --- 心情些许些许的改变 小さな幸せ 小さな変化 --- 微渺的幸福,微渺的变化 これからのこと考えると不安になる --- ...


这样断句才对:才能客商守权达变智慧之人 初年运限未曾享 纵有功名在后成 需过四旬才可上 移居改姓始为良 年轻的时候你的运气不是很好,纵使有什么成就那也要在以后,要到40以后才可能有功名,建议你换个地方,换个名字会有好处

Every time I’m not myself, he always out there with roses in hands. There is nothing but bursting into tears.3. 他记得我最在乎的事,惦记着我最爱的人,一步一步帮我实现未完成的梦想。He cares about what I most care about, thinks over what I most think over, realize what ...

M: And, what about the financial demands of this divorce?M:那,关于财务上的要求呢?W: I’m demanding half of all we have, which isn’t much, and large support payments.W:我要求拥有我们所有的,也并不多的,一半;还有一大笔的供养费。参考资料:自己翻译的。

麻烦高人帮忙翻一下下面这段文字 翻译成英文 谢谢!
Learning is the foundation for the work which it is so important,学习是为工作打基础,所以很重要,at the same time, we have to participate the work actively so as to obtain more work experience when we are studying in the university.Because i really think that the combination of ...

1, 양쯔강 유역의 문화 유적의 번호를 찾았습니다.장강 중국의 중요한 경&...

1、正如科学家所预言的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一。(global)Just as the scientists conjectured, the global pollution become to the one of the most serious problems that human being have to face.2、谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈——今年的求职者(applicant)是去年的五倍。

正宁县13245278451: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下,急求先谢谢啦!!! -
脂呼祥迪: 1 if there is no miracle, go create one.2 make what you holding into what you want, and make what you want your possession.3 safety is lucky, contentment is blessing, a clear mind is salary, desire less is longevity.4 there is nothing i want that i cannot get.5 may happiness and healthiness be our company for ever.

正宁县13245278451: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译下!
脂呼祥迪: Hold on a long time. she is sleeping who i want to hold. who am i?can't remember the taste of happiness.

正宁县13245278451: 麻烦帮忙翻译下一下英语 -
脂呼祥迪: Dear sir, I should be very grateful if you would let me have more details of the quantity of the product you want and your probable distribution plan (retail in your own coutry or other situation). I look forward to the same benefits for our participantion. ...

正宁县13245278451: 麻烦英语高手帮我翻译下?
脂呼祥迪: A: I can tell the past and the future. B: Really? A: Yes B: But...you are blind A: That's what It takes to pay for my power. For example, i just need to ask you one question to find out about your age. B: I don't believe it A: Well, what year were you born? ...

正宁县13245278451: 麻烦高手帮忙翻译成英文
脂呼祥迪: 你好 !我的译句如下,供你参考 :Well, how are you recently ? It seems to me that you have been home for long time ! However you always hide yourself silently, living in a desolating space, thinking with self-delusion that others have forgot you ! ...

正宁县13245278451: 英语高手麻烦帮我翻译下
脂呼祥迪: 1.learn English words by heart. 2.find go to the cinema is interesting 3.look at English magazines 4.ask sb. for help. 5…end of… 6.watch children playing games. 7.the suggestion for all 8.talk to friends 9.hardly ever help

正宁县13245278451: 麻烦高人用英文帮忙翻译几个词
脂呼祥迪: 大淋浴系列 大淋浴系列

正宁县13245278451: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下~要漂亮一点的 -
脂呼祥迪: 1,All work, no pay, makes nurses go away. 重活无筹,护士开走2, 37 killed in Italian plane crash.意一飞机坠毁,37人遇难 3, Chinese cooks masters at turning turnip into flower. 中国厨师顶呱呱,掌中萝卜雕成花4, Japanese dash to US to say "I do" 日本情侣求浪漫,喜事涌到美国办 楼主这些都是新闻的Headline吧,所以很简洁,有的成分会省略掉,难怪一楼和二楼会说原文有问题了

正宁县13245278451: 麻烦高人帮忙翻译一段文字 3(汉译英) -
脂呼祥迪: but, any appearance cannot be separated from the fundamental of...

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