
作者&投稿:朱肾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Though the Americans and the British all speak English, the American English is quite different from the standard British English. There are differences in both the pronounciation and the spelling. For example, the Americans pronounce "fast" /fæst/ but the British prounounce it /fa:st/. In spelling there is also distinguish between them. The American spell the word "color" whereas the British spell it "colour". Another example is enquire, it is British spelling, and the American spelling of this word is inquire. Also refrigerator in British English and fridge in American. In general, American spelling is more simple than the British. These easier spelling words in American English are all from British originally, but the Americans made it easier to use. The change of the words fully represents the high efficiency and the unconstrained characteristics of the Americans.

American English is usually defined as the language that is spoken in the United States.

British English is the language spoken in England and the British empire along with countries owned by that empire.

Although both American and British people can generally understand what each other's saying sometimes it is necessary to explain some things. Some words or phrases could be taken the wrong way.

One of the most noticeable differences is in the spelling of some words. Words such as color in American English become a colour in British English. Another example is the American word theater. In British English it becomes theatre. Other words using the same spelling rules also have the added letter u and the reverse of the r e. Words ending in or usually have the letter u added before the letter r. Words ending in er are usually reversed to re. Other words also have various spelling differences.

Many times although words are spelled the same in both forms of English, they may have a different pronunciation. The accent is put on a different syllable in the word .

Sometimes when using a past tense of a verb, while ed may be used in American English, t is common in British English. An example is dreamed and dreamt .

There are also various grammatical differences.

Vocabulary of course is a major difference at times. Because of the widespread usage of American English many British people are starting to use some American nouns to replace some of their British ones. So a lorry is becoming a truck. There are many other words that are being substituted as well.

Many Americans are are aware of many of the British terms and what they mean. It's likewise many of the Britons know what some of our words mean. This helps to eliminate some confusion.

There are also many other minor differences between the two forms of English.

It is interesting to note that many British English speaking people adore American accents. Likewise many American English speaking people simply love British accents.


Written forms of British and American English as found in newspapers and textbooks vary little in their essential features, with only occasional noticeable differences in comparable media (comparing American newspapers with British newspapers, for example). This kind of formal English, particularly written English, is often called "standard English".

British and American English are the reference norms for English as spoken, written, and taught in the rest of the world. For instance the English-speaking members of the Commonwealth often closely follow British English forms while many new American English forms quickly become familiar outside of the United States. Although most dialects of English used in the former British Empire outside of North America are, to various extents, based on British English, most of the countries concerned have developed their own unique dialects, particularly with respect to pronunciation, idioms and vocabulary. Chief among other English dialects are Canadian English, based on the English of United Empire Loyalists who left the 13 Colonies,and Australian English, which rank third and fourth in number of native speakers.



英语和美语的发音最大的区别之一在它们对浑元音(schwa,音标中的倒写e,)的处理。英语中,浑元音在单元音中常通发生在一些非重读的短音a(如about)和短音er(如computer)上。美语中的er很少为浑元音,并有时对短音i(如sentimental,actuality)和u(如wuss),甚至短音的oo(如:hooker)采用了浑元音。(这四个例子在英语中的发音分别为[i], [i], [u:],[u])浑元音的读音是不定的,但是听起来差不多像一个急促的介于“俄”和“啊”的发音。
英语和美语的发音最具代表性的区别是对er的发音的不同。英语中,短音的er是如上所述的浑元音,但长音的er也不过是个拉长了的浑元音,听起来是一个很夸张的介于“俄”和“啊”的声音。而美语中,er听起来怎么都是个“儿”音(例外是一些俗语中发成浑元音)。 ar:除了轻读短音(如singular)和者后连元音(如clarity),英语的ar全部清一色的长音[a:],而美语中,是“阿尔”。事实上,凡是有r在一个音节尾部的时候,美英发音通常都是不一样的,如tour(英:吐啊,美:吐儿),tear(英:踢啊,美:踢儿),pair(英:pe啊,美:pe儿)。甚至在刚才提到的clarity中,英语['kleriti],美语['kle儿r(er)ti]
元音的发音中还有一个比较重要的区别。一是[o]音:短音的o(如often),英语中发音仅仅为一个缩短了的长音o(如or),而美式的短音o听起来和英语的短音[/\]很像,同时长音o后面如果有r都通常像上一段里说的那样儿化了,没有的话(如plausible, applause)就自动变成了一个短音的o的发音。
另外对u,i和其他元音组合的浑元音化,前面提到了一些,其他就*大家自己体会了。 辅音:
r:字母r简直是代表了英美两国的所有差别,到处都是它。在做辅音时,其实差别也就是当r在第一个词的词尾,而第二个词以元音开头,英语把r完全当作元音处理,而美语会把r连读当作后面一个词的开头元音的辅音,如词组clear animosity,英语会读成clear|animosity,而美语会读成clear-ranimosity。
另一个比较明显的区别是d和t。在一部分非重读音节中(如paddle,rattle, actuality),英语会清楚地发音这两个字母,但在美语中d和t常常会被模糊成一个很难解释的音,跟其它的语言比较,如果知道西班牙语或者意大利语,它跟短弹音r很接近。
还有一点,history, factory这些词,大家可能都发现o的发音(是一个浑元音)在很多音标标注中都是打了括号的。在英国,英语受文言文的影响喜欢省略这个o,而在美国,这个o常常是发了音的。
The difference between American English and British English
“I like fall best.” said Peter from US, “Why do you like fall?”asked his Chinese classmate Li Wei. “And it’s too dangerous to fall.” “Oh, come on, Li Wei. I mean I like the third season of a year. It’s autumn in British English.” “Oh, I see.”
There are many different words in the two English. Eg: soccer VS football, rubber VS eraser, cookie VS biscuit…
There are also some other different ways between American and British English. You can hear the Americans speak English with tongue rollings in every word with the letter R, but the British don’t. And in American English, O sometimes sounds like Ah, eg: god sounds like gahd, and so on.

Though the Americans and the British all speak English,the American English is quite different from the standard British English.There are differences in both the pronounciation and the spelling.For example,the Americans pronounce "fast" /f st/ but the British prounounce it /fa:st/.In spelling there is also distinguish between them.The American spell the word "color" whereas the British spell it "colour".Another example is enquire,it is British spelling,and the American spelling of this word is inquire.Also refrigerator in British English and fridge in American.In general,American spelling is more simple than the British.These easier spelling words in American English are all from British originally,but the Americans made it easier to use.The change of the words fully represents the high efficiency and the unconstrained characteristics of the Americans.

Written forms of British and American English as found in newspapers and textbooks vary little in their essential features, with only occasional noticeable differences in comparable media (comparing American newspapers with British newspapers, for example). This kind of formal English, particularly written English, is often called "standard English".

British and American English are the reference norms for English as spoken, written, and taught in the rest of the world. For instance the English-speaking members of the Commonwealth often closely follow British English forms while many new American English forms quickly become familiar outside of the United States. Although most dialects of English used in the former British Empire outside of North America are, to various extents, based on British English, most of the countries concerned have developed their own unique dialects, particularly with respect to pronunciation, idioms and vocabulary. Chief among other English dialects are Canadian English, based on the English of United Empire Loyalists who left the 13 Colonies,and Australian English, which rank third and fourth in number of native speakers.




一、英式英语和美式英语的区别体现在单词拼写上 英式英语和美式英语在单词拼写上就有许多不同,比如美式英语通常会将英式英语字母组合“our”中的“u”省去;美式英语常用“z”代替英式英语里的“s”;一些在英式英语中以“re”结尾的单词在美式英语里以“er”结尾等等。二、英式英语和美式英语的区别...

标准现代英式英语(简称英语)和标准美式英语(简称美语)的区别说大不大,说小也不小,但是两者互相理解没有任何实质性的问题。此文的目的是对两者的区别进行一个大概的比较,给有兴趣的朋友一个参考,但并不能作为学习另一种口音的教材。其中也漏洞百出,若有不尽之处,还请高人指正补充。 元音: 英语和美语的发音最大...


refrigerator(电冰箱)美语是fridge,美语比原单词要简单得多。美语单词的简化现象是美语与英语在单词拼法上的差异的主要表现。 2. 美语与英语在日期、数字表达方面的差异 在日期方面,美英英语的表达方式是有差别的。以日为先,月份为后,此为英国式;美国式则与此相反,以月为先,日期则在后。


2,在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot这一类单词中,英国人将字母o读作[)],而美国人则将o读作近似[a:]音的[a].所以这些词在美国人读起来就成了[baks][krap][hat][ai‘ranik][paliJ] 和[spat].3,辅音字母r在单词中是否读音是英语与美语的又一明显差异.在英语的r音节中不含卷舌音...

有些单词的发音、拼写是不同的,有些单词虽写法一样但意思是不同的。1、英国英语(British English,简写:BrE、BE、en-GB),又称英式英语,主要是指居住在不列颠群岛上的英格兰人的英语规则,为英国本土及英联邦国家的官方语言。2、美国英语(英语:American English),又称美式英语,简称美语,是...

英语会读成clea-ranimosity,而美语会读成clear-animosity。3、一些常用意思不同 英国大学中的男生被称作university men。在美国大学中则被叫做college boys。英国大学中的教师叫staff,统称之为dons,而在美国大学中则叫faculty。参考资料来源:百度百科-英国英语 参考资料来源:百度百科-美国英语 ...

式英语和美式英语语调的不同 英式英语的发音比较讲究抑扬顿挫,起伏感较强(ups and downs), 和法语颇有几分类似,更具有音乐性(musical);而美式英语听起来比较平直,稳重低沉,变化较少(flat),句势通常呈降调,并且速度慢一些。这和两国历史及文化背景颇有关系。英国人讲究绅士风度,(gentleman...

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戚尚丽科:[答案] Differences Between American and British English While there are certainly many more varieties of English,American and British English are the two varieties that are taught in most ESL/EFL programs.Generally,it is agreed that no one version is "...

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戚尚丽科:[答案] first the difference in pronunciation:for example:"worker" in American is pronounced as |'w:rk|,in British English it is pronounced as |'w:k| .in british english,there is|a:|,but in American English it is read as ||,such as "pass" |pa:s|,|ps|,second,different ...

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戚尚丽科:[答案] The American English and the British English have several differences. The most obvious one is they have differences on the pronounciation.For example,the word "car".In the American English,it is called [kar]; but in the British English,it is called [ka:]....

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戚尚丽科:[答案] The difference between Amercian English and British English There are three main difference between Amercian English and British English,First,In the history ,the Amercian is dependence in 1776 and the language have been changed,Second the ...

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戚尚丽科: Written forms of British and American English as found in newspapers and textbooks vary little in their essential features, with only occasional noticeable differences in comparable media (comparing American newspapers with British newspapers, ...

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戚尚丽科: Though the Americans and the British all speak English, the American English is quite different from the standard British English. There are differences in both the pronounciation and the spelling. For example, the Americans pronounce "fast" /fæ...

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