
作者&投稿:华矩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I know it calls for my tremendous courage. I believe I must have been insane to say these to you because of my high fever these days. It's a big challenge for me to appply for your school with such poor English competence. But there is no turning back. I won't find any opportunity and passion to do it again if I don't pluck up courage this time. Besides the works and material I have prepared, I am really devoted to everything. However, when it comes to English,I feel ashamed of my performance in the exame. If I can get an opportunity to let you know more of me, I believe I won't let you down!

The opening way has already been reached up to 3033 kilometers, and located in the Shandong reflecting at the end of 2005, and it is likely to be located in the first coastline in the whole country and to be located in the density of the port. As for the domination of the district, as an economic center of Shandong and the settlement south of a financial center, a cultural center, and a political center, distribution and further related industry developed rapidly and offered powerful power to an extremely clear, powerful, economical foundation.

Third, the English loan words in sound, form, meaning aspects of the features
     Although a large number of English loan words, the source wide, but except for a few foreign words (such as the Scandinavian word) in terms of sound, form, meaning in English and the local word was no significant difference, most of the foreign words or in audio , shaped side, either in the semantic aspects of their characteristics. In general, the assimilation of good words in sound, and English does not differ greatly in shape, but there are differences in meaning, non-assimilation of the word, whether in sound shape, or in differences in meaning with the English are great.
(A) the Latin word
     Early into English and English common Latin word assimilation is better, no longer in much difference in sound shape, but the meaning there are obvious features. As was the most frequent activities of war and agriculture, and therefore are the Latin words meaning both of the activities. As reflected in the war of words: "wall, street, battle;" [2] reflect the words of agriculture: "butter, Cheese, mule." [3]
Also reflecting the early names in the Latin word has a clear sound, form, meaning features that are in English towns, villages, streets, construction of many words come from Latin words, such as London is a Latin word, from the Latin word "Londonium 'despite a certain degree of assimilation, but the sound characteristics of form and meaning in still evident.
     Latin into English in the mid-term in sound, form, meaning is beginning to pull in with the word features. The sound is multi-syllable words in general, has shown a letter in the form of more general significance in the meaning in the abstract, more performance, such as the superstructure of politics, history, religion, law, literature and art and other aspects. In the word-building ingredients, in the current English word formation is more active adjective suffix "an able, a al, a ous, an ive", also from Latin.
     Late Latin word into English, most of the sound, form, meaning in Latin characteristics are retained, a non-assimilation of the word. Is still in sound shape more syllables, letters, and more. In justice to the performance of scientific content in more abstract terms. Such as: "minimum,. Criteria, militia," then level one us, a Latin word A is a typical morphological characteristics.

哈, 我好像有这段话的原文? 这段话是教材麽?

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我最喜欢的书 我最喜欢的书就要数傲慢与偏见。这本书的主角是里兹.贝纳特和罗宾逊达西。里兹总是觉得罗宾逊很自傲,她自己是带有偏见的。罗宾逊觉得里兹是一个非常特别的女孩,所以他很喜欢她。有一天,罗宾逊向里兹求婚。里兹很吃惊,因此她说:“不。”罗宾逊帮她解决了一个大问题并且对她很好,里兹和...

whether in sound shape, or in differences in meaning with the English are great.(A) the Latin word      Early into English and English common Latin word assimilation is better, no longer in much difference in sound shape, but the meaning there are obviou...



50分全给了 请帮我翻译一下这句俄语 俄语高手帮帮忙

...请高手帮忙 显示卡后的这个是叹号 不是问号

景宁畲族自治县13012608069: 请高手帮忙翻译英汉互译 ,50分,谢啦
旁姿怡宝: I like to eat Chinese food very much and can use chopsticks skilfully.

景宁畲族自治县13012608069: 50分急求准确中英翻译!
旁姿怡宝: 1. Friendship Association for the great unity of Chinese nation 2. Sanlihe Road, Xicheng District, Beijing No. 56 那就不知道 了 我只是看文字给你翻译的那可能是我的错了Promotion of unity and friendship of the Chinese nation你看看这样呢 我朋友翻译的

景宁畲族自治县13012608069: 50分求英译汉高手帮忙翻译! -
旁姿怡宝: 5.爱因斯坦的方程式显示,当一个比太阳大数位的恒星燃尽其核子燃料并崩塌时,恒星的物质一同向其中心挤压产生的力量使得其形成一个奇点,即一个没有空间且重力极大的密度无限大的点.6.开了农场、小店或设立了贸易行的西部人只有当他的社区(社区跨越大西洋到太平洋,上至加拿大下至墨西哥)繁荣时才能指望自己生意兴隆.10.他也严厉指责卡特邀请苏联的不同政见者弗拉基米尔-布克夫斯基,这个被他称为“普通罪犯”的人,到访白宫.

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旁姿怡宝: 全部人工翻译 Affected By his father, Beckham was a big f...

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旁姿怡宝: Hello. You and your family all right? No contact us so long! In China we can! Careless. Home now proceed to the autumn, the weather is not so hot! As in the past, I still go to work every day after work, although in the same work, but life is very ...

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旁姿怡宝: "Hi everybody, last time XX brought us a short but graceful English poem. Today, I also bring you a piece of simple verse. Somewhat differently, it's not an original poem in English, it is translated from Tang poetry! I think it's very interesting. Now let'...

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旁姿怡宝: 回家路上的奇遇 上个星期天在我身上发生了一件有意思的事.那天天特别好所以我决定去乡下开车旅行.在返回的路上,我的车停了.没有汽油了,而且前不着村后不着店.我决定沿路步行,一直到找到能给我卖点汽油的人.我步行了几乎1英...

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旁姿怡宝: 您好,很高兴为您解答:信用证规定的交单期是开船后15天内,现已过期,我们将凭不符点议付.The period for presentation for LC is within 15 days after the shipment. Now it is overdue. We will negotiate with this discrepancy.望及时采纳!------------------------------- ★倾心解答★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------

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