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George Vancouver (June 22, 1757 -1798 on 12 May), the British Royal Navy officer. Its Pacific coast of North America (now British Columbia, Canada and the United States Washington, Oregon and Alaska on the coast) and surveying activities and famous. Vancouver was born in Norfolk, at age 15, with Captain James Cook sailing the Pacific Ocean. Since then, he, as a member of the British Navy, was involved in the French West Indies fleet operations. In 1789, the United Kingdom and Spain for the right to compete for colonization of North America Northwest conflict, Vancouver was sent to Nootka Bay service. When the lifting of the crisis, Vancouver was ordered to rate warship found near the coast of Nootka Bay and conduct a survey of the declaration of sovereignty. 1792, when Vancouver today along the coast of Oregon and Washington northward, encountered a U.S. Navy Captain Robert Gray. Gray then turned to the Columbia River and on the prospective, investigation in the Mainland. Vancouver went north to study the segmentation of Vancouver Island and the North American continent Juan de Fuca Strait. End of the visit, he went to Nootka Bay, received in accordance with the agreement between the two countries returned to the UK by the Spanish settlements housing. That winter, he went to the California coast, once during the winter and look to the Hawaiian Islands. 1793, Vancouver, sailed north again, the farthest reaches 56 degrees north latitude, when the winter, winter to Hawaii again. 1794, he again inspected the north, reached the Cook Inlet, then rates of return shipping via Cape Horn. In Vancouver, the inspection report, he pointed out that the Northwest Passage do not exist in all the latitude of thought. To commemorate his achievements, many parts of the Pacific Northwest in North America for its named, including the City of Vancouver Vancouver Island and two (one in British Columbia and the other in Washington), and so on。


Wang Benzhong, National Education Advisory Committee, National Basic Education Curriculum Textbook expert working committee, President of China Education Society of Senior High School Education Professional Commission Chairman, Beijing with the school principal, Beijing Sentosa education development and Innovative Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, served as the experimental high school attached to the principal, secretary, National Research Center for computer education in primary and middle schools of Beijing director, won the" Beijing advanced education workers"," Beijing model school" and other honorary titles. Headmaster Wang Benzhong directly involved in or in charge of Beijing and even whole nation of many of the major education reform project. In 1980, took the lead in developing computer elective experiment; in 1984 hosted the" five four system" mathematics textbooks, experimental work and national projects", course system, teaching material" practice and research, and in 1984 to 1991 through the high school curriculum reform experiment, the experimental high school attached to Beijing Normal University to construct a unique class to as the foundation, inside and outside the class," compulsory plus optional combination + activity" three-in-one "new curriculum", as the nineteen ninties national basic education curriculum reform provides reference.

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