请用定语从句完成下列句子, 保证高分,别蒙我,有追加的。

作者&投稿:豆卢真 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 My father gave me a book which/that is a book about Australia

2 I'd like the photos which/that our mother took last summer

3 The train (which) we took is very comfortable.

4 Is the car (which/that) she wanted to buy nice ?

5 I like my hometown where I was born.

There were some people rowing on the river.
There were some people who were rowing on the river.
We are reading the letter written by Sara.
We are reading the letter which was written by Sara.

1.Spring Festival is holiday which is very special for Chinese people.
2.The hospital is a place where sick people become healthy with the help of the doctors.
3.A bookstore is a place where we can buy new books.
4.He wasted too much time watching TV,and that was the reason he failed to finish his homework yesterday evening.
5.Autumn is a season when swallows will fly south.
6.Weekend is a time people can have a rest after a week's hard work.
7.My brother drunk too much last night.That was the reason he woke up so late this morning.
8.A chemisty lab is a place where chemists do experiments.
9.Bush House is the place where my cousin works in.
10.Hank stole $100,000. Is this reason why he went to jail?

1.Spring Festival is a holiday when people all over the country go home for a gethering.
2.The hospital is a place where patients are treated and cured.
3.A bookstore is a place where books are sold.
4.He wasted too much time watching TV,and that was the reason why he didn't pass the exams.
5.Autumn is a season when all leaves of the willows are withered and fallen down.
6.Weekend is a time when most people are at home to relax themselves.
7.My brother drunk too much last night.That was the reason why he had the traffic accident.
8.A chemisty lab is a place where students spend their spare time doing experiments.
9.Bush House is the place where President Bush worked.
10.Hank stole $100,000. Is this the reason why Hank is arrested?

1 Is he the teacher___who taught you physics last year(去年教你们物理的)?2 What do you think of the film___that you saw yesterday(你昨天看的)?3Here is our new school building———which was built last year(去年建造的)。4The last place ———that we visited in the ...

请用定语从句完成下列句子, 保证高分,别蒙我,有追加的。
1.Spring Festival is holiday which is very special for Chinese people.2.The hospital is a place where sick people become healthy with the help of the doctors.3.A bookstore is a place where we can buy new books.4.He wasted too much time watching TV,and that was the reason...

Those clothes are (that\/which) I wahsed last night.note: (A\/B) 代表既可以用A,也可以用B,还可以什么都不用。

1 who i want to introduce to you 2 that his mother sent to him as a birthday present 3 who is swimming in the pool 4 which\/ that is famous for the West Lake

1.他是一个经验丰富的人,有很多我们可以向他学习。He is a very experienced person and we can learn a lot from him.2.所有要做的事情必须按时完成.All those things to be done must be completed on time.3.打破窗户的男孩是谁?Who is the boy that broke the window?4.窗户破了的...

引导语:了解定语从句的构成,首先应了解一些相关的基本概念。a.被修饰的名词等成分通常叫做先行词,下面是我为你带来的定语从句完成句子,希望对你有所帮助。 一、定语从句的引导词 1、一共有9个:who, whom ,whose, that,which, when,where, why,as 与名词从句相比:定从不能由what和how引导;which的含义改变;...

为你解答。We are talking about (the people and things that we saw at the bank)(我们在银行里看见的人和事).The building (whose rooms are big and bright )(房间又大又亮) is our teaching building.He failed the test, (which is hard to imagine for us)(这让我们难以想象).T...

1,this is the most interesting journal that I have ever read.2,those who cheated in the exam have been punished.3, He didn't finish his task in time, which disappointed the boss very much.4, This picture reminds me of those days which were spent in the summer camp.希望帮...

答:My homework was finished that I did it by myself.解析:定语,在句中修饰名词或代词的成分。定语从句则是一个句子来修饰名词或代词,对其进行补充,解释说明。定语从句结构:先行词+关系词+从句 回到题目和答案:先行词,即被修饰的词:My homework 关系词:that ,指代前面的homework 从句:I ...

1The lady who(is reading there )is my English teacher。正在那里读书的那位女士是我的英语老师。2The girl\/boy who ( is standing by the car)is my best friend。站在汽车旁边的那个女孩\/男孩是我最好的朋友。3Beijing is a big city which( is our capital)。北京作为我国首都是一个...

四会市18816749440: 根据汉语提示,用定语从句完成下列句子1.这就是工人们去年修的那条路 .2.她就是我昨天在街上遇到的那个女孩.3.正在踢足球的那些男孩是我的朋友.4.这些是... -
郭通利福:[答案] This is the bridge that it was made by those workers last year

四会市18816749440: 急! 用定语从句翻译下列句子: 1.这是你昨天丢失的小刀 2.这是我读过最好看的小说3.我把姐姐给我买的字典丢了 4.大米是一种在南方种植的植物 5.她就是... -
郭通利福:[答案] 为你解答. 1 这是你昨天丢失的小刀. This is the knife which you lost yesterday. 2.这是我读过最好看的小说. This is the best novel that I have ever read. 3.我把姐姐给我买的字典丢了. I lost the dictionary which my sister bought for me. 4.大米是一种在南方种...

四会市18816749440: 英语的:请用定语从句翻译下列句子1.这是我曾经住过的村庄2.他用来写字的钢笔丢了 -
郭通利福:[答案] 1.This is the village which I once lived in. 2.He lost the pen which he used to write with.

四会市18816749440: 用定语从句完成下列各句1、He joined the PLA in 1946__________________.(他的家乡解放时)2、Last night we met the old scientist - ____________.(... -
郭通利福:[答案] 1、He joined the PLA in 1946 when his hometown was liberated. 2、Last night we met the old scientist who/whom we wanted to visit much earlier. 3、The building which stands by the side of the river is a hospital.

四会市18816749440: 用定语从句完成下列句子 1.i can well remember that there was -
郭通利福: when he broke his leg

四会市18816749440: 用定语从句完成下列各句 -
郭通利福: 1.that my boy friend bought for me as a gift. 2.that the teather thought yest...

四会市18816749440: 请用定语从句完成下列对话.1.Do you know the place"Wolong".熊猫“团团”和“圆圆”的出生地.2.Do you remember the days.有沙尘暴的时期.3.That's the ... -
郭通利福:[答案] 1.Do you know the place where the pandas Tuantuan and Yuanyuan was born?2.Do you remember the days when sand storm happened?3.That's the reason why we should protect the enviroment.翻译:33% thirty th...

四会市18816749440: 用定语从句合并下列句子 急死了超高分
郭通利福: 1. Dont do such things that you are not sure about.不要做那些你不确定的事情 2. The weather turned out to be very good which was more than we could expect 天气变得非常好,超出我们的想象. 3. My uncle had three sons which of them died ...

四会市18816749440: 请英语翻译高手用定语从句的形式汉译英下列句子1) 他们正在谈论他们访问过的老师和学校. 2) 她又改变了主意,这使我们大家都很生气.3) 伽利略搜... -
郭通利福:[答案] 1) They are talking about their visit to the teachers and schools. 2) She also changed his mind, which makes us very angry. 3) Galileo gathered evidence of the Earth and other planets all the facts ...

四会市18816749440: 将以下句子用定语从句的形式写出1、I have five balloons.Three of them are yellow.2、You'd better tell her the name of the book.She can find information about ... -
郭通利福:[答案] They have just started their trip to Tibet,which they prepared for for about a month. You'd better tell her the name of the book where she can find information about the project.I have five balloons,o...

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