
作者&投稿:乾洪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This is the road (that/which) the workers built last year.
She is the girl (who/whom) I met yesterday.
The boys who are playing football are my friends.
Those clothes are (that/which) I wahsed last night.

note: (A/B) 代表既可以用A,也可以用B,还可以什么都不用。

1. where he was born
2.where warm and wet
3which(that) i watched just now
4 he had ever read (注意一定是“had”哦,因为是过去完成时)
5 winning the first prize/ that wins the first place)
6 that everyone should learn from

1 who i want to introduce to you
2 that his mother sent to him as a birthday present
3 who is swimming in the pool
4 which/ that is famous for the West Lake

who i want to introduce to you
that his mother sent to him as a birthday present
swimming in the pool
famous for the West Lake


根据汉语提示完成短文 请按以下内容要点写一篇有关你的同学Kate的英语短...
I have a classmate called Kate,her mother is my former English teacher

【小题1】考查不定式做定语:no time to sit around是no time to do sth没有时间做….。【小题2】考查形容词:修饰人的表情和面容,笑容,用the surprised look 【小题3】考查固定句型:It never occurred to her她从没有想到过…【小题4】考查定语从句,先行词是:a serious problem,定语从句...

定语 1.定语是用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的。 简单地说,就是说明对象是怎么样的。在汉语中,作定语的有形容词、数量词、名词、代词,也可由其他词或短语充当。在汉语中,如果看到”……的……“,一般前面的那个词就做定语,比如”漂亮的妈妈“,定语就是”漂亮“。2.具体说明...

回答:定语 定义   定语是用来限定、修饰名词或代词的,定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语或句子,汉语中常用‘……的’表示。 汉语中的定语  1.在汉语中,定语常由形容词、数量词、名词、代词充当,也可有其他词或短语充当。   例如:(暖和)的阳光照着(平静)的湖水。(形容词作...


小题1:marriage小题2:developments小题3:describe小题4:especially小题5:kept小题6:unpleasant小题7:southern小题8:have been小题9:harmless小题10:meaning 试题分析:小题1:联系前文物主代词her,她的及汉语提示,可知填名词marriage,做介词of的宾语.marriage为抽象名词,不可数,故用原形即可.小题...



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田毅必喜:[答案] This is the bridge that it was made by those workers last year

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田毅必喜:[答案] 1. where he was born 2.where warm and wet 3which(that) i watched just now 4 he had ever read (注意一定是“had”哦,因为是过去完成时) 5 winning the first prize/ that wins the first place) 6 that everyone should learn from

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田毅必喜: when he broke his leg

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罗湖区13922898231: 用定语从句完成下列各句 -
田毅必喜: 1.that my boy friend bought for me as a gift. 2.that the teather thought yest...

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田毅必喜: 1. As a matter of fact, the place where I live now is very near to/not far away from our mchool. 2. I will never forget the day when I got to the Great Wall.

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田毅必喜: GRAMMAR 定语从句(一) 在英语中,修饰名词或代词的成分被称为定语,根据定语出现在名词或代词前后的位置可以将其分为前置定语和后置定语.如在a developing country和a girl in red中,developing和in red分别是前置定语和后置定语....

罗湖区13922898231: 根据汉语提示完成下列句子英语翻译,我们讨论的和青少年. -
田毅必喜: 你没有把英语写出来,把 “根据汉语提示完成句子” 变成了单纯的 “汉译英”,所以翻译出来的不一定符合原文要求,特别是第一个.1、我们讨论的(提供三种供选择) ~what we discussed 〔名词从句〕 ~which we dicussed 〔定语从句〕 ~discussed by us 〔分词短语作定语〕2、青少年 ~teenagers ~youngsters

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