
作者&投稿:瞿种 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. She searched every corner of in the shopping market.
2. Thanks to her contribution, we had a stunning result. Our team got the championship.
3. She is one of the kind. We should all learn from her and make our own contributions to the class.


1. Linda regular homework in the evenings, but tonight she was watching TV.

2. If she is starting early enough, she will keep that ban as early as the bus.

3. I do not know whether it will rain tomorrow. If it does not rain, we go to the park.

4. Jane 1 leave here, I will send this letter Mike.

5. --- Always with you your father's it?

--- Yes, but always say the same thing: "to study hard, son!"

6. He will wait until the rain stopped.

7. --- Mr Harri when going to Sydney? (Has gone)

--- I think it was in December last year.

8. --- Hi, Kate.

--- Hi, Mary. I do not know you here.

9. --- You what to do last night?

--- I have to do the work, read on television.

10. I was not until his grandmother before going back to sleep.

11. Jane (the past) in Shanghai, a month to buy a new set of套裙.

12. --- I have looked at the game.

--- When did you see?

13. Ma Tao Li Mother said, "I will see you every Sunday to help you to do housework.

14. I would now like to buy things, I'll be back soon.

15. I am not sure whether she will be tomorrow and we go to the zoo.

16. They have a day at the new film.

17. Listen! The next room was in tears!

18. Look! Some children flying kites in the playground.

19. I sleep in my room, do not bother me.

20. They will go to Shanghai on Friday. Are we going to send their station?

21. Kate and I are in for tomorrow's picnic ready to do.

22. --- Where are you in July last year?

--- At this time last year me and my family in New York to see my grandparents.

23. Police: the morning you go out it?

Paul; No, I have in the room throughout the morning to work.

24. ----- When we look at the middle of the night when the mother entered the television.

--- She you gas it?

25. --- 20:30 Yesterday, I call you, but no one answered (answer).

--- Oh, when I was at my office for work.

26. Ever since he left after I have not received his letter.

27. --- Where are you these days?

--- Me and my friends went to the Shanghai

28. Since we see them once a week, these people do not feel alone.

29. My grandfather lived a lifetime in this town. He always said he likes the town.

30. --- How do you feel like in Beijing?

--- Oh, I have never visited this beautiful city.

31. This dictionary has him buy how long?

32. --- Can you tell me where it twins?

--- Yes. They went to the library.

1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。

2. I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的。 第一个that是连词,引起宾语从句;第二、五个that是指示代词“那个”;第三个that在这儿相当于名词;第四个that是关系代词,引起定语从句。

3. I know. You know. I know that you know. I know that you know that I know. 我知道。你知道。我知道你知道。我知道你知道我知道。

4. We must hang together, or we'll be hanged separately. 我们必须团结在一起,否则我们将被一个个绞死。
这是一句双关语。前面的hang together是“团结一致”的意思,后面的hanged是“绞死”的意思。

5. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗。

6. Was it a bar or a bat I saw? 我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠?

7. 上联: To China for china, China with china, dinner on china. 去中国买瓷器,中国有瓷器,吃饭靠瓷器。

8. 2B or not 2B, that is a ?
这是一种文字简化游戏。它的意思是:To be or not to be, that is a question. (生存还是毁灭,那是一个问题。)


5. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

1. To get the attention of……To get the attention of his parents, the little boy began to cry loudly.为了引起父母的注意,这个小男孩开始大声哭起来。2. identify with……Reading this book, we can identify with the main character's struggle.读这本书时,我们会同情主要人物的斗争。...

.go on to do sth 接着做另外一件事情 eg. I went on to watch TV as soon after finishing my homework last night.昨晚我做完作业后接着看电视。2.go on doing sth 继续做同一件事情 eg. Let's go on playing the computer game.让我们继续玩电脑游戏吧。3. be made in 在...被制...


1. Panda will have no habitation if farmers are going to occupy more of the land.2. my father drive me to school everyday.3. i hope you can give me some suggestions\/ advices.4. he is made of metal and he is very tall.5. he is always smiling.\/ there is alway a smi...

Go ahead and practise. Nobody will laugh at you.大胆去练,没人会笑你的。But l often make mistakes,l can't relax myself when l speak English 但我老犯错,一讲英语我就紧张 don't worry,you need believe that if you are more careful and brave,nothing will trouble you,别担心...

翻译如下:We hope we can use the advance technology and experiences abroad for reference , and provide a kind of interface on which a variety of manufacturers and business dealers at home and abroad can communicate on their technology, and display their products.At the same time, we...

1. 你在悉尼有多久?How long did you stayed in Sydney?【若现在还在悉尼,则用How long have you been in Sydney】2.他今天不是和你在一起吗?he was together with you today,wasn't he?【我觉得这里用反义疑问句式最合适了】3.杭州以西湖闻名遐迩。Hangzhou is famous for West Lake.4...

5 计算机可能是最好的计算者 6 你可能没有知道危险把你弄圆 7 计算机能做许多工作。8Myabe 足球将会是更流行的超过游泳 9Tony 在我们的俱乐部中跑得最快速。10他们是太疲累而无法更远的走任何。就是啊!!不早说!!74 1.It seems that there are enough sweets for kids.2.What do they ...

英语词组 英语高手进
1.__on take on 承担, 接受, 从事, 较量, 开始雇用, 呈现 例句:We can't take on any more work we're fully stretched (ie working to the utmost of our powers) at the moment.我们不能再接受更多的工作了--目前已经全力以赴了。put on ['putɔn]vt. 穿上, 戴上 例句:Th...

11. 你有必要每天练习说英语。It’s +adj. for sb. to do sth.It's necessary for you to practise speaking English every day.\/ To practise speaking English every day is necessary for you.12. 外面在下雨,你最好带上雨伞。had better do sth It's raining outside. You had better ...

贡觉县19287644660: 翻译英文句子(英语高手进)
祁俊痔疮: He is crazy for music. 绝对正宗.

贡觉县19287644660: 英语高手进,翻译两句简单的话.翻译:1.这真让人感动. 2.我被你感动了,因为你曾说过的这句话.谢谢谢谢. -
祁俊痔疮:[答案] 1.it's quite touching~ 2.i'm moved by the remark you've ever said~ 不谢不谢~

贡觉县19287644660: 一个英语句子的翻译---高手进When I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a milkman delivering milk to our doorstep.1、we had a milkman... -
祁俊痔疮:[答案] 这是个语法现象(很无聊的) have sb. doing sth. 是固定搭配,意为:请(雇)某人做某事 have 在这里不是“有”,而是表示找人,请人,雇人做什么事儿,往往意味着要花钱.

贡觉县19287644660: 英语高手请进.翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? - __ - you - ____ - _____ - _____ - ____ - English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. - __ - his sister - _____... -
祁俊痔疮:[答案] 翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? Do you have trouble in learning English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. Neither his sister nor mum is at home. 注释:neither…nor…两者都不

贡觉县19287644660: 英语高手进,翻译句子(请人工翻译,谢) -
祁俊痔疮: I do not like the fish, but I like the chicken.10.My grandfather already cannot read cannot write, because in the old day, he too is poor, on does not get up study.11.This boy is very young, but he can look after well oneself.12.Mr Dick has very old, but he...

贡觉县19287644660: 英语高手进,帮忙翻译一个句子!谢谢! -
祁俊痔疮: write the beginning letters and colour the sounds 写出首字母并且修饰它的声音 colour在这里作动词 vt.1. 涂颜色于,着色[O8] Tom coloured the picture red.汤姆将画涂成红色.The little girl was colouring pictures with crayons.这个小女孩正在用蜡笔在图画上涂颜色.2. 渲染;文饰;影响 Prejudice coloured his views.偏见影响了他的看法.

贡觉县19287644660: 英语高手 进!翻译几个句子The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. You stupid... -
祁俊痔疮:[答案] 你学得越多,知道越多,就越知道,你越是忘记.你越是忘记,你不知道.你笨抖!什么是愚蠢笨蛋!一要热爱动物.他们是这么好吃.成功男人背后有一个女人.后面每一个不成功的人,有两个.一要热爱动物.他们是这么好吃的享受自己,...

贡觉县19287644660: 一个英语句子的翻译 - --高手进 -
祁俊痔疮: 他认为,人们应该拥有平等的权利,不管他是什么颜色的人种~He believe... 是主句 that之后是宾语从句 regardless of skin colour 不论肤色的意思 应该是个状语 people should have equal rights.是宾语从句的主要成分 意思是人们应该应有平等的权利~THAT`S ALL 不是很难的~~

贡觉县19287644660: 一个英语句子的翻译----高手进Two weeks later, 【the names of the team runners were called】. Joey was number six on the list. 【Joey had made the team】. ... -
祁俊痔疮:[答案] 参考如下: Joey 成就了这个团队 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 以后有问题可以直接向我或【海纳百川团】提问哦~ 请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,

贡觉县19287644660: 英语高手进!这些句子怎么翻译??
祁俊痔疮: 因为你是我的朋友,所以我希望你幸福!Since you are my friend, I wish you happiness.时间在偷偷流走,但是希望我们的友谊永远都在!Time is passing but our friendship will remain forever.对自己好一点,因为一辈子不长,Be good to yourself because life is short.对身边的人好一点,因为下辈子不一定遇得上!Be good to the people around you because there might not be next life.

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