
作者&投稿:马征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
English英语题 高手进 在线等~

首先放在开头必须用动名词V-ing形式 chat with sb. 固定搭配
for比较有指向性,指特定在某方面所给予的建议.give suggestion for sth.
won't表示不愿意 而can't则表示由于某些缘故不能,做不到。拒绝别人比较委婉,更说得通。

应该是问aren't you a pig?你难道不是一头猪吗?
Yes I am:不,我是一头猪
No I am not 是的,我不是

1. Panda will have no habitation if farmers are going to occupy more of the land.

2. my father drive me to school everyday.

3. i hope you can give me some suggestions/ advices.

4. he is made of metal and he is very tall.

5. he is always smiling./ there is alway a smile on his face.

6. they planed to watch the performance of dolphin on 3pm/ on 3 o' clock this afternoon.

7.i am the poorest one in the 6./ i have the lease money in 6 of us.

8. my mother was preparing the lunch when Kitty arrived.

9. buildings were collapsed in the earthquake and numberless people dead from it.

10. radio tells the temperature will be drop to naggative 5 degrees.

1 If farmers continue to occupy any land, the giant panda will be no place to live.
2 My father drove me to school every day.
3 I hope you can give me some suggestions.
4 He is made from metal, but really very high.
5 Hanging from his face always smiling.
6 They plan to look at the dolphin show 15:00.
7 In six people in my money at least.
8 Kitty to when my mother was doing for lunch.
9 Earthquakes in many houses collapsed, tens of thousands of people were killed.
10 Radio day lowered the temperature dropped to minus five degrees.

1. if the farmers kept on using their dialect, then the pandas won't have a place to live

2.my dad drives me to skool everyday

3.I wish you can give some references

4.Its made out of gold and its high qualitied

5.there is always a smile on his face

6.they plan to see the dolphin show at three o'clock

7.out of six people, i have the least money

8.my mom is cooking when kitty comes

9.a lot of houses collapses during and earthquake causing thousands of people dying.

10.the radio said that the temperature would drop to negative five degrees the next day


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慈 母 手 中 线, 游 子 身 上 衣。 临 行 密 密 缝, 意 恐 迟 迟 归。 谁 言 寸 草 心, 报 得 三 春 晖。父母总是最关心我们的人,而他们往往也是我们最容易忽略的人。孝是我们中华千百年来的传统,孝顺的人总是会被人称赞。最美孝心少年所做之事值得我们学习,令我们深思在日常...

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猜谜语 高手进
1 喜上眉梢(喜上玫烧)2魑魅魍魉 或 妖魔鬼怪 3余音绕梁(鱼音绕粮)4盲人摸象 5鸡飞蛋打 6心照不宣(心照步喧)7人走茶凉 8刀光剑影(刀光剑赢)9七嘴八舌(气嘴八蛇)10悲喜交加(悲喜交家)11不知道 12舍己救人 13眉目传情 14 猪朋狗友 15一针见血(衣针箭雪)16愁眉苦脸(愁梅苦脸)17指...



春风 老舍,语文高手进,急需!

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兴薇金路: go off有发动开火爆炸等很多意思.在这里指响起.因为burglar alarm是指防窃报警器.serve是谓语,主语是burglar alarms . 后面的going off 到night 都是后置定语修饰burglar alrms的.再然后,passersb...

张北县13677131911: 英文高手进 -
兴薇金路: 让这作为我最后的话语:我相信你的爱!thy是古代英语,your的意思

张北县13677131911: 英语高手进 -
兴薇金路: I want to meet who I lead - 勉强可以 , 如果意思是要说我要和我要带领的那些人见面i want to meet up with those i'll be leading - 就完美了i want to meet who i lead to - 病句, 句子没有意义

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