
作者&投稿:宫沸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The price of the company products is very high, most of them are over 3000 yuan each pound and only a few of them are about 200 yuan each pound. The company now doesn't support outsourcing delivery, all of the products will be delivered by our own team, you will enjoy free delivery within the fifth ring of Beijing and those who are 15 km away from the sixth ring will not enjoy any kind of delivery; and we don't deliver products to the places outside Beijing as well.




We hope we can use the advance technology and experiences abroad for reference , and provide a kind of interface on which a variety of manufacturers and business dealers at home and abroad can communicate on their technology, and display their products.

At the same time, we can also provide the extensive music ensusiasts with an opportunity of counsulting in information, as well as choosing and buying the products and services they need.

We hope to absorb and learn foreign advanced technology and experience so as to set a bridge for the numerous manufacturers and distributors at home and abroad to exchange skills and to show product.
In the meantime,we wish to provide the vast multitudes of friends loving music with a wonderful chance to counsel and to choose goods needed.

We hoped that profits from and studies the overseas vanguard technology and the experience, for the domestic and foreign general Manufacturer, the dealer provides an exchange technology, the demonstration product window and the bridge.

Simultaneously also for the friends who deeply loves music generally provides a consultation, to select and purchase needs the product and the service turning point.

1.We are looking forward to get advanced foreign science and technology,providing a brige for companies at home and abraod to display goods and exchange exprience.

2.We would like offing a opportunity for music fans to ask and purchase the productions and service about what they need at the same time.

初一英语 句子翻译
1. I love and my friends together to play basketball.2. He was from Canada, he spoke English.3. I have the weekend to help his mother do the laundry.4. My sister did not like math, it was too hard.5. Do you have brothers and sisters?6. I think your pen pal from ...

1、Set off on a journey, bring sunshine, bring beautiful mood.动身踏上旅程,带上阳光,带上美丽的心情 2、Time, so in pursueing we look back, for a walk, never look back.时光,就这样在我们回首追寻中,兜兜转转间,一去不返。3、Youth is a ignorant and moving, always leaves ...

英语翻译(改成以He为主语的句子 )
He played football yesterday.他昨天踢足球 He bought a new coat last week. 上个星期,他买了一件新外套。He has had a letter from Tom. 他已经收到了Tom寄来的信 He was busy this morning.他今早很忙 He could play football very well when he was young.他小时候踢足球踢得很棒 He...

1、他们常很晚回家 They often come home late.2、看,这些鸟正在树上唱歌 Look, the birds are chirping in the trees.3、昨晚你在干什么 我在家做作业(What did you...? which is fine, too.)What were you doing last night? I was doing homework at home.4、昨天你的弟弟读英语了吗...

1. I am eating an apple 2. I have eaten the apple.3. I have had an apple.4. The apple is eaten by me.5. The apple was eaten by me just now.6. The apple was eaten by me.7. I'm ready to eat the apple.8. The apple is going to be eaten by me....

交通安全的英文语录带翻译 安全行走的人才能走得远。Safe walking man can go far.校园是我家,平安靠大家。The campus is my home, peace depends on everybody.漫漫人生路,安全第一步。The first step in the long life and safety.违章一闪念,事故一瞬间。Violation of a split second, ac...

1、你认为什么使得你的朋友如此特别?What do you think that makes your friend so special?2、Betty比我更善长于讲笑话。Betty is better than me at telling jokes.3、我几个小时没有吃过东西了,你给我吃点东西好吗?I haven't eaten anything for several hours; can you please give me ...

英语定语从句翻译句子 ` ` 急
我跟他说话的那个人是我的英语老师 The man that I spoke to is my English teacher.努力工作的人一定会成功 The person who works hard will succeed.你在大门口见的那个人是我的哥哥 The man that you saw at the gate is my elder brother.我丢了我借的那本书 I have lost the book ...

1.我不能明白你所正在谈论的。Idon't understand what you are talking about.2.我想他会及时完成这件事。I think that he will finish this on this.3.我想他不会是小偷的。I think that he is not a thief.4.母亲问你今天下午将去哪里。Mother asked you where you would go this aftern...

all right.5. when mr li realized that he made a in english as the language of the common mistakes, he felt very awkward.6. mary wants to learn japanese, and i hope i can soon learn, but soon found out that japanese was too difficult, short term. she can't learn ...

北镇市17356413394: 英语高手请进.翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? - __ - you - ____ - _____ - _____ - ____ - English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. - __ - his sister - _____... -
苍服瑞兴:[答案] 翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? Do you have trouble in learning English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. Neither his sister nor mum is at home. 注释:neither…nor…两者都不

北镇市17356413394: 英语高手请进来根据所给的词汇提示,翻译句子1.这个房间太小,容不下五个人.(too...to)(hold)2.我什么都没说,因为我怕其他孩子嘲笑我.(afraid)3.每天... -
苍服瑞兴:[答案] 1.This room is too small to hold 5 people. 2.I said nothing because I was afraid that other children would laugh at me. 3.Practise speaking English every day is helpful to improve your spoken English.

北镇市17356413394: 英语高手请进,翻译一个句子.
苍服瑞兴: You haven't a temper today

北镇市17356413394: 请英语高手进用英语翻译一下句子,用非谓语1什么时候开会还没决定2你们现在用不着在这里等3我们决不允许重犯这样的错误4天气太冷,他们没法出去 -
苍服瑞兴:[答案] 1.When to meet has not decided yet. 2.You do not need to wait here now. 3.We will never allow the repetition of such mistakes. 4.It's too cold for them to go out.

北镇市17356413394: 英语高手请进 翻译句子
苍服瑞兴: 1 when the teacher came in, I happened to be doing homework 2 when they talk about the book, I happened to read 3 when the teacher asked that question, I happen to know the answer 4. Don't be late for school, I get up early 5 his wife with his ...

北镇市17356413394: 英语高手请进帮忙翻译几个句子
苍服瑞兴: 1 我们以前在这里见过 we have met each other here before 2 我妈妈不喜欢我随便给人电话号码 所以我不方便接电话 my mom asks me not to tell my phone number to others, so i am not convenient to answer the phone. 3 你不会中文我们学习起...

北镇市17356413394: 英语高手请进~~~翻译句子~~~ -
苍服瑞兴: 我不想我的房子四面高墙,窗户密不透风.文明之风能自由吹拂,而我也不会被狂风刮的站不住脚.

北镇市17356413394: 英语翻译高手请进!翻译句子!(急!!我在线等!!) -
苍服瑞兴: 1、If time permits, we will go swimming. 2、She likes eating sweets before sleep so much, that she is putting on weight 3、Mr. Lu xun make a contribution to Chinese modern literature . 4、The chemical factory lies in the suburb of the city. 5、...

北镇市17356413394: 英语翻译英文翻译高手请进Letsplantflowersinthatnewflowerbox - plantthemjustlikecrops! -
苍服瑞兴:[答案] Let's plant flowers in that new flower box - plant them just like crops! 让我们把花种到新的花箱/盒里 - 就像种庄稼/农作物(一样)! ** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.English.】

北镇市17356413394: 英语翻译题 高手请进
苍服瑞兴: A lie has no legs.谎言站不住脚. Little by little one goes far. 一步一个脚印,方能走得更远.[或:不积跬步,无以致千里.] The peasant bought a nice present for his parent 农夫买了一份精美的礼物给他的父母

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