
作者&投稿:旁学 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
正好十点的时候,门铃响了 英文翻译~

It was ten o'clock that the bell rang.

He had hardly sat down to have a rest when the door bell rang and in came Allan.

One day,Xiaoxiao was doing her/his homework at home when the bell rang. It is XX who asked her/him(就是小小) to play outside. After playing for a while, they felt thirsty and went to a supermarket.

祝学习进步! 谢谢!

One day, a little at home doing homework, suddenly the doorbell rang. It is the one one asked him to go out and play. For a while they play a bit thirsty, come to the supermarket.

One day, a little at home is writing homework when the doorbell rang. It is called him one come out to play. Play for a moment they were a bit thirsty, came to the supermarket

翻译英文:一天,小小在家正在写作业,突然门铃响了.原来是一一叫他出 ...
One day,Xiaoxiao was doing her\/his homework at home when the bell rang. It is XX who asked her\/him(就是小小) to play outside. After playing for a while, they felt thirsty and went to a supermarket.请及时采纳,欢迎追问 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

问题一:小小的用英文怎么写 t触ny little 英语口语习惯tiny Little一起用, 形容很小,还有点可爱 问题二:小小,英文怎么写 可以用 tiny!!!问题三:小小英语怎么说 *** all little tiny 问题四:小小:英文怎么写 如果是英文意思,应该是:little 如果是人名,应该是:Xiaoxiao 问题五:...

1. 小小的用英文可以写作 "tiny"。在英语口语中,常常会听到 "tiny little" 这样的搭配,用来形容某物非常小,甚至带有一点可爱的意味。2. 小小的英文表达是 "tiny"。3. 小小在英文中可以表示为 "little" 或者 "tiny"。4. "小小" 如果指的是英文含义,那么应该是 "little";如果是指人名,那么...

to get to know who is reading the poor scholar鲍仁.鲍仁清俊integrity, but raise enough money赶考Beijing. Silver on the generous gifts苏小小assist Jinbang him the nomination. Later in the鲍仁Jinshi,

朋友,毕竟中外地域风俗文化氛围不同,要想用最贴切的英文翻译最贴切的中文确实有点难度。仁者见仁智者见智,希望一下答案对你有所帮助吧:小小的人生:A small life 平凡的人生:Ordinary life 平淡的人生:Dull life 恬静的人生:Quiet life 鲜为人知的人生:Little-known life 平淡无奇的人生:Prosaic...

difficulties.But this ant, just like people, also shares human weaknesses(弱点.).我被这只蚂蚁的聪明才智吸引住了。上帝创造的最小的生物之一。这真是造物主的神奇啊。这只是个昆虫,小小的,却被赋予了思考,探索,和打败困难的大脑。但是这只蚂蚁就像人类一样,也会具有人类所具有的弱点。

What should she do ?

小小的天有大大的梦想 There is a big dream in the small sky 重重的壳裹着轻轻的仰望 All wrapped up in the light of the superb Shell 我要一步一步往上爬 I want to get ahead in a step-by-step 在最高点乘着叶片往前飞 Leaves fly back riding at the highest point 任风吹干 D...

(music)小小少年很少烦恼 眼望四周阳光照 小小少年很少烦恼 但愿永远这样好 一年一年时间飞跑 小小少年在长高 随着年岁由小变大 他的烦恼增加了 (music)小小少年很少烦恼 无忧无虑乐陶陶 但有一天风波突起 忧虑烦恼都到了 一年一年时间飞跑 小小少年在长高 随着年岁由小变大 他的烦恼增加了 ...

You write too casually, I hope you bring it back after correction, lest it will produce misunderstanding.

滦平县19365773231: 翻译英文:一天,小小在家正在写作业,突然门铃响了.原来是一一叫他出来玩.玩了一会他们有点渴,就来到超市. -
盈池复方:[答案] One day,a little at home doing homework,suddenly the doorbell rang.It is the one one asked him to go out and play.For a while they play a bit thirsty,come to the supermarket.

滦平县19365773231: 小明正在家里做作业'用英语怎么说j -
盈池复方: Xiao Ming is doing homework at home. 祝您生活愉快,望采纳.

滦平县19365773231: 英语翻译日记今天我一天都在家.早上吃了饭就去看电视,然后做作业.一直到中午. -
盈池复方:[答案] 您的问题很简单.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:今天我一天都在家.早上吃了饭就去看电视,然后做作业.一直到中午 翻译:Today I was at home all day.Morning eat rice will go to watch TV,then do homework.Until noon 日记:diary;...

滦平县19365773231: 今天 我自己在家写作业的时候英语翻译 -
盈池复方: 今天 ,我自己在家写作业的时候. Today,when I was doing my homework at home. 望采纳,谢谢!

滦平县19365773231: 哪位高手帮我翻译一下下面的这段英文?不要机翻!哪位高手帮我翻译下这段英文吧 T T不要机翻~是这段:我外公外婆家刚安装了门铃.一天,我正在写作业.... -
盈池复方:[答案] my grandparents had a door-bell.one day,while i was doing my homework,i heard "bong..."."what is that?why not ring the door-bell?"i asked.it was grandma.i proceeded doing my homework.then i heard "bon...

滦平县19365773231: 我正在做我的家庭作业.用英语怎么写? -
盈池复方: 我正在做我的家庭作业. 英语是:I'm doing my homework. 句子解释: do 英[du] 美[du] aux. 构成疑问句和否定句; 代替动词; 用于加强语气; vt. 做; 干; 进行; 从事; vi. 表现; 进展; 引起; 行过; [例句]Do you like music? 你喜欢音乐吗...

滦平县19365773231: 她在家写作业 用英语翻译出来 -
盈池复方: 中文:她在家写作业. 英文:She did her homework at home.

滦平县19365773231: 周六上午在家做作业翻译成英语 -
盈池复方: Do homework at home on Saturday morning.

滦平县19365773231: 英语翻译用英文翻译下面的中文:我每天都呆在家里写作业,玩电脑,看电视.可10月6号,我去了东湖,我欣赏了风景,也玩的很快乐.晚上,我去了巴西烧烤... -
盈池复方:[答案] I stayed at home to do my homework, play computer games, and wacth TV every day.But on October 6th, I went to the east lake, I saw the beautiful sceneries,and had a great time. That night, I went to ...

滦平县19365773231: lily昨天整天在家做作业 如何翻译 -
盈池复方:您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:lily昨天整天在家做作业 翻译:Lily has been doing his homework at home all day yesterday. 过去进行时.过去的某一时间段一直做某事永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

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