哪位大虾能帮我翻译一下 英文

作者&投稿:郎支 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Interviewer(s), my name is XXX. It's my pleasure to attend this interview. I'm 26 years old now. I graduated from Dong Hua University, major in logistic management. Below is my working experience:
I worked for XX company from March 2009 to May 2010, position as customer service. My main responsibility is to answer phone calls, make stats, handle complaints.
My second job was at XX company. I worked there from June 2010 to June 2013, as the assistant to the manager. What I mainly do was to assist the manager with the daily affairs, project management, pre-sales support and client training.
I think I'm a loyal person with good team work spirit. I can work under high pressure. I'm confident that I'm qualified to the position in your company.
Above is my self introduction. Thank you for your time!

Modern ships is a complex water works building. Is a kind of special industrial products.
With the development of science and technology, the ship experienced a small to large, from simple to complex evolving, it will inevitably become a marine engineering complex systems engineering.
And it is this complexity that prompted the emergence of ship production design.
Based on the production design of modern shipbuilding mode, the history, meaning, methods, management, procedures and content of a series of steps, details of the "ship production design. "

It ranked among the top five global IT service companies evaluated by the Business Week (US) in 2005
It has successively been the best small-scale enterprise (SSE)of US as evaluated by Forbes Magazine in 2001, 2002,2003,2004 and 2005 respectively
It was the best American enterprise in India evaluated by the Indian-American Chamber of Commerce in 2005
It was evaluated as the best service business by the JPMorgan Chase Bank in 2005 to affirm the Gartner‘s all-around excellent ability. And more, the Gartner exclusively won the laurel among thousands of service providers to the JPMorgan Chase
Recently in Feb. 2006, the Cognizant Co. has been assigned as Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) provider by the Gartner
美国商业周刊Business Week (US)
福布斯杂志Forbes Magazine
摩根大通银行JP Morgan Chase Bank
美国高德纳公司the Gartner
信息技术外包服务Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO)
高知特the Cognizant

2005 by the United States Business Week rated global IT services industry before 5 strong.
2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 by Forbes magazine as America's best small businesses.
2005 by India and the United States Chamber of Commerce rated as India's best American enterprises.
2005 was Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank as the best services, in recognition of Kochi special in all aspects of the excellent capability, and Kochi in a thousand special for Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank won the only service provider enterprises.
In February 2006 Kochi special high-Dana was scheduled for outsourcing application service providers.

2005 were is ex- for the IT service profession world by the American business weekly magazine 评 5 strong
2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 were is the best and small scaled business enterprise in the United States by the blessing cloth 斯 magazine 评
2005 was printed the beautiful board of trade 评 as the best and American business enterprise of India
In 2005 drive a bank 评 for the best service company, with the affirmation high know especially of in the outstanding ability that the everyone face, another high know especially in ascend thousand for a bank serve provide company unique business enterprise that got this unusual honor.
High know in February 2006 especially were settle by the high and virtuous company of 纳 for outside pack the application serves the company


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大虾们,请帮我翻译一下吧。 (中译日)
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哪位大虾能帮我翻译一下 英文
It was evaluated as the best service business by the JPMorgan Chase Bank in 2005 to affirm the Gartner‘s all-around excellent ability. And more, the Gartner exclusively won the laurel among thousands of service providers to the JPMorgan Chase Recently in Feb. 2006, the Cognizant ...


engineering, cell engineering,4 different angles to clarify the current common way or methods of human creation,collection, use of biological resources. Part V, gives a brief description of the current problems of the biological resources faced by mankind and the protection plan....

城东区15262072811: 英语翻译哪位大虾帮下忙 -
重谭流感:[答案] In order to reach our goal,we should try our best to solve the problem we are facing.

城东区15262072811: 英语翻译哪位大虾能帮我翻译下“将爱埋藏在心底”这句话?我是这样翻译的“Let the love keep in heart."我语法不是很好.或者是”将爱埋藏在心中“也可以 -
重谭流感:[答案] Love buried in the bottom of my heart

城东区15262072811: 哪位大虾帮我翻译下英文
重谭流感: We shouldn't be fool like this every so often, be wise!

城东区15262072811: 英语翻译哪位大虾能翻译一下This is not currently adjustable. -
重谭流感:[答案] 翻译:目前这是不可调整的

城东区15262072811: 英语翻译求教各位大虾,帮我用英文翻译一下这句话“越单纯越幸福” ,越地道越好the more simple,the more well being of 这句话可以吗帮我弄出其他的句子 -
重谭流感:[答案] the simpler,the happier you may get> LZ你的simple前不加the more 他是少于等于两个音节的 还可以用名词的 the simpler,the more happiness you will achieve o(∩_∩)o...

城东区15262072811: 哪位大虾帮我翻译一下这几个句子~~I am tired of waiting.Iam tired of thinking.I want to turn loose my hold on everything,and go sailing down,down,just like one ... -
重谭流感:[答案] 我很累了,我不想再等,不想再想.我想放掉一切,像那些不幸的疲倦的叶子一样落下

城东区15262072811: 请各位大虾,帮我翻译一下,你永远都不会知道,在我内心深处我有多爱你这句话!一些翻译器翻译的就免了!求英文好的大虾翻译啊! -
重谭流感:[答案] You will never know my affection to you deep down. 或者 You will never know how I love you deep down. You will never know how much you mean to me deep down.

城东区15262072811: 英语翻译拜托那位大虾帮我把这句话翻译一下By then,if all goes as planned,Skype will be the kind of business that has an actual address,and the founders will ... -
重谭流感:[答案] 彼时,如果一切照计划进行,Skype就会成为一个有确切地址的那种公司,其创始人也将摆脱畏首畏尾不见天日的可怜生活,重新回到大众视野中来

城东区15262072811: 英语翻译大虾来帮帮我呀~~~!!!!!!!!!!! -
重谭流感: 首先,这个短语有词典解释.出污泥而不染 come out of the dirty mud unsoiled; emerge unstained from the filth; rise unsullied from mud (referring to water lilies); remain undefiled in spite of general corruption, 等等.其次,你要选用意境相对应的...

城东区15262072811: 哪位大虾帮我用英语翻译下这句话:亲爱的,你是我的天使,愿你工作顺利,天天开心!!!给女友的 谢谢咯! -
重谭流感: Darling, you are my angle and I wish you happy with your work everyday.

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