
作者&投稿:悟严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Stable life .I hope with you. 稳定的生活。我和你希望
I do not say you understand. 不用我说,你明白。
Some things,some people,you don't care。有些事,有些人,你不在乎

You can be destined to that person. 你可以注定这个人。

Bend down low,弯得很低
Reach up high,到达很高

11 have problems in doing sth
12 a quality of a good friend
13 And what is as slim
14 Become good friends for a long time
15 Be generous to sb
16 Would like to do sth. be willing in doing
18At any time, helping people
19Give seats to people in need
20travel all over the wrold
22Poor eyesight
23For sth / to do sth
24wear small and round glasses
25Make him look smart
26let sb do sth
32 so fun 34 see your advertisements 35 Straight shoulder-length hair
36make me annoyed
37Speak ill of sb
38Praise sb for
39Vote for sb to vote against sb
40More interesting, more and more interesting
41more and more long
42The tallest student of the six students
43The most expensive printer

11have problem in doing sth 12 good quality of a good friend 13 as slim as 14 have become good friends for a long time 15 be generous to sb 16 want to do sth/be willing to do sth 18 help others anytime 19 give seat to the people who need it 20 travel around the world 22 bad eye sight 23 because doing sth 24 wear small and round glasses 25 make him looks clever let sb do sth 32 so funny 34 watch your advertisement 35 shoulderlength hair 36 make me worried 37 speak ill of sb 38 speak highly of sb 39 vote for/vote against 40 more interesting,more and more interesting 41 longer and longer 42 highies among the six students 43 the most expensive printer 自己翻的,希望对你有用!

英文短语 英文短语带翻译
1、Time flies.时光易逝。2、Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。3、Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。4、Time tries all.时间检验一切。5、Time tries truth.时间检验真理。6、Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。7、All time is no time whe...

11 have problems in doing sth 12 a quality of a good friend 13 And what is as slim 14 Become good friends for a long time 15 Be generous to sb 16 Would like to do sth. be willing in doing 18At any time, helping people 19Give seats to people in need 20travel all o...

1. This is a realistic world that we can't live without money.2. People are busy for making money, with which we will live a better life.3. It takes money anytime and anywhere such as taking bus, buying clothes, eating and traveling etc....

Her work stands out from the rest as easily the best.她的工作成绩远比其他人都好。He was diagnosed with cancer.他被确诊患有癌症 Did make-up make for looks?化妆品有助于容颜吗?Don't play a trick on the poor boy.别捉弄那个可怜的男孩.I bought a dozen of eggs yesterday.我昨天...

1.I prefer somrthing that can make me laugh.我喜欢能让我发笑的东西。2.I like seemg somrthing.. ...你打错了...不过应该是I like seeing something funny.我想看一些有趣的东西。3.What I like is doing my own job alone.我想要的是独立干我自己的工作。4.I can't stand the ...

15.他们会说英语 They can speak English 16.Jerry小提琴拉的不好 Jerry could play the violin well 17.我不会唱歌和跳舞 I can't sing and dance 18.在学校演出中Bill能做什么?他会中国功夫 In the school play Bill can do what? He will Chinese kung fu 19.你能让我看看你...

用英文短语造句 并翻译
5,We must never brag and boast. 我们决不可自吹自擂 6,Stop grumbling! You've got nothing to complain about. 别抱怨了! 你没什麽可抱怨的. 7,Health does not consist with intemperance. 健康和酗酒不能相容。 8,They be convince of the singularity of their good taste 他们确信自己...

我会的英文翻译是i will,在句中一般在句首,后一般接动词,具体解析如下:i will 星愿;我将 相关短语:1、I effort will succeed 只要我肯努力就会成功 2、I preyit will 我真希望它会 3、If I never will 如果我不会 4、And I always will 我永远永远爱着你 ; 我永远爱你 ; 我会永远的...

lie lied-说谎 lie lay-躺; 摆放,位于; 处于…状态; 存在,内含 tell a lie-说谎 give up sth-放弃某事;放弃做某事 give away -泄露; 失去; 赠送 give back-归还 at midnight-在午夜;凌晨 can't be too-不可能会...leave sth behind-把...忘记了 have a good time- 祝...

帮翻译几个短语 (英语的)}
加入某人Add someone 真遗憾 what a pity 想要某人做某事 Want sb. To do sth 让请某人做某事 Let sb. To do sth 去购物 Go shopping,看电视节目Watching TV 我最好的朋友One of my best friends 你最下的歌手Your favorite singer 他的邻居His neighbors 她的笔友Her pen Pal 看电视电影 ...

顺平县17563404180: 英语短语的翻译 会多少都得,越多越好1、更早;更前 2、提供……的机会3、举起;拿起;举出 4、冒险做某事5、 因文化的差异而有所不同 6、按顺序;整... -
校卸苁蓉:[答案] 1、更早;更前 much earlier 2、提供……的机会provide sb an opportunity 3、举起;拿起;举出 hold up 4、冒险做某事risk to do sth5、 因文化的差异而有所不同 for the reasons of different cultures 6、按顺序...

顺平县17563404180: 英语翻译下面几个短语,翻译成英文,1:那听起来很有趣2:我想买一件红色的夹克衫3:跟你4:我能帮助你吗(用两种翻译)5:这些鞋子多少钱(用两种... -
校卸苁蓉:[答案] that sounds interestingi want to buy a red jacket是给你吧 here you areCan I help you? / what can I do for you?how much are the shoes? what's the price of the shoes?how much is the yellow watch? what...

顺平县17563404180: 英语中级口译笔试翻译有一两句没翻译会给多少分,不会翻.如果其他的翻译的还行的话,基本意思表达出来了 -
校卸苁蓉:[答案] 我通过了中高级口译考试,也曾经做过一段时间的中级口译老师.对评分标准有一定的了解. 首先要看你没翻出来几句的重要性. 其实一段话给你翻译,并不是每句话都是考点,那些次要的只要需要支持那几句重要的句子来组成段落. 漏翻都是会造成扣...

顺平县17563404180: 翻译几句英文短语
校卸苁蓉: 1, a good place to play 2, a small house with a garden in 3, the start of travel 4, along Fifth Avenue to move forward 5, arriving in two ways 6, Welcome to ... ... to

顺平县17563404180: 帮忙翻译几句英文短语,不要网上翻译的那种
校卸苁蓉: 1,UN Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women 联合国消除对妇女歧视委员会 2,United Nations联合国总部 3,UN secretary-general 联合国秘书长 很高兴为你解答,血影倾情奉献.

顺平县17563404180: 几句话语几个短语的英文翻译
校卸苁蓉: 1.regard sth. as 2.It's more like a grammer book rather than a dictionary! The help he gave me is more than your imagination.

顺平县17563404180: 英语四级翻译普遍得分是多少?
校卸苁蓉: 英语四级翻译满分为106.5分,普遍得分在55分-65分之间,但具体分数也要看考生真实答题状况决定. 英语四级翻译评分标准 英语四级翻译折合成百分制,翻译满分为15...

顺平县17563404180: 翻译几句英文
校卸苁蓉: I find lots of fun here. 我不知道该怎么说 我不知道该说什么 只有一位母亲可以 很长 再见

顺平县17563404180: 翻译几句英文句子~
校卸苁蓉: 1. She is too excited to say a word. 2. He knows that smoking do no good to him, so he will give it up sooner or later. 3. In spite of the heavy rain, he still tried his best to get to school on time. 4. He didn't work hard on study.As a result, he failed in the ...

顺平县17563404180: 几句短语翻译
校卸苁蓉: As the usual procedures of debate begin the debate recycled products watch over the coming man Customs officials work out some possible solutions

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