
作者&投稿:烛尚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.There is no necessary to go against with money,imaging our living is an aesthetic life, this is a real world.

2.Though money can't buys for you good sleep, it can brings you a comfortable big bed. Though money can't buys for you health, it can ensure that you won't be refused from hospital when you are get ill. Money is the foundation and guarantee of happiness life.

3.Lack of money, everything is fantasy. Money takes important role in man's life.

1、two hundred people
2、two cuo of coffee
3. two pieces of news
4.fifteen past seven o'clock

1. This is a realistic world that we can't live without money.

2. People are busy for making money, with which we will live a better life.

3. It takes money anytime and anywhere such as taking bus, buying clothes, eating and traveling etc.

1. The world is so realistic that we can't live without money.
2. People always bustle about for the sake of money since money can better our life.
3. We need money in every aspect of life, clothes and meals,travelling and when taking a bus.

1 This world is a real world where we can't live without money.
2 People keep busy for money because it makes our life better.
3 Riding a bus, buying clothes,eating,travelling need money and we meed money everywhere.

1.This is a material world,we can not live without money.
2.People are all busy with seeking for money ,because money can assure us a better life.
3.No matter when we are taking buses、buying clothes、having dishes or even making a tour, money is always needed.

1.bomb 炸药 2.power 力量 3.speed 速度 4.extra 额外的 5.shield 遮挡 6.push 推动 7.invincibility 不可视 8.double shotgun 两支枪 9.rocket 火箭 10.flame 火苗 火焰 11.laser 镭射 12.hammer 榔头 13.landmine 地雷 14.remote 远程的 遥远的 15.bace 不知道了 16.frog 青蛙 ...

1、abigheadache令人头痛的事情 2、afractionof一部分 3、amatterofconcern焦点 4、aseriesof一系列,一连串aboveall首先,尤其是 5、absentfrom不在,缺席 6、abundantin富于 7、accountfor解释 8、accusesb.ofsth.控告 9、addto增加(addupto)10、afterall毕竟,究竟 11、agreewith同意 12、aheadoftime...

1、be able to do能够做 2、be about to do正要做 3、be afraid of害怕 4、go against反对 5、agree on达成一致 6、agree to do同意做 7、be angry with对……生气 8、be anxious about对……担心 9、apply for申请 10、take up arms拿起武器 11、arrive in\/at a place达到某地 12、pa...

1、仅仅 merely\/only\/just 2、可利用的 available 3、毕业于…… graduate from...4、一……就…… as soon as...\/immediately 5、培养……(方面)兴趣 develop...interest 6、从……返回…… return...from...7、感谢……的仁慈 thanks for sb's mercy\/kindness 8、做关于……...

the monkeys next time 27.幼小的熊猫 a young panda 28.六点吃晚饭 have dinner at six 29.去农场的路上 on the way to the farm 30.说错了 say something wrong 31.下一年 next year 32.英语说得快 speak English fastly 33.一半鸡蛋 a half of an egg 自己翻译的···打了半天字 ...

1.their backs 他们的背部 2.because of his illness 由于他的疾病 3.wake up early 醒得早 4.be weak in 在某方面薄弱 5.what you say 你所说的东西 6.what you do 你所做的事情

1收集旧书刊 Old books and magazines collection!2收集报纸 Newspapers collection!3捡起塑料瓶子 pick up plastic bottles!4洗手后关水龙头 Turn off the water tap after washing hands!5纸张两面写不要浪费.Write on both sides without wasting paper!

him in the flesh.我从未见过他本人。(2)All blame for the accident must attach to myself.事故的一切责任应由本人承担。常用英文短语:1、a big headache 令人头痛的事情。2、a fraction of 一部分。3、a matter of concern 焦点。4、a series of 一系列,一连串。5、above all 首先。

帮忙翻译几个英文短语 直接写答案 急急急急急急 15分
13, 不知道14 ,any other rivers 15, help peopie do many things 16,go to there and visit smart 17,gold hair 18, the boy with curly hair, 19, the toys on the sofa,20 his farvoite toy.相信我,不会错,...

1。六点半。 six thirty 2。放轻松! take it easy 3。后天和前天。the day after tomorrow and the day before yesterday 补充 4。逃跑。 run away 5。摔倒,亦或掉下来 fall down

壶关县14760933476: 问几个英文短语的中文1、A harmful substance that can kill.2、A large animal to rich.3、Not dry.4、Empty spaces.5、Whatyou walk on in house.6、Said to ... -
贯德锋派:[答案] 1 poison毒药 2 (不知道) 3 wet 湿 4 blank 空白 5 floor 地板 6 (不知道) 7 dead死亡的 8 timber(木材)或者 forest(森林)——Wood有两种意思,看你学的那单元是什麽 9 tin(罐头) 10 baker 面包师

壶关县14760933476: 问几个英文短语,会英语的帮帮忙咯请问:1随便.(语气很平和,就是点菜什么的,我想说什么都可以的语境)2你随便吧.(有点生气,放任他的意思 语境)... -
贯德锋派:[答案] 1.Everything is OK或者Everything will be ok!意思是什么都可以,随便,语气平和.(help yourself一般是主人对客人说的,意思是别拘谨.这里完全不符合语境)2.as you wish!有点生气,随便你!3.whatever you want 或者wh...

壶关县14760933476: 问几个英文的短语怎么说,1.这样的说法并不完全正确2.但也实在没有更好的解释了.3.达到.的标准(比如达到某质量体系的标准)4.做工精细,符合人体工程... -
贯德锋派:[答案] 1.Such view certainly entirely accurate 2.But also really did not have a better explanation.3.Achieved...The standard (for instance achieves some qualitysystem standard) 4.Works fine,conforms to the h...

壶关县14760933476: 问几个初中英语短语1 old people 's home visit 2 End of year Party3 捐款给慈善事业 You aren't a stranges, are you ?——.don't you rememberA yes, to ... -
贯德锋派:[答案] 1.参观/看望养老院 2.年终聚会 3.give it to charity/give off to charity 4.B 此处反义疑问句回答,no译成 是的,我不是 后面的remember应加seeing,记得做过某事

壶关县14760933476: 问几个短语的英语怎么说? -
贯德锋派: be busy doing 忙着做某事 忙得多 much busier hear of 听说 much more important 重要的多 ...得多 much + 形容词 副词得比较级 receive\get the letter(from 某某某)

壶关县14760933476: 问几个短语,麻烦翻译成英语 -
贯德锋派: 1.provide sb with sth 2.be optimistic about 3.be similiar to 4.be equipped with 5.leave a......impression on sb 6.turn off 7.ahead of 8.clean up/sweep up 9.suffer from 10.right away/right now

壶关县14760933476: 问几个英语短语.
贯德锋派: 吃口香糖chew bubble gum 独自一人keep me alone 坐飞机飞行travel by air 怀念过去miss the past 日常生活daily life 直接回家go straight home 在过去几年里in the last few years 改变主意change mind 尽管despite of

壶关县14760933476: 问几个英语短语的意思/作用am notaren'tisn'tcan'tdon'tdoesn't -
贯德锋派:[答案] 首先这几个其实都不算短语,只是都是两个单词构成的而已 1、am not 可简单译为“不是”,注意它的主语是第一人称,例如:I am not man.我不是男人.作用就是be动词加否定. 2、aren't 作用同上,意思也同上,不同的是主语是单数第二人称或they...

壶关县14760933476: 问几个英语短语和句?问几个英语短语和句子
贯德锋派: 1)sometimes的意思是“有时”,是副词.例如: Sometimes he comes by bike and ... (3)some time是名词短语,它的意思是“一段时间”. 例如: I'll be away for some ...

壶关县14760933476: 问几个英语短语的意思/作用 -
贯德锋派: 你好,首先这几个其实都不算短语,只是都是两个单词构成的而已1、am not 可简单译为“不是”,注意它的主语是第一人称,例如:I am not man.我不是男人.作用就是be动词加否定.2、are...

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