
作者&投稿:莱琬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

尼罗河长度为6695公里,发源自维多利亚湖,是世界上流经国家最多的国际性河流之一。 埃及有96%的人口和绝大部分工农业生产集中在这里。尤其是古埃及在这里创造出高度的文明。所以有人说:诶及是尼罗河的赠礼。
The Nile with a length of 6695 kilometers origanated from Lake Victoria. It is one of the international reivers that flow across the most countries. 96% of population in Egypt and most of the industrial and agricultural production is located along the river. In particular, Ancient Egypt has created a high-level civilization there. That is why some people say that Egypt is the gift of the Nile.


几千年来,尼罗河每年6~10月定期泛滥。8月份河水上涨最高时,淹没了河岸堤坝两旁的大片田野,这时人们纷纷迁往高处暂住。十月以后,洪水消退,原来田野的土层上积上一层厚厚的淤泥。在这些肥沃的土壤上,人们栽培了棉花 小麦 水稻 椰枣等农作物。尼罗河哺育着沿河的居民,沙漠地区形成了一道“绿色走廊”。古埃及人在这里创造出高度的文明。



The Nile is a major north-flowing river in Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world—though not the most voluminous—on Earth.[1] The Nile has two major tributaries, the White Nile and Blue Nile, the latter being the source of most of the Nile's water and fertile soil, but the former being the longer of the two. The White Nile rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, with the most distant source in southern Rwanda 2°16′55.92〃S, 29°19′52.32〃E, and flows north from there through Tanzania, Lake Victoria, Uganda and southern Sudan, while the Blue Nile starts at Lake Tana in Ethiopia, flowing into Sudan from the southeast. The two rivers meet near the Sudanese capital Khartoum.

The northern section of the river flows almost entirely through desert, from Sudan into Egypt, a country whose civilization has depended on the river since ancient times. Most of the population of Egypt and all of its cities, with the exception of those near the coast, lie along those parts of the Nile valley north of Aswan; and nearly all the cultural and historical sites of Ancient Egypt are found along the banks of the river.


几千年来,尼罗河每年6~10月定期泛滥。8月份河水上涨最高时,淹没了河岸堤坝两旁的大片田野,这时人们纷纷迁往高处暂住。十月以后,洪水消退,原来田野的土层上积上一层厚厚的淤泥。在这些肥沃的土壤上,人们栽培了棉花 小麦 水稻 椰枣等农作物。尼罗河哺育着沿河的居民,沙漠地区形成了一道“绿色走廊”。古埃及人在这里创造出高度的文明。



The Nile (Arabic: النيل‎, translit: an-nīl, Ancient Egyptian iteru, Coptic piaro or phiaro) is a major north-flowing river in Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world—though not the most voluminous—on Earth.[1] The Nile has two major tributaries, the White Nile and Blue Nile, the latter being the source of most of the Nile's water and fertile soil, but the former being the longer of the two. The White Nile rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, with the most distant source in southern Rwanda 2°16′55.92〃S, 29°19′52.32〃E, and flows north from there through Tanzania, Lake Victoria, Uganda and southern Sudan, while the Blue Nile starts at Lake Tana in Ethiopia, flowing into Sudan from the southeast. The two rivers meet near the Sudanese capital Khartoum.

The northern section of the river flows almost entirely through desert, from Sudan into Egypt, a country whose civilization has depended on the river since ancient times. Most of the population of Egypt and all of its cities, with the exception of those near the coast, lie along those parts of the Nile valley north of Aswan; and nearly all the cultural and historical sites of Ancient Egypt are found along the banks of the river.

The Nile 6695 kilometers in length, originating in lake Victoria, is the world's largest international rivers flowing through national one. Egypt is 96% of population and most of the industrial and agricultural production focus here. Especially the ancient Egyptian here to create a ...

长期以来,尼罗河的长度估计为6,695公里,发源自维多利亚湖,但2006年4月2日,一个由英国及纽西兰人所组成探险队宣布,他们从维多利亚湖再向上溯源,最后发现一个位於乌干达的源头,长度约增加100多公里。The Nile is a major north-flowing river in Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in...

求尼罗河、莱茵河 的英文介绍。
Uganda, Kenya, Zaire, Sudan and Egypt nine countries, 6700 kilometers long, is the first African river, and is also the world's second longest river, the article can be sailing water about 3000 km long. There are two on the Nile river, ...

尼罗河英文the Nile 资料拓展:尼罗河(Nile)是一条流经非洲东部与北部的河流,自南向北注入地中海。与中非地区的刚果河以及西非地区的尼日尔河并列非洲最大的三个河流系统。尼罗河长6670公里,是世界上最长的河流。2007年虽有来自巴西的学者宣称亚马逊河长度更胜一筹,但尚未获得全球地理学界的普遍认同。尼...

尼罗河:the Nile River The Nile-side city is home to a wealth of ancient Egyptian monuments 尼罗河畔的这座城市,云集了众多的古埃及遗迹 It is one of the world's largest dams is on the Nile River in southern Egypt.它是世界上最大的水坝之一,它位于埃及南部的尼罗河畔。

1、世界流域面积最大的河流——亚马孙河 (The Amazon River)2、世界最长的河——尼罗河 (Nile)3、长江(the Yangtze River )4、密西西比河(The Mississippi River)5、泰晤士河(The River Thames)6、黄河(The...

The Nile River is renowned as the longest river on Earth, stretching an impressive 4,150 miles in length.

1、尼罗河(Nile),发源于维多利亚湖西群山,流经坦桑尼亚、布隆迪、卢旺达、乌干达、苏丹、埃及等国境,注入地中海;尼罗河长6670公里,是世界上最长的河流。2、亚马逊河(Amazon River),发源于安第斯山脉,流经秘鲁、巴西等国境,注入大西洋;河流全长6400千米,流域面积705万平方千米。3、长江(the ...

中文英文中文英文赫尔克里·波洛Hercule Poirot弗利特伍德先生Mr Fleetwood阿勒顿太太Mrs Allerton朱尔斯Jules蒂姆·阿勒顿Tim Allerton玛丽Marie贝斯纳医生Dr Carl Bessner罗莎莉·奥特伯恩Rosalie Otterbourne加斯东·布隆丹先生Monsieur Gaston Blondin莎乐美·奥特伯恩Salome Otterbourne路易丝·布尔杰小姐Louise Bourget...

全球旅游景点英文介绍 世界著名景点英语介绍
South Africa 南非好望角 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 Oceania 大洋洲 Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁 Sydney Opera House, Australia 悉尼歌剧院 Ayers Rock 艾尔斯巨石 Mount Cook 库克山 Easter ...

盱眙县19650127709: 跪求尼罗河英文简介 -
威颖小儿: The Nile is one of the world's largest international rivers flowing through countries, originating from lake Victoria and 6695 in length. 96% of Egyptians and most of the industrial and agricultural production gather here. Especially the ancient Egyptian ...

盱眙县19650127709: 世界上最长的河流--尼罗河.谁能帮我简单用英语介绍一下,并配上中文翻译呢? -
威颖小儿:[答案] River, eastern and northeastern Africa. The longest river in the world, it is about 4,132 mi (6,650 km) long from its remotest headstream (which flows into Lake Victoria) to the Mediterranean Sea. Aft...

盱眙县19650127709: 尼罗河和亚马逊河的英文, -
威颖小儿: 尼罗河:流经非洲东部与北部的河流,自南向北注入地中海;该河北流,经过坦桑尼亚、卢旺达和乌干达,从西边注入非洲第一大湖维多利亚湖,尼罗河由此向西北绕了一个S形,经过三个瀑布后注入纳塞尔水库(湖).河水出水库经埃及首都进入尼罗河三角洲后,分成若干支流,最后注入地中海东端.河:位于南美洲北部,是世界上流量、流域最大、支流最多的河流;流经秘鲁、厄瓜多尔、哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、圭亚那、苏里南、玻利维亚和巴西

盱眙县19650127709: 尼罗河的资料 -
威颖小儿: 尼罗河(Nile)是世界第一长河,源于非洲东北部布隆迪高原,流经卢旺达、布隆迪、坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、乌干达、扎伊尔、苏丹、埃塞俄比亚和埃及等9个国家,全长6600多公里.最终注入地中海,是世界上流经国家最多的国际性河流之一....

盱眙县19650127709: 尼罗河介绍 -
威颖小儿: 尼罗河(Nile)是一条流经非洲东部与北部的河流,自南向北注入地中海.与中非地区的刚果河以及西非地区的尼日尔河并列非洲最大的三个河流系统.尼罗河长6670公里,是世界上最长的河流.2007年虽有来自巴西的学者宣称亚马逊河长度更胜一筹,但尚未获得全球地理学界的普遍认同.尼罗河有两条主要的支流,白尼罗河和青尼罗河.发源于埃塞俄比亚高原的青尼罗河是尼罗河下游大多数水和营养的来源,但是白尼罗河则是两条支流中最长的.尼罗鳄居于此地.尼罗河在印第安人语言叫月亮的眼泪

盱眙县19650127709: 关于埃及和尼罗河的250字的英语作文 -
威颖小儿: 尼罗河作为古埃及文明的发源地,原因是因为它纵横埃及本土,在沙漠中长期不枯竭.尼罗河定期泛滥,河水退却之后,留在两岸的就是肥沃的土壤.而古埃及人就靠尼罗河留下的土壤发展农业,并在尼罗河两岸建立起了辉煌的古埃及文明.可以这么说,如果没有尼罗河,就没有古埃及!!答案知道了吧!

盱眙县19650127709: 尼罗河的情况? -
威颖小儿: 世界第一长河——尼罗河(Nile) 尼罗河位于非洲东北部,是一条国际河流.发源于赤道南部东非高原上的布隆迪高地,干流流经布隆迪、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、苏丹和埃及等国,最后注入地中海.支流还流经肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚和刚果...

盱眙县19650127709: 英语介绍:伟大的世界文明 -
威颖小儿: Nile conceived ancient Egypt civilization.From the from 4000 B.C. to 7 centry A.D., Egypt experiences successively 31 kings toward, and be close to thousand years of foreign tribe to rule, leave abundant civilization inheritance.Ancient Egypt ...

盱眙县19650127709: 尼罗河英文怎么写…… -
威颖小儿: the Nile 再看看别人怎么说的.

盱眙县19650127709: “尼罗河”英语怎么写? -
威颖小儿: the Nile

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