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求尼罗河、莱茵河 的英文介绍。~

The Nile originated in Ethiopia plateau, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania flows, Uganda, Kenya, Zaire, Sudan and Egypt nine countries, 6700 kilometers long, is the first African river, and is also the world's second longest river, the article can be sailing water about 3000 km long. There are two on the Nile river, west source from the source, the mountains Burundi Africa's largest lake lake Victoria to the north-the flow, is called the white Nile; Yunnan dongyuan from Ethiopia plateau on the tower, called green lake the Nile. Green, white Nile in Sudan, and then flow into Egypt joined Khartoum.
The Nile valley and delta is the cradle of Egyptian culture, and it is also the birthplace of the culture of one. The Nile in Egypt in the length of 1530 kilometers, the form 3-16 km wide river valley to Cairo, divided into two after niles, into the Mediterranean. The two niles alluvial form the Nile delta, covers an area of 2.4 square kilometers, is the most populous of Egypt, the most fertile areas, accounts for the population 96% of the total cultivated area of the national land under cultivation, the two-thirds. Almost all came from the Nile water Egypt. The Nile in nine countries according to the agreement signed by the river of Egypt, enjoy every year 55.5 billion cubic meters for share.
Cairo has many cruise on the Nile, which pharaoh restored the ships copy period of pharaoh, and the night river, sightseeing, and gentle view on both sides can view and admire the ship the famous Oriental dance performances
The world famous Western Europe first the river Rhine, originated in the Swiss Alps, within the territory of the north through the northwest Liechtenstein, Austria, France, Germany and the Netherlands, and finally into the north sea near in Rotterdam.
The Rhine river is 1320 kilometers, the whole year, Basel, Switzerland abundant water since the navigation, length of 886 kilometers; Many on both sides of the branch, through a series of the canal and the Danube, arjen robben and NeHe water system connection, form a gridlocked water transportation nets. The Rhine river flows through the is the major European industrial zone, densely populated. The modernization of the German industrial ruhr is in its tributary rivers ruhr and the pearl river between. In the ruhr river and the pearl river, through the article 4 between artificial digging canals and 74 with the Rhine river port as one, 7000 tons of sea vessel from the north sea to. The Rhine river channel is like highway, a certain distance as every other have a milestone on the label, cycle. The Rhine is not only guarantee on the influences of industrial water, also the ruhr area for provides an important transportation conditions. It is with the convenient transportation conditions, a large number of iron and other minerals to raw material continuously shipped here from abroad. Ruhr industrial area and inland water transportation between the Netherlands and transportation is very busy, net every day, like boats and ships coming and going in the street to pedestrians, freight volume in the world.
The Rhine river in northern Germany and Switzerland upstream of the border of the place, 110 meters wide of the waterfall. Daring visitors can take a boat, along with the wave reaching to the ups and downs of the waterfall. Middle Rhine, from the root to Bonn, Germany, this paragraph, deep valleys twists and turns, scenery is very magnificent, about the Rhine many old legends occurs here.

尼罗河长度为6695公里,发源自维多利亚湖,是世界上流经国家最多的国际性河流之一。 埃及有96%的人口和绝大部分工农业生产集中在这里。尤其是古埃及在这里创造出高度的文明。所以有人说:诶及是尼罗河的赠礼。
The Nile with a length of 6695 kilometers origanated from Lake Victoria. It is one of the international reivers that flow across the most countries. 96% of population in Egypt and most of the industrial and agricultural production is located along the river. In particular, Ancient Egypt has created a high-level civilization there. That is why some people say that Egypt is the gift of the Nile.

The Nile 6695 kilometers in length, originating in lake Victoria, is the world's largest international rivers flowing through national one. Egypt is 96% of population and most of the industrial and agricultural production focus here. Especially the ancient Egyptian here to create a high level of civilization. So someone said: einhorn and is the bounty of the Nile.

The Nile is one of the world's largest international rivers flowing through countries, originating from lake Victoria and 6695 in length. 96% of Egyptians and most of the industrial and agricultural production gather here. Especially the ancient Egyptian created a high level of civilization here to. So it is said Egypt is the present of the Nile.

急。埃及英文介绍,跪求。。 5 如上题,主要介绍关于People;Language;Capital;Landmarkbuilingorthemostfamousthing字数不需太多谢谢不需要太多啊~简单的介绍上述几点。拜托啊。。在线等。... 如上题,主要介绍关于People;Language;Capital;Landmark builing or the most famous thing字数不需太多谢谢不需要太多啊~简单...

我不同意先前几个人的答案,正确的应该是River Nile.应该把河流的名字写在后面。就好像珠穆朗玛峰叫Mount Everest, 而不是Everest Mount, 其道理是一样的。


I just took over the "Death on the Nile" ( "The tragedy on the Nile"), the cloud of Wuli. Then must not the words to bear down on all sides, we must uphold the principle of dialysis, and strive to understand the effect. In a novel, the effect is synonymous with the ...

罗马的旅游景点英文介绍 欧洲旅游景点英文介绍
求意大利以下旅游景点的英文简介,急用,谢谢~~~威尼斯: Venezia圣马可广场:Piazza San Marco庞贝古城:Pompei佛罗伦萨: Firenze米兰市: Milano米兰大教堂: Duomo di Milano罗马市: Roma罗马斗兽场: Colosseo意大利的民俗: Dogana italiana 世界旅游景点中英文对照 下面我为大家带来旅游英语之世界旅游景点中英文对照,欢迎大家...

不久以后,她和恺撒开始了两个月的旅行,他们沿着尼罗河直抵丹德拉,克里奥佩特拉在那里被尊为法老。两人沉迷于爱河之中,并生了一个儿子,取名小恺撒。女王和年幼的儿子于公元前45年离开了亚历山大城,前往罗马,住在恺撒为他们建造的宫殿里。公元前44年,恺撒被敌人暗杀,克里奥佩特拉找到了她的新联盟 ...

埃及的英文简介 埃及,英文名为Egypt,位于非洲东北部,是世界上最古老、最富有历史和文化底蕴的国家之一。埃及的历史可以追溯到公元前3100年,当时埃及上下统一为一个国家,被称为古埃及。其文明以金字塔、法老、神庙和象形文字等为代表,对后世产生了深远影响。尼罗河贯穿埃及,为其带来了丰富的农业资源,...

旅游景点英文介绍网站 旅游景点介绍英文翻译

Egypt is a gift from the Nile.See:“The river however has given more than it has taken, enough to make Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian say: Egypt is a gift from the Nile.”http:\/\/\/search?q=cache:ZASzCBwhjbUJ:www.24en.com\/fun\/overseas\/2006-11-15\/...

火山的旅游景点英文介绍 有关火山的英语词汇

宜兴市13331479725: 跪求尼罗河英文简介 -
柴毅伤科: The Nile is one of the world's largest international rivers flowing through countries, originating from lake Victoria and 6695 in length. 96% of Egyptians and most of the industrial and agricultural production gather here. Especially the ancient Egyptian ...

宜兴市13331479725: 世界上最长的河流--尼罗河.谁能帮我简单用英语介绍一下,并配上中文翻译呢? -
柴毅伤科:[答案] River, eastern and northeastern Africa. The longest river in the world, it is about 4,132 mi (6,650 km) long from its remotest headstream (which flows into Lake Victoria) to the Mediterranean Sea. Aft...

宜兴市13331479725: 求用英文介绍的世界著名景观哪里都可以,英文不要太难,用作参考.不是要名字,是要一小段介绍.... -
柴毅伤科:[答案] The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall (中国)长城 Forbidden City (北京)故宫 Mount Fuji (日本)富士山 Taj Mahal (... Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 Pyramids (埃及)金字塔 n.名词 The Nile (埃及)尼罗河 Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁 Sydney ...

宜兴市13331479725: 英语介绍:伟大的世界文明 -
柴毅伤科: Nile conceived ancient Egypt civilization.From the from 4000 B.C. to 7 centry A.D., Egypt experiences successively 31 kings toward, and be close to thousand years of foreign tribe to rule, leave abundant civilization inheritance.Ancient Egypt ...

宜兴市13331479725: 尼罗河是世界上最长的河流,长达4150英里的英文翻译是 -
柴毅伤科:[答案] Nile is the longest river in the world,with 4150 miles length.

宜兴市13331479725: 世界上最长的河是哪一条 -
柴毅伤科: 世界第一长河是非洲的尼罗河,而流域面积最大的是南美洲的亚马孙河.世界第一长河——尼罗河(Nile) 尼罗河位于非洲东北部,是一条国际河流.发源于赤道南部东非高原上的布隆迪高地,干流流经布隆迪、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、苏...

宜兴市13331479725: 鳄鱼的单词 -
柴毅伤科: 鳄鱼的单词:crocodile 短语: 1、crocodile dundee 鳄鱼邓迪(电影名称) 2、crocodile skin (过烧钢酸洗后所呈现的)鳄鱼皮(缺陷) 3、nile crocodile 尼罗河鳄鱼;尼罗鳄 示例: And then I saw this little crocodile. 这个时候,我看到了一只小...

宜兴市13331479725: 世界上著名的河 的 英文名称 -
柴毅伤科: the Yellow River黄河 the Yantze River 长江 the Nero 尼罗河 Yalu River 鸭绿江

宜兴市13331479725: 请介绍一下世界第一长河
柴毅伤科: 世界第一长河就是尼罗河啦~~ 尼罗河(Nile)是世界第一长河,源于非洲东北部布隆迪高原,流经卢旺达、布隆迪、坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、乌干达、扎伊尔、苏丹、埃塞俄比亚和埃及等9个国家,全长6600多公里.最终注入地中海,是世界上流经...

宜兴市13331479725: 有没有描述尼罗河的文字 -
柴毅伤科: 仅供参考 希望对你有帮助 世界第一长河——尼罗河(Nile),非洲主河流之父,位于非洲东北部,是一条国际性的河流.尼罗河发源于赤道南部的东非高原上的布隆迪高地,干流流经布隆迪、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、苏丹和埃及等国,最...

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