翻译句子 并用到括号里的短语 汉译英

作者&投稿:线卷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.The government will put up a new shopping center in the neighborhood.
2.A foolish mistake would bring a lot of involvements to you.
3.He knows the importance of studying from the mistakes.
4.Success can not be measured in terms of money.

1)Simon教授做的关于诗歌的讲座给听众留下了深刻的印象(make a deep impression on ...)
Professor Simon made a presentation on peotry which made a deep impression on the audiences.

2)Tom看了信封一眼,马上认出了父亲的签名(glance at)
Tom glanced at the letter and immediately recognized his father's handwriting.

3)对别人评头论足是很粗鲁的(remark on)
It is rdde to remark on others.

1.如果她不邀请我,我就不去参加她的生日聚会.Unless she invites me, I won't go to her birthday party.
2.你可以借这本书,条件是你不得借给其他任何人。You can / may borrow this book on condition that you will not lend it to anyone else.
3.只要你幸福,我就开心.I will be pleased as long as you are happy.
4.尽管这是一个短暂的假期,但我们都玩得很高兴。Though it was a very short holiday, we had a very good time.
5.虽然她不高兴,但也没说什么。Although she was not happy,she said nothing.
6.无论这个问题有多难,我们都必须尽快解决它。However difficult the problem is ,we must solve it as soon as possible.
7.如果我忘了,请你提醒我一下。Please remind me in case I forget .
8.如果明天不下雨,我们就骑自行车去那里。We will go there by bike if it doesn't rain tomorrow.
9.尽管这件衬衫不怎么好看,因为便宜,我还是买了。Even though this shirt doesn't look good I will take it , for it is cheap.
10.无论发生什么事,我绝不会不管她。Whatever happens, I won't leave her alone.

顺庆区17637354679: 英语翻译英语翻译句子并用上括号内的短语.1,出了大气层,宇宙飞船就不会感受到地球的引力了.(spaceship;gravity) 2,一个宇航员可以在月球表面漂浮,... -
柏佳盐酸:[答案] 1,出了大气层,宇宙飞船就不会感受到地球的引力了.(spaceship;gravity) Out of the atmosphere,the spaceship won't feel the gravity of the earth.2,一个宇航员可以在月球表面漂浮,而不会受到重力影响.(flost,w...

顺庆区17637354679: 翻译下列句子,并用上括号里的词.(仅限今天)
柏佳盐酸: The river flows too fast for the boat to pass through. Cross over the bridge and you can see that school in the village. The teacher gets along with us well like our eder sister. It takes Liu Qiang half an hour to go to school from home by bike.

顺庆区17637354679: 翻译下列英语句子.并用上括号中的词 -
柏佳盐酸: 1. Recently, there are a lot of progress in the pharmacy domain of our country2. Lots of airlines had been delayed because of the heavy fog3. China is the fifth country to set off the satelllite4. the most serious condition is that we did't take any acts to ...

顺庆区17637354679: 汉译英.高中英语句子.并用到后面括号中的相关词组.
柏佳盐酸: 1.More than 60% of school childern can access to computer at their home. 2.She doesn't in tune with his feelings. 3.He announced that he has been abstained from smoking for ten days. 4.Most of the painters can't make a living by drawing. 5.In comparison with big towns,life in big cities are much busier.

顺庆区17637354679: 中文译成英文,并用上括号中的词:1、真没想到,你竟然放弃了去国外读书的机会.(surprising)2、劫后余生的人们通常对生命的理解更深刻.(survive)3... -
柏佳盐酸:[答案] 1、真没想到,你竟然放弃了去国外读书的机会.(surprising) It is surprising that you give up the opportunity to study abroad.2、劫后余生的人们通常对生命的理解更深刻.(survive) Those who have survived a dan...

顺庆区17637354679: 请把下面的句子翻译成英文,并用上括号里的词组. -
柏佳盐酸: 1 我拿不准这本书是谁的(belong to) I don't know whom is this book belong to ?2 布朗先生来到中国寻找更美好的未来.(in search of) Mr Brown go to China in seach of the more better futher.3 他为了做沙发而拆掉了两把旧椅子.(take apart) He ...

顺庆区17637354679: 郑人买履一文中,“何不试之以足.”请翻译句子,并用括号补出省略的内容. -
柏佳盐酸:[答案] 这是《韩非子·外储说左上》里节选的《郑人买履》中的句子.原句属于介词结构后置句,也叫状语后置句.他的正确语序应该是:何不以足试之?句中“以”表示动作行为所用的工具.“以”译为“用”|“拿”.全句的意思是;为什么不用脚去试一试呢...

顺庆区17637354679: 请高手帮忙翻译几个英文句子,并用上括号内的词语 -
柏佳盐酸: 1.You have no need for this to be petty and argue with him2.To celebrate the wedding of my sister, my uncle and aunt arranged for a party3.To his surprise...

顺庆区17637354679: 在括号内补出省略的成分,并用现代汉语解释句子1.( )伏食如故. 2.非牛不闻( ). 3.( )即掉尾奋耳,蹀躞而听. -
柏佳盐酸:[答案] 1 牛 2之(音乐,这指曲名是《清角》的音乐) 3牛 原句:公明仪为牛弹清角之操,伏食如故.非牛不闻,不合其耳矣.转为蚊之声,孤犊之鸣,即掉尾奋耳,蹀躞而听. 翻译:公明仪(人名)为牛弹奏曲名是《清角》的音乐,(牛)低头吃草照旧.不是...

顺庆区17637354679: 翻译英语句子.拒绝机器翻译.务必采用括号内的单词短语翻译. -
柏佳盐酸: 1. The babies. are attracted by bright colors 2. This club is consists of two hundred members 3. he's been broken away from the family. 4. America is divided into 50 states

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