
作者&投稿:禽青 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. so it is love.
2.i have paid so much for the sport lotteries, why not invest me so as to go on with my investment .
3.my love is always in a difficult position, where is the true love?

Reflection of Differences of Chinese and Foreign Cultures in the “Dragon”
Talking about china, people may probably think of the image of a dragon flowing in the sky surrounded by the clouds. Although in the physical world, “dragon” is not an objective existence, the culture of it has been deeply rooted in the heart of Chinese people. From the saint dress of the emperor to the dragon boat in the Dragon Boat Festival, from the descendants of China to the future generations of the “dragon” overseas, “dragon” has been the sacred symbol of all of them. “Dragon” is the totem of China, the symbol of the cohesion of the people of China. In Chinese, “dragon” underlies the meaning of nobility, auspiciousness as well as happiness, while in western cultures; “dragon” has its own specific character and significance.

一、 中国龙为何物
1. 传说中的龙
2. 中国人生活中的龙
First, the definition of “dragon”
The definition of “dragon” in the Modern Chinese Dictionary is “a sacred animal in the ancient Chinese legendary which have scales on the body with horns, and is able to walk, fly, swim, and call for winds and rain. It is used as the symbol of the emperor in the feudal time and carved in the objects used by the emperor.”
1, dragon in legendary
The Chinese dragon originated from the developing and prospering period of the primitive society with a history of eight thousand years. It is a sacred object created from the combination of animals such as fish, crocodile, snake, pig, horse, cow, etc. and natural phenomenon such as cloud, fog, thunder, lightening, and rainbow, etc. Dragon is constantly changing that can be thin and huge, short and long; it can dive to the bottom of the river and soar through the clouds into the sky. Moreover, various virtues and applauding characters are ingrained in the definition of dragon.
2, dragon in the Chinese daily life.
Many other peoples all have legendary about dragon. However, China is the only one that feels honored and respected by the dragon, and have everything somehow related to it. In China, dragon is omnipresent, and the culture of it dates back long time ago.
1.西方人心目中的 Dragon 和中国的龙相去甚远,非常丑陋。在西方文化中,龙是一种类似巨型爬行动物,身上有翅口中喷火的怪物,是邪恶和暴力的标志。长相凶狠的龙也被古代西方人用在盾牌,军旗和徽章上 ,用以起到阻吓敌人的作用。所以龙在西方也是战争的象征。龙是一种可怕的生物,会发出一种令人惊慌的气势,它亦可以使用一些魔法的效果,视乎种类。
影响极大,家喻户晓。有关“dragon”《, 圣经》中有多次描绘,
象征”。西方人认为,dragon 是邪恶的象征,是凶残的怪物,应予
怪物作斗争的事迹,多以怪物被杀为结局。毫无疑问,drag 用来指人也常包含贬义。

Second, the definition of dragon in western countries
1, Dragon in the western concept differs tremendously from the one in China. In western countries, dragon is a monster that looks like a giant reptile with wings on the back and can spray fire from mouth. It is a symbol of evil and violence. Dragon with vicious look was carved on the shield, national flag, and badge by ancient western people to scare away the enemies, so dragon in the west is also a sign of wars. Dragon is a horrible creature that gives out a intensive atmosphere. It can also use magic and ignore other creatures.
2, dragon is an well known and important phenomenon in the western culture that exerts great influence on their lives. In the Bible, dragon is described for many times, and mentioned as its specific form and significance: “a curial monster as the symbol of evilness.” The western people believe that dragon represents evilness and is a vicious monster that deserves eradication. In some legendaries about saints and heroes fighting against the monster “dragon”, dragons are always killed as the ending of the story. There is no doubt it underlies humiliation or distain when referring someone as a dragon.
民族文化交融。民族文化需要与世界文化接轨, 需要在更广
我们应该把中国的优秀文化推向世界, 应该将“龙”文化
等在内的丰富的中国文化介绍给世界, 让世界了解中国的龙应该让更多的丰富的中国文化融入世界大
背景, 不闭关自守, 要走向世界, 与世界文化互动, 成就
补, 才能创造出更灿烂的人类文明

Third, comparison of dragon culture of China and foreign countries
Stimulation of cultures. A culture of a people should be convergent to the world culture and establish positive interactive relationship with developed culture of other peoples under a broader background. We should introduce the excellent Chinese culture to the whole world including the “dragon culture”. In order to let the world understand the Chinese dragon, China culture should dip itself into the broad international environment, open up to the outside world, interact with other cultures and ultimately help accomplish the real “culture globalization”. Only when the western and oriental cultures confront, mix, and compliment with each other, can a glamorous human civilization achieved.


Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing what lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. (很多时候,年轻人能被雇佣是因为一些意外的事情,他们并不知道在获得提拔的机会,快乐和安全感的道路上会有些什么东西)
As a result, they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction.(因此,他们被雇佣去做一些不能使他们变得有自信的工作)
Our school leavers face so much competition that they seldom care what whey do as long as they can earn a living. (我们学校的毕业生面临着如此多的竞争以至于他们很少去关注他们做的是什么工作,只要他们能够赚够生活费就好)Some stay long at a job and learn to like it; (有一些人呆在同一工作岗位上很长时间并且学着去喜欢他们所做的工作)
others quit from one to another looking for something to suit them.(其他人从一个岗位上又换到另外一个只为了寻找适合他们的工作)
The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectation.(离开大学到社会上寻找工作的年轻毕业生们根据自己的意愿提出工资要求)
Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. (但是他们却很少走出校门进入社会去了解他们真正想要的是什么,也没意识到自己的能力)
The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institution. (造成这些困惑的原因是因为在我们的教育制度中还没有正确的专业指导)
Nearly all grope (摸索) in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what salary is like. (几乎所有在黑暗中的摸索以及在找工作的过程中他们最关心的问题就是工资的多少)
They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them. (他们从来不会去考虑自己本身是不是适合这份工作,甚至更重要的是这份工作适合不适合他们)
Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependants with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment.(拥有一份工作比仅仅提供给你自己所赖以生存的食物和钱要有更多的休闲和娱乐)
It sets a pattern of life and, in many ways, determines social status in life, selection of friends, leisure and interest.(它形成了一种生活模式,并且在很多方面,它决定着生活中社会地位,朋友的选择,休闲方式和兴趣)
In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest.(在选择一项事业的时候,你应该首先考虑哪种工作的类型与你的兴趣相符)
Nothing is more pathetic than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents and ultimately make you an emotional wreck (受到严重伤害的人) and a bitter person.(没有什么比你从事一份根本不感兴趣的工作更悲惨的了,因为它不仅不能激励你想要取得成功的欲望,而且会毁灭你的才智,最终使你精神损伤,变得更痛苦)


年轻人让自己被录用,常常是靠偶然,(他们)不知道决定因素是晋升机会、幸福和安全。结果,他们被雇来干 付给他们很少或没有工资的工作。我们的毕业生面对着太多竞争,他们很少关注干什么才能尽可能长时间地谋求生存。有的人长时间地做同一个工作,并且学着喜欢它;有些人则退出一个又一个的工作来寻找适合他们的东西。离校找工作的年轻毕业生们希望(可以给他们)得到高的工资。

求红旗 谢谢





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