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这里介绍的是美国著名诗人 埃兹拉·庞德。他是20世界现代派意象诗人。 Born in Idaho and raised in Pennsylvania, Ezra Pound spent most of his life in Europe and became one of the 20th century's most influential -- and controversial -- poets in the English language. After college in Pennsylvania and a brief stint as a teacher, Pound travelled to Venice and then to London, where he refined his aesthetic sensibilities and edited the anthology Des Imagistes (1914). Pound championed the likes of T. S. Eliot, William Carlos Williams and James Joyce and, influenced by Chinese and Japanese poetry, advocated free meter and a more economical use of words and images in poetic expression. He moved to Paris in 1920 and got acquainted with Gertrude Stein and her circle of friends (which included Ernest Hemingway and Pablo Picasso), then settled in Italy in 1924. . Pound died in 1972.

In Germany, Beethoven is one of the greatest musicians.He was born in Bonn, Germany, the civilian family, have long shown the music talents, eight-year-old began the stage.In 1792, he postgraduate to Vienna, the art of fast progress.Beethoven's Republican belief, advocate the hero, a great deal of creative spirit of the times is full of excellent works.Such as: Symphony "heroes" and "destiny" Overture "mourning Gemeng Te" Piano Sonata "Pathetique," "Moonlight," "Tempest" and "enthusiasm" and so on.26-year-old deaf from the beginning, total deafness in old age, only through conversation and talk of.But the lonely life and his silence and did not retire, in all progressive thinking have been prohibited by the revival of the feudal era, still adhere to "freedom, equality," political convictions, through the words and works for the Republican ideal of Fen-arm shouting, writing The immortal's "Ninth Symphony".His works by 18th-century Enlightenment and the German sturm und drang of the impact of distinct personality than his predecessors have great development.In music performance, he was involved in almost all the music genre; greatly enhance the performance of the piano, and thus obtain symphonic drama of the effect of the symphony and a direct reflection of social change in the form of important music.Beethoven set the Great classical music, romantic music opened up the road, the development of world music has a pivotal role, is known as "Le Saint."
贝多芬是德国最伟大的音乐家之一.他出身于德国波恩的平民家庭,很早就显露了 音乐上的才能,八岁便开始登台演出.在1792年,他到维也纳深造,艺术上进步飞快.贝多芬信仰共和,崇尚英雄,创作了大量充满时代气息的优秀作品.如:交响曲《英雄》、《命运》; 序曲《哀格蒙特》;钢琴奏鸣曲《悲怆》、《月光》、《暴风雨》、《热情》等等.他一生坎坷,并且没有建立家庭.但孤寂的生活并没有使他 沉默和隐退,在一切进步思想都遭禁止的封建复辟年代里,依然坚守“自由、平等”的政治信念, 通过言论和作品,为共和理想奋臂呐喊,写下不朽名作《第九交响曲》.他的作品受十八世纪启蒙运动和 德国狂飙突进运动的影响,个性鲜明,较前人有很大的发展.在音乐表现上,他几乎涉及当时所有的 音乐体裁;大大提高了钢琴的表现力,使之获得交响性的戏剧效果;又使交响曲成为直接反映社会变革的 重要音乐形式.贝多芬集古典音乐的大成,同时开辟了浪漫时期音乐的道路,对世界音乐的发展 有着举足轻重的作用,被尊称为“乐圣”.

Zhang ailing, Chinese modern writers, ZhangYing original name, was born in Shanghai public concessions in the west of megan road 313 of a house built in late qing dynasty imitation of the western a person of extraordinary powers curtilage. Zhang ailing's family ZhangPeiGuan is prominent, grandfather, grandmother MingChen late qing li ju coupling is the elder daughter of li3 hong2 zhang ministers court. Zhang ailing life creation great number of literary works. Types including novels, essays, a movie script and literature works, and her letters were also people as a part of the works to study. 1944 meet with the writer zhang ailing's subject communication. In 1973, settled in Los Angeles, zhang on September 8, 1995, zhang ai-ling's landlord found she died in California west wood, rochester, big way, the apartment, aged 75, dead because atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease.


I have a friend.Her name is Lily.She is from America.She is 20 years old.She has long curly blonde hair,and she has blue eyes.She is very friendly to me.And she has many friends in america.I like her very much.She often write letters to me.She wants to go to China....

●介绍某人 凯恩女士,这位是我的上司佐藤先生。Ms. Kane, this is Mr. Sato, my boss.Ms. Kane, this is my boss, Mr. Sato.Ms. Kane, I would like to introduce my boss, Mr. Sato (to you).Ms. Kane, let me introduce my boss, Mr. Sato (to you).很高兴认识您。Nice to ...

用英语介绍一个人的外貌 带翻译
译文 罗伯特21岁了,他身高大约5.9英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛。浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人。他总是面带微笑,非常友好。他不胖也不瘦,中等身材。注释1 当我们描写一个人的体型的时候,我们也可以分为以下两个部分:(1) 体格(build):fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweigh...

父亲: father,或 dady, 或 day 母亲: mother,或 mom,或 mummy 姐姐、妹妹:sister 哥哥、弟弟:brother 嫂嫂、弟媳:sister-in-law 姐夫、妹夫:brother-in-law 表哥、表姐、表妹、表弟、堂哥、堂姐、堂弟、堂妹:cousin 叔叔、伯伯、姨父、姑父、舅舅:uncle 姨母、姑母、婶婶、舅母、伯母...

grandfather, grandmother MingChen late qing li ju coupling is the elder daughter of li3 hong2 zhang ministers court. Zhang ailing life creation great number of literary works. Types including novels, essays, a movie script and literature works, and her letters were also people as a ...


3. I am innovative.I pay attention to detail and find opportunities where other people see none.我是一个有创新能力的人,关注细节,我可以在别人不在意的地方发现价值。4. I leads people. I can unite people around a vision and motivate a team to excellence.我是有领导能力的人。我可以...

翻译: 在学校,我学语文、数学、英语、电脑等,这些我都很喜欢。我经常帮老师照看班级,是老师的得力助手。我和爸爸妈妈住在一起,每天都按时回家。When I am at home, I often help my mother do some housework and my mother said I am a good helper, too. My mother is a barber.She ...

大学开学用英语自我介绍 带汉语翻译的
Hello,everyone.I am so glad to stand here.First of all,I will introduce myself.My name is...,I am...years old this year.I have many hobbies,such as:reading,dancing,writing and so on.Also I like English very much.I think English is very useful for us,because many many...

as it opens up opportunities to communicate with people from different cultures and to explore the rich history and culture of China.中文翻译:汉语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。它是中国、台湾和新加坡的官方语言,也被全球数百万人使用。汉语是一种声调语言,这意味着一个词的意思会因为声调的...

如东县18269893365: 名人英语介绍汉语翻译 -
蒸婵复方: Zhang ailing, Chinese modern writers, ZhangYing original name, was born in Shanghai public concessions in the west of megan road 313 of a house built in late qing dynasty imitation of the western a person of extraordinary powers curtilage. ...

如东县18269893365: 用英语介绍一位名人加翻译不知于30单词 -
蒸婵复方: Thomas Edison was born in 1847, and died in 1931. When he was a child, he was always trying out new ideas. When he was five years old, one day his father saw him sitting on some eggs. He asked his father,"Hens are able to have chicks. Why ...

如东县18269893365: 外国名人英文介绍以及翻译 英文200字左右 -
蒸婵复方: In Germany, Beethoven is one of the greatest musicians.He was born in Bonn, Germany, the civilian family, have long shown the music talents, eight-year-old began the stage.In 1792, he postgraduate to Vienna, the art of fast progress.Beethoven's ...

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蒸婵复方: 我国当代数学家陈景润, 在攀登数学高峰的道路上, 翻阅了国内外上千本有关资 料,通宵达旦地看书学习,演算研究,最后取得了震惊世界的成就,成为最接近 数学王冠上的明珠——哥德巴赫猜想的第一人.إChen Jing Run, one of the most...

如东县18269893365: 介绍一位名人的英语作文 40字左右 带翻译 -
蒸婵复方: Martin Luther King, Jr. is a black churchman who lived in the 1900s. Negroes were thought to be bad at that time. Born in 1929, Martin Luther King had a dream to change his fortune. He gave lots of speeches about the right of negroes as well as ...

如东县18269893365: 名人介绍(英文版+译文) -
蒸婵复方: 3\Thomas Edison 的 http://baike.baidu.com/view/2218.htm

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蒸婵复方: introduce the celebrities

如东县18269893365: 怎样用英语介绍一些名人?老师现在都要求用不少于5句话来介绍一些历
蒸婵复方: 1.He/She was born in ####./介绍出生年月 2.He/She had a family of ...when he was a child/家庭背景 3.When he/she was ##-year old, he/she .../介绍其过人的地方 4.His/her ...

如东县18269893365: 用英语介绍一位历史名人并说出对自己的影响 -
蒸婵复方:[答案] Thomas Edison was born in 1847,and died in 1931.When he was a child,he was always trying out new ideas.When he was five years old,one day his father saw him sitting on some eggs.He asked his father,"H...

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