
作者&投稿:盛凌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





有一个观点在这些伟大的人在历史的 ,他们都充分利用他们的青春时光,能够做的事情,是非常有用的,对社会、对整个人类,并作为一个 由以后,他们被记住





I am going to America for looking in my husband.

I am going to America for looking in my father.

We are going to stay America for one and half month.

一楼的going to 后面是不是应该加 go to??
所以我觉得应该不要用“going to do”,太肯定。
1. I want to go to the United States to see my husband
2. I want to go to the United States to see my father
3. We will stay in the United States one and a half months

1. I am going to the United States to see my husband
2. I am going to the United States to see my father
3. We will stay in the United States one and a half months

I will go to America to see my husband.

I will go to America to see my father.

I will stay at America about a half and one month.

1. I am going to America for seeing my husband.
2. 同上
3. We will stay in America for one and a half months .

几年后,在她最后的病中,母亲为我的姐姐和弟弟做了不同的事情,“可是桌子,”她又说,“是给伊丽莎白的。”我从来没有看到她生气,从来没见过她哭。我知道她爱我,她表现在行动上。但是作为一个年轻的女孩,我想要的是母亲和女儿之间心灵的沟通 他们从来没有发生过我们之间也出现了隔阂。我太感情...

翻译:1. 她在我们当地的救援组做了2年的志愿者,现在她是一名持证的紧急救护技术员了。2. Army是一名律师,专长于股票和债券公司管理的法律知识,并且她的曲棍球打的很好,她还是学生家庭作业的督学。3. 有一种说法认为工作有时候会难倒人,但是实际上并没有想象的那样难,人们说“嗯,那不是脑...

日本传统上讲间接,让听众能够想出什么样的观点是这样,尽管有美国朋友可能会说,“我不认为那件衣服很相配,你其他的衣服,”日本可能会说,“也许这其他外套看起来甚至比你对-,,美国人的价值的人”会说到点子上了,,,日本公司可能会考虑这样一个人如果不粗鲁不敏感。The Chinese and Japanese languages...

李红:我也很担心。记新单词对我来说太困难了。Wang Junfeng:Me, too. I've worked hard at it for a whole week, but it seems that I haven't made any progress. I don't know what to do. At times I feel like giving up.王俊峰:我也是。我已经努力了一个星期想要克服它,可是...

Good morning\/afternoon every examiner. It’s a great honor for me to stand here to take this interview and have this valuable chance to consult and learn from you all. I will try my best to fully display myself and hope you can remember my name which is called PN. I major...

original materials to produce goods that use recycled materials to produce goods that consume less energy in general. For example: the use of recycling iron and steel production to less energy than the use of new iron and steel less 75 我翻译了半天!!!你采纳我吧。求你了 ...

Beijing *** (2002\/07--2003\/08)Industry: education \/ training company in nature; joint-stock enterprises Market Development: Sales Director Job description: the customer is responsible for the company to transfer the relevant departments; responsible for communication with clients in both ...

帮帮我 翻译一下这段英文 急!!谢谢
A problem has been daected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to you computer 检测到一个问题,WINDOWS已经关闭,避免损坏你的计算机。The problem seems to be caused by the following fie;nv4_disp.dll 可能是下列文件引起的这个问题:PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA If this is ...

I come from Guangdong beautiful, in my hometown Although there is no large number of scenic spots, but many famous people come from Guangdong, such as the famous Sun Yat-sen, such as Kang Yu-wei. In Guangdong there are many well-known entrepreneurs, such as Li Ka-shing, and...

大仙们 帮我翻译一下 谢了
He was a helpful kind of man so he went up to the woman and said, "Let me give you a hand with that package. It looks very heavy."他是那种乐于助人的好男人,于是他总上前去,跟那个女人说“我帮你搬这个包裹吧。看起来挺沉的。”"That's very kind of you." the woman ...

沙坪坝区17740496238: 麻烦帮我翻译一下是什么意思?? -
佛纨亿得: “狮子 to someing to yonung only one to love people make you love me, you love my life” —— 从英语的层面无法翻译……从中式英语的层面……完全忽略语法.—— 狮子你让我变得年轻(这里someing,yonung两个词都是错误的拼写,除非有什么特别的含义)/狮子我有一些话对你说;(这句可能的意思太多了) 你是我唯一喜欢的人 希望你能喜欢我,喜欢我的生活

沙坪坝区17740496238: 英语翻译麻烦帮我翻译下, -
佛纨亿得:[答案] 最好直接致电问一下,如果不能得到确切答复,可以用下面的译法: Shenzhen Huaxinhui Electronics Co.,Ltd.

沙坪坝区17740496238: 麻烦帮我用英语翻译一下
佛纨亿得: Are you happy? Please smile, with good mood!

沙坪坝区17740496238: 麻烦帮我翻译一下
佛纨亿得: that moment is over 已经结束了 you are,you will你是的,你会的 I Don't Care 我不在乎 Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效应

沙坪坝区17740496238: 麻烦帮我翻译一下这句英语 -
佛纨亿得: Some guys are fated to be passersby:'有些人注定是路人'或'有些人命中注定只是过客'.

沙坪坝区17740496238: 麻烦帮我用英语翻译一下几句话 -
佛纨亿得: Feel sorry that the thing is really not to think of like that like you , very much, those photographs are that there my secondary other people is naughty come , haw-haw, has let you lose hope.I am sorry that things are not like you to think, those pictures I ...

沙坪坝区17740496238: 麻烦帮我翻译一下 -
佛纨亿得: I chose to be apart from...(远离什么?人?地方?毒品?不同的东西可以有不同的翻译)

沙坪坝区17740496238: 英语翻译麻烦帮我用英语翻译一下:我们必须小心别人的圈套,应为一旦进去了就很难再出来这个句子.感激不尽!语法一定要正确哦! -
佛纨亿得:[答案] we must watch out for others' snares/traps,because/since once we get trapped we can hardly survive. 语法肯定正确!能力有限!

沙坪坝区17740496238: 麻烦用英语帮我翻译一下...?
佛纨亿得: 1.What are they talking about? 2.Who are you waiting for? 3.Where is this man going? 4.Listen, who is crying in the room? 5.Look, he is playing the guitar.

沙坪坝区17740496238: 麻烦帮我翻译一下.谢谢~~
佛纨亿得: Happy summer holiday. Monday morning, I went to English, take a nap at noon, the afternoon shopping. Tuesday morning, I went to English tutorial, dry home at noon, the afternoon playing basketball. Wednesday morning, I went to English, ...

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